• 来自美国威斯康辛麦迪逊大学人类学家遗传学家约翰·克斯指出人类已经建立起了一个自然选择违背生活型态

    John Hawks, an anthropologist and geneticist at the University of Wisconsin Madison, says we've created a lifestyle that is at odds with the one natural selection provided us with.


  • 我们希望运营那的线路,只是光纤,”斯科梅尔,并且补充说索网络最初建立就是因为电信运营商不能提供这种小众服务

    We'd like to run a fibre out there, but it would only be a single pair, " says Scammel, adding that Sohonet was originally set up because the telcos couldn't offer the kind of niche service he does.


  • 全球之声建立贡献,他在成立大会上给身处一隅世界人民博客写手一个新的名称桥梁博主”。

    Hoder had contributing to the founding of Global Voices, attending its first meeting and coining the term "bridge blogger" for those who wrote in one country but for a global audience.


  • 阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多伟大男巫之一,是格沃兹魔法学校校长建立了凤凰社。

    Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is one of the greatest living wizards, the headmaster of Hogwarts, and founder of the Order of the Phoenix.


  • 保留地也1868年建立之初的330万英亩扩大到了今天的1700万英亩,地跨亚利桑那犹他以及墨西哥三个州。

    And the Navajo reservation, established in 1868, has expanded from roughly 3.3 million acres to more than 17 million in Arizona, Utah and New Mexico.


  • 正在研究是否英国可以效仿德国劳恩·研究所(Fraunhofer institutes)建立网络网络企业提供可行研究

    He is exploring whether Britain could emulate the network of Fraunhofer institutes in Germany, which provide industry with applied research.


  • 我们之间伴关系的真正建立始于60年前同样的一个夏天当时美国第一飞机降落这里坦佩尔机场。

    Ours is a partnership that truly began sixty years ago this summer, on the day when the first American plane touched down at Tempelhof.


  • 20世纪40年代母亲捐资建立了现在邓宁-图书馆

    In the 1940s she and her mother donated property to establish what is now the Dunning-Hough Library.


  • 事实上我们英国建立了一大学四个校区,国际商学院

    Actually we've run the university in England, we have four universities called Hult International Business School.


  • 年后义军同盟冰冻星球建立一个基地

    Three years later, the Alliance had set up a new base on the frozen world of Hoth.


  • 于是两个相距甚远殖民地1607年建立起来了:靠近缅因州肯纳贝克河口的萨加达克,一个位于今天的弗吉尼亚洲

    So two widely separated colonies were established in1607: one at sagadahoc near the mouth of the kennebec river in maine; the other in modern virginia.


  • 网络t参数理论计算,是通过建立基尔电压电流方程经过代数运算求出t参数。

    The theory calculation of double network t reference data, based on the kirchhoff equation of electric voltage and current to get t reference data through algebra calculation.


  • 根据傅里叶传热定律基尔夫导电定律,建立阳极电解槽阳极传热、导电数学模型

    According to Fourier's law and Kirchhoff's law, a mathematical model of prebaked anode current and temperature fields of aluminum reduction cell was built.


  • ·斯特,一个充满了独特魅力的,位于加州中部小镇1872年农场主农民建立的。

    Hollister, a town with Central California independence and charm, was established by ranchers and farmers in 1872.


  • 排除了所有建议后,特里奥·库鲁斯决定冰雪星球建立基地

    Despite other Suggestions, Trioculus decided on the ice planet of Hoth as a new base.


  • 最终多诺同事建立一个机械可以附加失去四肢

    Eventually, Donoghue and his colleagues also want to build a robotic arm that can be attached like a prosthetic for people who have lost limbs.


  • 分析了噪声沥青混凝土路面降低轮胎噪声机理建立低噪声沥青混凝土路面声学模型亥姆共振器模型分析计算了声波的共振频率

    The mechanism for low noise asphalt pavement to lower tyre noise is analyzed. A acoustical model is put forward. The resonance frequency of sound wave is analyzed with Helmholtz resonator model.


  • 里斯本当年船员们在塔进入大西洋入海口建立曾经欧洲富有的都市以及世界探险中心

    Built by seafarers where the Tagus River empties into the Atlantic, Lisbon was once Europe's wealthiest capital and a center of world exploration.


  • 提出一个建立基尔定则及其对偶定则基础之上线性电路解法,只需对网络图结构进行分析列写任何电路方程式

    A solution of linear circuit based on Kirchhoff"s rule and its dual rule is presented. By means of this solution, analysis are required to the structure of graph, no any circuit equations are needed."


  • 提出一个建立基尔定则及其对偶定则基础之上线性电路解法,只需对网络图结构进行分析列写任何电路方程式

    A solution of linear circuit based on Kirchhoff"s rule and its dual rule is presented. By means of this solution, analysis are required to the structure of graph, no any circuit equations are needed."


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