• 本文基于提出采用“预留空隙率”参数设计水性沥青混合料的方

    The paper proposed a new parameter "reserved air void" based on the Bailey Method, by which to design mix proportion of porous asphalt mixture.


  • 制品大型水泥回转窑冷却带使用效果达到了西德雷法公司同类产品水平。

    The application of the brick in large dry-method cement kiln has shown good results which can be compared to the similar import brick from German.


  • 但是,人们普遍抱怨确立教育正当公民权理想观正在削弱。

    But running beneath the specific complaint, Refalo said, was a general impression that the ideals of good citizenship in French education as laid down by Ferry were being eroded.


  • 阿兰雷法洛,一位来自西南部绿树成荫图卢兹市的资深小学教师认为应该采取行动的时候了。

    TOULOUSE, France, July 10 — Alain Refalo, a veteran elementary schoolteacher in this luxuriant corner of southwestern France, decided enough was enough.


  • 洛,生得一张孩子气,留着背头,身材瘦小的男子图卢兹郊区Colomiers渡轮小学,教书载。

    Refalo, a slight man with a boyish face and swept-back hair, has taught for years at Jules Ferry Elementary School in the Toulouse suburb of Colomiers.


  • 雷法洛不同意给学生补课相反利用课外的时间组织戏剧讲习班着眼于鼓励10岁左右的学生表达自己深入探讨文学

    Instead of doing remedial work, Refalo used the extra time to organize theater workshops, with an eye to encouraging his 10-year-old pupils to express themselves and to delve into literature.


  • 跑向右边线,向内场闪躲,左脚射出一弧线球。

    Farrell raced up the right touchline, dodged infield and curled a shot with his left foot.


  • 克里斯蒂安·起初共享单车很担忧承认:“高兴看到人们自行车。”

    Christian Farrell said initially he was concerned about bike-share, though, he admitted, "I was happy to see people on bikes."


  • 来自克里斯托弗大街北边西大街海滨自行车克里斯蒂安·起初共享单车很担忧,承认,“开心看到人们自行车。”

    Christian Farrell of Waterfront Bicycle Shop, on West St. just north of Christopher St., said initially he was concerned about bike-share, though, he admitted, "I was happy to see people on bikes."


  • 我们大多数即将入睡时——不管我们身处哪个国家——可能打电话,还在写作或者计划应该去哪里以及哪些未曾诉说故事需要大白于天下。

    When most would be going to bed - in whatever country we would find ourselves - Farrell would still be on the phone, still writing or planning where he should be, what untold story needed telling.


  • 史蒂芬·第一绑架2004年的伊拉克

    The first time Stephen Farrell was kidnapped was in Iraq in 2004.


  • :“我们决心必要警察权力处理那些他们要进行身份辨识的案子。”

    "What we're determined to do is give police the powers they need to establish identity in those instances where they need to do so," he said.


  • 如果的情况符合这些条件,那么允许通过埃及(或者偶尔以色列)两个过境点出境,也常常得不到保证。

    If you fit into one of these categories, you may be allowed to leave through Egypt's Rafah crossing, and occasionally Israel's Erez crossing. But even this is not guaranteed.


  • 父亲一位二战时的飞行员他的母亲(她是想象到的无私的那种家长)都非常热爱自然界尔可以蜥蜴和老鼠宠物

    His father, a Second world War pilot, and his mother (" the most unselfish parents you could imagine ") adored the natural world and Farrell would 'keep snakes, lizards and rats as pets.


  • 对于尔来说不够,在离此处东北方向一百英里地方,如同蝴蝶一般,一个玻璃圆顶的蝴蝶圣殿正在奥尔比斯附近绿野当中显现

    But that's not enough for Farrell. A hundred miles northeast of here, a glass-domed temple to winged insects is emerging from a green field near st Albans, like a butterfly from its chrysalis.


  • 我对于亚当斯史密斯托马斯想念,现在亨利加斯我们俱乐部,我们的球员。

    It was Adams, Smith, Thomas back then... now it's toure, Henry, Fabregas, but the sense of association remains. Our club.


  • 但是这个梦想差点变成噩梦因为拿到福彩资助资金,这个项目推迟好几

    But the dream almost turned into a nightmare; the project was delayed for several years when Farrell failed to get Lottery funding.


  • 突发性新闻摄影大奖迈阿密先驱报翠克获得。拍摄了大量震撼人心的经过飓风摧残海地图片

    The prize for breaking news photography went to Patrick Farrell of the Miami Herald for his images from Haiti of the destruction left by a hurricane.


  • 这个阿根廷球员即将离开同胞·奥里奥的合同将到期这意味着主教练罗伊·霍奇森必须尽快找寻一个新的左后卫

    The Argentinian's imminent departure, combined with fabio aurelio being released after his contract expired, means manager Roy Hodgson's priority is finding a new left-back as soon as possible.


  • 然而姆·米罗的传记中,也绝不干巴巴计算机器

    Yet he was far more than a desiccated calculating machine, as Graham Farmelo's biography shows.


  • 蝴蝶不是在的花园里找到理想住所唯一一种生物

    Butterflies aren't the only species to have made a dream home in Farrell's garden.


  • 尔立刻就开始买下周围土地它们变成蝴蝶幻境

    Straight away, Farrell set about buying the surrounding area and turning it into a butterfly wonderland.


  • 布里西奥·拥有一家工程公司2006年的大选中为胞弟筹款竞选

    Fabricio Correa, who has an engineering business, acted as his brother's fund-raiser during his election campaign in 2006.


  • 为了避免自己伦敦的卧室兼起居室里“彻底疯掉”,笼子里喂养大蚕蛾

    To stop himself going "completely mad" in his London bed-sit, Farrell bred giant silk moths in a cage.


  • 这位公爵是个蝴蝶爱好者,他同意接见尔。

    The Duke, a butterfly enthusiast, agreed to meet Farrell.


  • 尽管绑架过两次,但勇于冒险尔行事十分小心。由于工作原因,时常出入危险环境试图化险为夷。

    Despite having been kidnapped twice, Farrell is a careful risk taker - trying to manage the threat in the many hostile environments his work has taken him.


  • 海伦m .,医学博士,哈佛医学院讲师波士顿斯·雅各医疗中心心理医生

    Helen M. Farrell, M.D., is an instructor at Harvard Medical School and a staff psychiatrist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.


  • 尔把称为登上天堂的梯子。

    Farrell calls it his stairway to heaven.


  • 尔把称为登上天堂的梯子。

    Farrell calls it his stairway to heaven.


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