• 静态连接允许方面定义成员

    Static join points allow aspects to define new members on a class.


  • 这种静态连接导致调用特定版本也就是使用早期绑定

    This static wiring results in calling a specific version, that is, early binding is used.


  • 这虽然松散脚本文件文件集合方式好很多,却没有静态连接执行文件或可执行的JARs那样方便

    While far better than loose script files or collections of class files, it is not as convenient as statically linked executables or executable JARs.


  • 如果在没有事先获得函数指针的情况下直接调用函数(也就是说,编译时静态连接mswsock.lib,程序中直接调用函数),那么性能将很受影响

    Calling the function without previously obtaining a function pointer (that is, by linking with mswsock.


  • 以前单个静态SSL配置必须处理任何给定协议所有出站连接

    Previously, a single static SSL configuration had to handle all outbound connections for any given protocol.


  • 资源适配器只能执行静态检测也就是说执行那些不需要连接后台系统的检测。

    The resource adapter is permitted to perform only static checks, that is, those that can be performed without connecting to the back-end system.


  • 动态不同,在编译应用程序静态目标代码进行连接并且因此成为应用程序一部分

    The object code of static libraries, as opposed to dynamic link libraries, is linked when the application compiles and, as such, becomes a part of the application.


  • 流程通过静态绑定机制连接合作者服务流程发布的时候产生

    A process connects to its partners using a static binding mechanism, which is generated at the time of process deployment.


  • 允许使用同一个TCP连接发送多个请求从而大大提高呈现静态HTML图像速度。

    This, in turn, allows multiple requests to be sent down over the same TCP connection, dramatically speeding up the serving of static HTML documents and images.


  • 结果必须同时考虑用于静态数据HTTP连接数量

    The results must take into account the number of HTTP connections for static data at the same time.


  • 上面这个表中模块1静态的方式连接CRT模块23以动态的方式连接到CRT,模块2和3之间可以相互传递CRT所用有的对象

    In the above diagram, Module 1 is linked to the CRT statically, while Modules 2 and 3 are linked to the CRT dynamically. Modules 2 and 3 can pass CRT owned objects between them freely.


  • 工厂保留连接线程静态映射可以线程进行调用返回现有连接创建存储连接句柄。

    The factory class keeps a static map of the threads that have been connected and can either return the existing connection handle, or create and store the connection handle when called by a thread.


  • 使用静态服务绑定时使用这两个lob;可选伙伴链接代表外部服务的连接

    Both LOBs are used only if a non-static binding of services is used; optional Partner links, which represent connections to external services.


  • getCreateConnection()方法使用静态哈希确定是否可以返回现有连接需要进行创建

    The getCreateConnection() method uses a static hash table to determine if either an existing connection can be returned, or needs to be created.


  • 通过目标小部件格式显式定义个ReceivedEvent可以一个静态页面连接两个事件

    You can wire two events together in a static page by explicitly defining a ReceivedEvent in the target widget's micro format.


  • 因此,数据源可能MySQL数据库网络连接可能静态XML文档基于文件连接

    So a data source might represent a networked connection to a MySQL database, or a file-based connection to a static XML document.


  • 索引可以提高静态进行连接速度允许调用库中的例程而不考虑它们中的实际位置

    The index speeds up linking with the static library and allows routines in the library to be called, irrespective of their actual placement inside the library.


  • 连接上下文提供静态类型化好处

    This gives the benefit of static typing for join point context.


  • 如果技术连接不可需要手动配置这些JMS实体使用静态队列代替

    If technology connectors are not used, you'll need to manually configure these JMS entries to use static queues instead.


  • 通常SCA客户端使用SCA连接调用人工任务组件,也就是静态绑定对应任务

    Usually, SCA clients call human task components using an SCA wire, that is, they are statically bound to the corresponding tasks.


  • 与使用静态sca连接不同作为调用流程的一部分指定调用流程流程模板名称

    Instead of a static SCA wire, you specify the process template name of the process to be invoked as part of the calling process.


  • 伟大服务器静态IP地址的表示,决不会改变并不是非常适合的服务器家庭宽带连接

    This is great for servers that have static IP addresses that never change, but it's not well-suited for servers that are on home broadband connections.


  • 指定连接(绑定)静态结构图某个模板

    Connects (binds) designated arguments to a template's formal parameters in your Static Structure diagram.


  • 结构上来说,阁楼基点以及中心家具四根排成静态相关连接梁支撑。

    Structurally, the basis of the old attic as well as the central furniture piece rests upon four static relevant wooden connections standing in a row.


  • 高速因特网连接一个静态ip位的时候,我可以有时记住那些数目

    When I used a static IP address on my high-speed Internet connection, I could sometimes memorize those Numbers.


  • 盆地输导体系连接圈闭的纽带,是油气成静态要素和动态过程的统一体。

    Passage systems of rift basins are linkage between source rock and trap, and unification between static factors and dynamic factors of forming reservoir.


  • 提出一种新的神经网络模型时滞标准神经网络模型(DSNNM),线性动力学系统静态时滞非线性算子连接而成。

    A novel neural network model, named delayed standard neural network model (DSNNM), is proposed, which is the interconnection of a linear dynamic system and a bounded static delayed nonlinear operator.


  • 是的工作好了就是静态来实现的,因为使得连接东西不是简单。

    Yes, that works just fine. It's how static libraries are implemented, because that makes it easier for the linker to not pull in things that aren't used.


  • 估计个单属性关系连接属性上取相同个数方法两种:静态估计动态估计法。

    There are two methods to estimate the number of the same values of two single-attribute relations in join's attribute:static estimation and dynamic estimation.


  • 电视广告中的连接想法变得生机勃勃,喜欢含蓄喜怒无常不是所有跳跃快速即使静态的应用程序,正是试图做的。

    In the TV spot the connecting idea comes alive and I like how it's subtle and moody, rather than all jumpy and fast, and even in static applications you get exactly what it's trying to do.


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