• 无所不在松脆的、金色面包条价格似乎概括生活费用上升消费者口袋里现金短缺的现象。

    The price of the omnipresent crisp, golden loaf seemed to epitomize the rising cost of living and the shortage of cash in consumers' pockets.


  • 龙虾饼、火腿松饼、早餐汉堡鸡蛋面包条鲑鱼炒鸡蛋——超过三分之一英国人(34%)这些

    Lobster Benedict, Eggs Benedict, Breakfast Burgers, Egg & Marmite Soldiers, Salmon & Scrambled Eggs – more than a third of the nation (34%) have tried all these.


  • 另一个房间里看到桌子有一把剑面包,他收了起来

    In another room, he saw on a table a sword and a loaf of bread, which he also took.


  • 结算订单时顾客:“哎呀,我忘记新鲜面包了。”

    Just as I finish ringing up an order, a customer will say, "Oops, I forgot to pick up a fresh loaf of bread".


  • 他正用力切着面包

    He was sawing energetically at a loaf of bread.


  • 是的不过锁链朋友能确保面包吃。”诗人回答说

    "Yes, but it is a chain, friend, which ensures you the blessed bread of existence," answered the poet.


  • 顿好的传统英式早餐包括燕麦面包培根鸡蛋西红柿

    A good old English breakfast is that you have a load of cereal and then bacon, eggs, tomatoes.


  • 栏杆外面小贩在兜售袋装袋子上还着水滴;一些售卖看起来干枯面包包。

    Outside the fence, hawkers had dripping bags of sachet water for sale; a few sold dead-looking loaves of bread and fried buns.


  • 回家的路上遇到带着三只小羊,一个抱面包,一着美酒

    On your way there, you will meet three men. One with three young goats, the second one with three loaves of bread and the third one with a skin of wine.


  • 土豆三明治:产自新西兰土豆被放在两旁面包之间,抹上番茄酱。超高糖分含量

    Chip Sandwich, New Zealand. Potato chips between two slices of bread and tomato sauce. Carbohydrate overload.


  • 他们面包,让你在路上充饥。

    They will greet you and they will give you two loaves of bread so you won't starve.


  • 测试覆盖工具旨在修改代码使执行期间留下面包”踪迹(也是我在这一期关注工具名称由来)。

    Test coverage tools modify your code to leave behind a trail of "bread crumbs" during execution (hence the names of the tools I'm targeting in this column).


  • 苏海尔的劝说下,男子保证永远不再抢劫他人之后,店主苏海尔给了男子40美元面包

    He made the man promise never to rob anyone again and when he agreed, Sohail gave him $40 and a loaf of bread.


  • 想到那些痛苦、耻辱时刻我本该、本该没有说、没有的一切,那时为了向别人讨一口面包就要自己变得不如虫子

    I thought of all the things I might have said and done, which I hadn't said or done, in the bitter, humiliating moments when just to ask for a crust of bread is to make yourself less than a worm.


  • 不幸是,很多生活饮食主要匹萨汉堡包热狗面包糖果软饮料炸土豆组成。

    Unfortunally, many people live on a diet that consists mainly of pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, sweets, soft drinks and chips.


  • 午餐简单我们切开面包一数算一算怎样分配然后面包涂上各种酱料。

    Lunch is simple. We slice a loaf, count the pieces, do the arithmetic to discover entitlement, and cover this allotment with a variety of spreads.


  • 例如小麦成本面包总成本5%。

    Wheat, for instance, accounts for only about 5% of the cost of an average loaf of bread.


  • 总是面包——新鲜面包美分,干面包五美分可买两

    He always bought two loaves of stale breadfresh bread was five cents a loaf and stale ones were two for five.


  • 玛莎小姐迅速地面包上分别深深地刀,慷慨地加进了好多黄油然后面包压实。

    With a bread knife Miss Martha quickly made a deep slash in each of the stale loaves, inserted a generous quantity of butter, and pressed the loaves tight again.


  • 吃完四个煎饼熏肉牛奶喝得只剩杯后,在嚷饿于是做了三个拿家里面包做了吐司

    After four hot-cakes, eight strips of bacon, and all but two small glassfuls of the pitcher of milk, I complained of hunger, so she made me three eggs and a half loaf of toast from home-baked bread.


  • 大家确实很喜欢,最受欢迎的还是面包虫燕麦面包鸡块肉圆咸,配方已经做了调整

    The recipes for chicken nuggets and meatballs, which were "too salty," have been tweaked.


  • 大家确实很喜欢,最受欢迎的还是面包虫燕麦面包鸡块肉圆咸,配方已经做了调整

    The recipes for chicken nuggets and meatballs, which were “too salty, ” have been tweaked.


  • 这种鞋楦一般来说裹着整个,在鞋底中部缝合线

    The slip last basically looks like the upper is wrapped all the way around the foot and there is one line of stitching down the middle of the shoe under the insole.


  • 男人拿着面包走进面包:“面包在你这儿的,味道糟糕。”

    A man enters a bakery with a loaf of bread, "I bought this bread here, and it tastes bad."


  • Kahiye称,钱德勒夫妇曾经藏匿海上船上现在隐藏近海的陆地上,面包辆沙滩负责转移他们。

    According to Kahiye, the Chandlers had been held on a ship at sea, but were now in coastal areas and travelling in two minibuses and an all-terrain vehicle.


  • 其中的 declare @method语句类型间声明

    The aspect contains a declare @method statement and an inter-type declaration.


  • 其中的 declare @method语句类型间声明

    The aspect contains a declare @method statement and an inter-type declaration.


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