• 写的关于詹姆斯·瓦特、理查德·阿克赖特和约西亚·韦奇伍德的传记奉为是指引工人们度过艰难生活灯塔

    His biographies of James Watt, Richard Arkwright and Josiah Wedgwood were held up as beacons to guide the working man through his difficult life.


  • 这个女人米瑟斯韦特庄园的管家名叫梅德罗克太太。

    The woman was his housekeeper at Misselthwaite Manor, and her name was Mrs. Medlock.


  • 嘉宾作家维韦克·瓦德瓦一个企业家变成学者

    Is an entrepreneur turned academic.


  • 卡罗尔。德韦克动机性格理论研究的首席专家,她发现决定成长毅力关键我们心态

    Carol Dweck, the leading expert in motivation and personality theory, has discovered that the key to growth and perseverance is our mindset.


  • 经过20多年研究德韦克认为心态不是一个微不足道性格特征

    In more than 20 years of research, she's discovered that our mindset is not a minor personality quirk.


  • 文章作者对克林姆林宫是否采纳建议毫无信心,因为现在是普京而不是梅德韦杰夫全权掌握决策权

    The authors have little faith that the Kremlin will take up their Suggestions. Mr Putin, not Mr Medvedev, pulls all strings there.


  • 喜剧演员凯文·哈特韦德亮相乔丹商业活动,他有可能成为乔丹组教练迈阿密说唱明星里克·罗斯可能成为耐克方的教练。

    Comedian Kevin Hart, who has appeared in Brand Jordan commercials with Wade, is expected to coach the Jordan team, while Miami-based rap star Rick Ross is expected to coach the Nike club.


  • 比克妻子德琳电邮里面写到:"兰迪个为作为一个消防员的意义而活着

    Wiebicke's wife, Madeline, said Randy was "a man who lived his life in the spirit of what being a firefighter meant to him.


  • 当晚克林姆林宫红场上举行庆祝活动普京梅德韦杰夫表示祝贺

    Russian President Vladimir Putin hailed on Sunday night the victory of Medvedev at a celebration at the Red Square outside the Kremlin.


  • 波克夏·哈撒公司旗下奈特介私人飞机制造公司首席执行官理查德·山图里说:“市场的待售飞机数量一直增加,这种情况不会改变,除非银行开始贷款

    Until the banks start financing, the amount of planes on the market will continue to grow, ” said Richard Santulli, chief executive of Netjets, a private jet company owned by Berkshire Hathaway.


  • 目前担任耶·诺德队教练伯特马尔韦克将接任荷兰国家队教练的职位。

    Bert van Marwijk, currently in charge of Feyenoord, takes over the REINS as the Dutch manager.


  • 尼德韦德兹克司辛格发现杂志《白垩纪研究上面发表了。

    Niedzwiedzki and Singer's discovery was reported in the journal Cretaceous Research.


  • 3月23日霍尔布鲁克离开贝尔格莱德之后,全力支持下,北约秘书长哈维尔·索拉纳韦斯·克拉克将军下达了空袭命令。

    On March 23, after Holbrooke left Belgrade, NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana, with my full support, directed General Wes Clark to begin air strikes.


  • 正如韦克非尔德医生所建议的那样,可以支付相应费用的英国父母频繁地光顾名医汇聚哈利自己的孩子三次接种疫苗。

    British parents who could afford it frequented plush Harley Street clinics to have their toddlers immunised with three separate jabs, as Dr Wakefield had recommended.


  • 梅德韦杰夫克林姆林宫宏伟镀金大殿里向俄罗斯统治精英发表了演说,在他死气沉沉的演讲中,条关于时区建议很少能引人注意几个元素之一

    Medvedev's time zone suggestion was one of few eyecatching elements in an otherwise lacklustre speech, delivered in the Kremlin's gilded grand palace before Russia's ruling elite.


  • 韦克非尔德医生别人合著的文章1998年发表《柳叶刀》杂志上。这篇文章当时没有引起广泛恐慌:此项研究结果由推理得出,而且范围很小

    The paper that Dr Wakefield co-wrote, published in the Lancet in 1998, was not greeted with widespread alarm: the study was speculative and small.


  • 回国感恩节之前我们到达出访的最后一——科索沃、马德莱娜·奥尔布赖特韦斯·克拉克在那里受到了极为热烈的欢迎

    My last stop before going home for Thanksgiving was in Kosovo, where Madeleine Albright, Wes Clark, and I got a roaring welcome.


  • 勤俭亿万富翁们比如说约翰·考德韦尔戴维·切瑞顿查克·费尼,他们在市区逛喜欢走路骑车或者是乘坐公共交通

    Thrifty billionaires including John Caudwell, David Cheriton and Chuck Feeney prefer to walk, bike or use public transportation when getting around town.


  • 第五场比赛韦德嘲讽德克,他们习惯表现。

    Prior to Game 5 when he and Wade mocked Dirk... that was symbolic of their mindset.


  • 5月24日韦克非尔德医生终于禁止行医,不是因为得出上述结论,而是因为他得出这些结论的方法

    On May 24th Dr Wakefield was at long last banned from working as a doctor, not for reaching the conclusions he did but for the way in which he reached them.


  • 连字符理由特雷西·麦克格雷迪、德维恩·韦德德隆·威廉姆斯、德里克·罗斯杰森·基德拥有大致相同绰号

    Hyphenates: There is no earthly reason that Tracy McGrady, Dwyane Wade, Deron Williams, Derrick Rose, and Jason Kidd should all have basically the same nickname.


  • 尤尔韦特松长期以来一直在培养自己太空航天的兴趣,丰杰公司总部(位于加州门洛帕克市)的办公室散落多年来收集的源自阿波罗时代的美国航空航天局(NASA)物品

    Jurvetson has long cultivated an interest space and spaceflight, and his office at DFJ's Menlo Park, Calif. headquarters is littered with Apollo-era NASA artifacts he's collected over the years.


  • 纽约市水道是曼哈顿岛北端布朗克斯区分界线,并与斯普依登度依韦尔溪一同连结起哈德逊河东河

    A channel in New York City separating the northern end of Manhattan Island from the Bronx. With Spuyten Duyvil Creek it connects the Hudson and East rivers.


  • 泰勒教授呼吁美国南部帮助种植米尔克韦德的君主

    Professor Taylor is urging people in the southern United States to help the monarchs by planting milkweed .


  • 如果普金决定重返坐镇克林姆宫大概是因为认为梅德韦杰夫并不运用权力控制别人。

    If Mr Putin decides to return to the Kremlin it will probably be because he believes Mr Medvedev is too weak to exert control.


  • 公司工业自动化领域拥有领先全球品牌包括艾伦·布拉·德利德控制产品服务以及罗克韦尔软件工厂管理软件。

    The company brings together leading global brands in industrial automation which include Allen-Bradley controls and services and Rockwell software factory management software.


  • 第五场比赛韦德嘲讽德克,他们习惯表现。正确想法应该认真的,深刻尊重达拉斯

    Prior to Game 5 when he and Wade mocked Dirk... that was symbolic of their mindset. The right idea was to really, profoundly respect Dallas.


  • 第五场比赛韦德嘲讽德克,他们习惯表现。正确想法应该认真的,深刻尊重达拉斯

    Prior to Game 5 when he and Wade mocked Dirk... that was symbolic of their mindset. The right idea was to really, profoundly respect Dallas.


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