• 1939年娶了克莱尔·霍尔一个13离婚女人。

    In 1939 he married Clare Hollway, a divorcee 13 years his senior.


  • 但是俄罗斯军事分析家尔·费尔根豪尔警告说,乌克兰可能成为所说克里姆林宫部分恢复俄罗斯这样个宏计划一个目标

    But Russian military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer cautions that Ukraine could be Russia's next target as part of what he says is a grand Kremlin plan for the partial restoration of Russian greatness.


  • 罗利市合作开发项目,该项目使10消防站紧急医疗服务站(EMS)配备容量水箱雨水庭院

    The city of Raleigh and Wake County partnered to develop a project that would retrofit 10 firehouses and one Emergency Medical Service (EMS) station with large capacity cisterns and rain gardens.


  • 出门走进冬季的黑夜中时,纽约成了个庞然那位可爱的女子·兰就其中

    As he went out into the wintry night, New York again became vast and imminent, and May Welland the loveliest woman in it.


  • 为了波什詹姆斯米勒腾出足够薪资空间热火必须交易前锋迈克尔.比斯利,比斯利是2008年NBA选秀第2球员。

    To clear the needed salary cap space for Wade, Bosh, James and Miller, the Heat would need to trade forward Michael Beasley, the No. 2 overall selection in the 2008 NBA Draft.


  • 虽然一个汗水毛孔往往会指纹留下空洞特海姆表示这些空洞拉长显得异常

    Although a person's sweat pores often leave voids in a fingerprint, Wertheim says that these voids were unusually big and elongated.


  • 孟买黄金及引批发市场市场一名黄金商人普拉布·撒克说:“首饰就就意味着含有黄金,现在人们已经支付不起了。”

    "Big pieces of jewellery mean high gold content, but that is no longer affordable," said Prabhu Thakkar, a gold trader based in Mumbai's Jhaveri Bazaar, a wholesale market for gold and silver.


  • 迫于糟糕的考试成绩老师悲惨相遇之压力,和他的伙伴饮酒作乐,宣泄情绪。诺尔和哈亚太兰费莉希蒂的选美一直困扰着

    A dismal exam result and a disastrous encounter with the instructorsend Ben and his lab partner on a binge, Noel and Javier go to Atlantic City,and Felicity's pageant comes back to haunt her.


  • 简卡。犯罪片“动物王国”中的表演获好评,使成为第一个获得奥斯卡提名的籍影片中的澳籍女演员

    There is a lot of admiration too for Jacki Weaver, whose role in crime drama Animal Kingdom has made her the first Australian actress to be Oscar-nominated for an Australian film.


  • 影响了后来诸如约翰加里库伯克拉克盖博吉米斯图尔特等一明星表演方式,出现了《关山飞度》、《正午》、《费城故事》等影片。

    It took stars like John Wayne, Gary Cooper, Clark Gable, and Jimmy Stewart to depict that race of men—and epics like Stagecoach, High Noon, and The Philadelphia Story.


  • 而无数影迷知道约翰·这个名字,是导演拉乌尔·沃尔什拍摄电影《追踪》时给起的。

    Billions of moviegoers knew his as John Wayne after Raoul Walsh renamed him for The Big Trail.


  • 此外应该加强奥司他具有耐药性的H1N1流行性流感病毒社区监督

    In addition, community surveillance for oseltamivir-resistant pandemic H1N1 virus strains should be enhanced.


  • 除了免疫功能低下的患者外,受到对奥司他具有耐药性的H1N 1流行性流感病毒感染者显示典型的简单流感症状

    Except for immunocompromised patients, those infected with an oseltamivir-resistant pandemic H1N1 virus have experienced typical uncomplicated influenza symptoms.


  • 麦克斯精力充沛地喊了声“早啊,皮彻”,就办公桌冲去,仿佛跳过它似的接着,他就头扎等着处理的信件电报里。

    With a 6)snappy “Good-morning, Pitcher,” Maxwell dashed at his desk as though he were intending to leap over it, and then plunged into the great heap of letters and telegrams waiting there for him.


  • 正如库兹喜欢指出那样相比四十年前麻省理工所使用电脑,现在最一般手机只有它的百万分之一价格也只有百万分之一,但功能则数千

    Kurzweil likes to point out that your average cell phone is about a millionth the size of, a millionth the price of and a thousand times more powerful than the computer he had at MIT 40 years ago.


  • 莎拉·西卡·帕克马修·布罗德里克以及他们儿子詹姆斯·基·布罗德里克一周的双胞胎女儿马里恩·洛蕾塔·艾尔儿·布罗德里克()塔比瑟·霍奇·布罗德里克的合影。

    Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew Broderick, and their son, James Wilkie Broderick, pose with week-old daughters Marion Loretta Elwell Broderick, left, and Tabitha Hodge Broderick.


  • 2005年108日,汽车穿越128英里的莫哈沙漠赢得DARPA的机器人竞赛的“挑战”。

    OnOct. 8, 2005, a Volkswagen managed to drive itself 128 miles acrossthe Mojave Desert, to win Darpa’s “Grand Challenge” robotrally.


  • 波士顿夏博来•何得力卡(Chamberlain,Hrdlicka所的•李斯利(Wayne Risoli)的律所在过去一年里律所的客户挖走至少家排名财富500强的公司。

    Wayne Risoli of Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, based in Houston, says his firm has poached at least eight Fortune 500 clients from bigger firms in the past year.


  • 看看此刻小张专辑卡特3

    Consider the hot album of the moment: "Tha Carter III" by Lil Wayne.


  • 全世界检测了H 1 N 1流行性流感病毒1万多个临床标本(样本分离物),发现它们奥司他具有敏感性

    Worldwide, more than 10,000 clinical specimens (samples and isolates) of the pandemic H1N1 virus have been tested and found to be sensitive to oseltamivir.


  • 【马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德2010年1220日讯】出版名鼎鼎词典》的美国梅里厄姆——伯斯特公司(Merriam-WebsterInc.)2010年12月20日公布2010年度词语

    SPRINGFIELD, MASS., December 20, 2010 –Merriam-Webster Inc., America's leading language reference publisher, has announced the Top Ten Words of the Year for 2010.


  • 一个山脉,麦克斯·蒙特斯达到以上的伊师塔地周围12公里阿佛罗狄忒兵马俑已经扩展到数千公里山谷体系

    There is a large mountain range, Maxwell Montes, reaching 12km above the surroundings in Ishtar Terra, while Aphrodite Terra has a vast system of valleys spanning thousands of kilometres.


  • 迎接一消息的片沉默太太由命地叹了口气,座位上起来收拾散落地上张报纸

    The announcement was received in silence. Mrs. Welland sighed resignedly, and May rose from her seat and went to gather up some newspapers that had been scattered on the floor.


  • 史蒂夫IDC公司研究分析总经理专门研究高性能计算HPC),他说IBM数据仓库明显以前存储系统

    Steve Conway, a vice president of research with the analyst firm IDC who specializes in high-performance computing (HPC), says IBM's repository is significantly bigger than previous storage systems.


  • 目前全球保险经纪公司达信怡安莱也都是我们合作伙伴

    At present, the world's top three insurance brokers Marsh, Aon and Willis are our partners.


  • 反正定了拉斯·加斯了。我知道我能的!

    I'm going to Las Vegas anyway. I know I'll win a lot of money!


  • 作为世界活跃火山之一基拉厄火山,在自然奇观名列第十。

    For helping to build paradise, Kilauea, one of the world' s most active volcanoes blasts onto the list at number ten.


  • 作为世界活跃火山之一基拉厄火山,在自然奇观名列第十。

    For helping to build paradise, Kilauea, one of the world' s most active volcanoes blasts onto the list at number ten.


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