• 就是当时在毒害家庭的毒药。”福利改革政策分析师罗伯特·雷克

    "It was a toxin that was poisoning the family," says Robert Rector, a welfare-reform policy analyst.


  • 上完学,戈尔德施密特成了作曲家兹·雷克弟子。

    After his education, Goldschmidt became a pupil of the composer Franz Schreker.


  • 1799年12月华兹华斯和桃乐茜搬到他们第一个在雷克兰的家。

    In December 1799 Wordsworth and Dorothy moved into their first Lakeland home.


  • 雷克其他一些人认为一旦依赖习惯打破”,那么国家就可以做出其他旨在提高生活水平政策改变

    Rector and others argued that once "the habit of dependency is cracked," then the country can make other policy changes aimed at improving living standards.


  • 雷克托尔投了反对票。

    Rektor voted against it.


  • 吉尔伽美什雷克半神国王

    Gilgamesh is the semidivine king of Erech.


  • 正如哈里森·弗雷克(HarrisonFraker)所论证那样,超级区块实际上成为了封闭的特权社区

    As Harrison Fraker argues, superblocks in effect become gated communities of privilege.


  • 2005年丰田被判其早期普锐斯、雷克·萨斯rx400 h侵犯斯伐林斯基专利权

    Toyota was found in a 2005 trial to have infringed Severinsky's patent on torque technology used in earlier versions of the Prius, Lexus RX400h and hybrid Toyota Highlanders.


  • 雷克指出信息发布可能一个更大趋势一部分:科学智能社群意识他们共同关心环保问题

    Gleick noted that the information release could be part of a larger trend in which the scientific and intelligence communities realize that they share a concern for environmental problems.


  • 加州再生医学研究所(Cirm)称这项法院裁决打断诸如糖尿病雷克氏症等疾病医疗研究进展

    The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (Cirm) said the court order would disrupt advances in research for cures to diseases such as diabetes and Lou Gehrig's.


  • 因为这些无形因素,雷克·萨斯一直不能全球车品牌的第一交椅。坦普林必然前任一样觉得沮丧

    Like his predecessors in the Lexus job, however, he must be frustrated by the brand's inability to establish itself solidly in the top rank of global luxury brands because of something so intangible.


  • 据称两个巴基斯坦是阿沙德汗。但是名警官阿沙德所持的一张伪造身份证,而并不是真名。

    They were known here as Arshad Khan and Tareq Khan, although one police official said that Arshad was not the man's real name and that he carried a fake identity card.


  • 美国人停留类似阿雷克西•托维尔19世纪发现他们的那样:”这么幸运,在丰盛的物质中躁动不安”。

    Americans too have remained much as Alexis de Tocqueville found them in the 19th century: “So many lucky men, restless in the midst of abundance.”


  • 跟记者描述周五葬礼鲁尼家人情况时,马尼恩-雷克:“他家里一个成员都面前对我谢谢。”

    Describing the Looney family's presence at Friday's burial ceremony, Manion-Borek said that "every single one of them came up to me and said, Thank you."


  • 此外LFA雷克·萨斯旗下其它车型不太搭调,因为雷克·萨斯常常骄傲地宣传自己其他品牌拥有更多混合动力车型

    Besides, the LFA seems weirdly out of phase with the rest of Lexus's lineup, since Lexus prides itself on having more hybrids than any other luxury car brand.


  • Technoride的报告以上2款分别纳入丰田以及雷克·萨斯的品牌第三普锐斯也将加入其中该车将会在明年发布。

    According to Technoride, the two vehicles will be allotted to the Toyota and Lexus brands respectively, and will add to the third generation Prius, due out next year.


  • 最近几个月汽车制造商已经召回成百上千其他车辆包括召回周一宣布可能导致熄火雷克·萨斯豪华汽车修复发动机问题

    In recent months, the automaker has recalled hundreds of thousands of other vehicles, including a recall announced Monday to fix an engine problem in its Lexus luxury cars that could cause stalling.


  • 雷克·萨斯当下可能应该自己擅长事情上下工夫——也就是质量可靠性客户服务同时祈祷顾客的情感联系能够水到渠成。

    Lexus may just have to focus on what it does bestquality, reliability, customer service — and hope that its strong connection with its customers comes along that way.


  • 鲁尼妻子埃米听到噩耗的时候,“口里出来的一句话就是,‘这样的话,安葬在特拉维斯旁边,’”马尼恩-雷克说道

    When Looney's wife Amy first heard the news, "the first thing that came out of her mouth was, 'well then he has to be buried next to Travis,'" Manion-Borek said.


  • 刚才卡米尔•特雷克传给了一个网址链接上边拉尼斯瓦夫斯基创作精致随笔,发布地址是“犹太人杂志契约”的网站。

    I have just (hat-tip Kamil Tchorek) been sent a link to this masterly essay by Stanislaw Krajewski, in the online Jewish magazine Covenant.


  • Galdos Systems(一家擅长整合城市地理数据公司)的罗恩雷克,地球浏览器带来的冲击使得公众更好访问数据

    Ron Lake of Galdos Systems, a firm thatspecialises in integrating civic geodata, says geobrowsers have led to a pushfor better public access to such data.


  • 周一召回声明全世界270,000辆雷克·萨斯更换气门弹簧一个发动机的至关重要组件,其某些型号存在瑕疵引起熄火

    The recall announced Monday of 270,000 Lexus vehicles worldwide will replace valve springs, a crucial engine component, that are flawed and could cause stalling in some models.


  • 雷克·萨斯(丰田奢侈品牌)展示混合动力汽车模型兰德路华、保时捷奔驰宝马(劳斯莱斯拥有者)混合动力车

    Lexus (the luxury brand of Toyota) showed off seven petrol-electric hybrid models, while Land Rover, Porsche, Mercedes and BMW (the owner of Rolls-Royce) all had hybrids on show.


  • 年前丰田召回2007款2008款丰田凯美瑞雷克·萨斯es350,因为两款车的油门下卡住。这次召回预示同年秋季大规模的召回。

    Three years ago, it recalled 2007 and 2008 Toyota Camrys and Lexus ES 350s because the accelerator could stick under floor MATS, a precursor to a much bigger recall last fall.


  • 虽然这数量增加但是仍然有大约五成奢侈品公司不会做网络销售。"Yoox集团创始人,Yoox.com(一个奢侈品网站)的拥有者费得雷克.切提估计

    That figure has risen, but still about half of firms don’t sell online at all, estimates Federico Marchetti, the founder of Yoox Group, owner of Yoox.com, a luxury-goods website.


  • 内政部长雷克·埃尔·艾萨米(TarekelAissami)自从美国药品管理局离开后逮捕移交其他国家的资深毒贩达69名,很多都是移交给美国。

    Tarek el Aissami, the interior minister, says that since the DEA left Venezuela has arrested and handed over to other countries 69 high-level traffickers, many to the United States.


  • 没有braaains雷克·萨斯suv系列:路虎rangeRover,SportLR4拥有跟雷克·萨斯gx一样系统即使是越野菜鸟也能驾驭险峻的道路

    Luxury SUVs without braaains: Like the Lexus GX, the Land Rover Range Rover, Range Rover Sport and LR4 have systems that let even novice off-roaders handle the toughest trails.


  • 没有braaains雷克·萨斯suv系列:路虎rangeRover,SportLR4拥有跟雷克·萨斯gx一样系统即使是越野菜鸟也能驾驭险峻的道路

    Luxury SUVs without braaains: Like the Lexus GX, the Land Rover Range Rover, Range Rover Sport and LR4 have systems that let even novice off-roaders handle the toughest trails.


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