• 天晚上浮冰突然断裂成两时,雪克证明了还是不辞行动

    One night, when the ice floe suddenly cracked in half, Shackleton proved he was also a man of action.


  • 文章介绍了生产涤纶细特丝织布290T雪克产品原料选择工艺流程设备型号工艺设计过程

    The process of weaving 290T Xue-ke fabric with superfine Tex polyester filament is introduced from the aspects of material selection, technological process, equipment type, technology design, etc.


  • 弗莱债务4.29亿欧元,只是一个小贩

    Schefenacker, with total debts of euro429m, was a tiddler.


  • 为了利用英国灵活破产法今年四月弗莱进行迂回的重构,总部德国英国。

    In April it emerged from a tortuous restructuring, during which it moved its headquarters from Germany to Britain to take advantage of the flexible insolvency laws there.


  • 没有国际象棋上巴比·更强同样,即便编程语言技巧为众人所只有扎伯格能够这些语言和技巧一个社交网站联系起来。

    Nobody was ever better at chess than Bobby Fischer. Likewise, programming languages and techniques are widely known, but it was Zuckerberg who intuited how he could link them with a networking site.


  • 上议院画像中,范·抓住几乎象征上层阶级英伦情调生活那种异国情调。

    The Van Dyck Shirleys capture the enchantment with exoticism that seems almost as emblematic of upper-class English life as the portraits of lords and dogs on view.


  • 帕默利谈起菲拉格慕这个事件赞同的分析,主张不要透露任何信息

    Palmer speaks to Sherry about Ferragamo, and she agrees with Mike Novick’s assessment to not reveal anything.


  • 新版影片将场景设置中国片中12岁的主角德雷·(贾登•史密斯饰)随单亲妈妈·帕(泰拉吉•汉森饰)一同移居中国。

    But the new version is set in China, where the title character, a 12-year-old named Dre Parker (Jaden Smith), has moved with his widowed mother Sherry Parker (Taraji P Henson).


  • 帕默卡尔的自白录音带播放·诺听。

    Palmer plays the Carl confession tape for Sherry and Mike Novick.


  • 可能认为雷·约翰逊(Clay Johnson)——透明度活动家——乐于看到自己屏幕上弹出只戴着鹿帽、拿着放大镜

    YOU might think that Clay Johnson, a campaigner for transparency, would be pleased to see a ferret, with a deerstalker hat and magnifying glass, pop up on his screen.


  • 名字·扎伯格创造了Facebook,他20出头就成为十亿级的富翁,而且他让想起了国际象棋神童巴比·费

    His name is Mark Zuckerberg, he created Facebook, he became a billionaire in his early 20s, and he reminds me of the chess prodigy Bobby Fischer.


  • 名字·扎伯格创造了Facebook,他20出头就成为十亿级的富翁,而且他让我想起国际象棋神童巴比·费

    His name is Mark Zuckerberg he created Facebook he became a billionaire in his early 20s and he reminds me of the chess prodigy Bobby Fischer.


  • 这部罗兰·兰德尔(Roland Crandall )精心制作了个月的动画短片,成为费兄弟工作室名著

    The film was developed over six months by Roland Crandall as his masterpiece at the studio.


  • 德国西南部法兰福市菲尔德山上覆盖盏灯,摄于1130日。

    A lamp covered with frozen snow shines on top of the Feldberg mountain near Frankfurt, central Germany, on a cold Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2010. AP / Michael Probst


  • 的形成需要热和个条件;前者蒸发作用,后者起凝结作用(约翰·卢布)。

    To produce snow requires both heat and cold; the first to evaporate, the second to condense John Lubbock.


  • 而且如果离开守夜人的话恢复自己史塔身份,从而名正言顺地与现任守护占领了他们冬城的波家族战斗

    And if Snow leaves the Watch, it would allow him to rally the remaining Stark loyalists in a battle against the Boltons, who are currently ruling over the North from Jon's family home Winterfell.


  • 耶路撒冷沙尔戴医疗中心所有患者中,每一人从事的工作要求平均智商达到120以上

    Around one in three people of working age who were patients of the Gaucher Clinic at the Shaare Zedek Medical Centre in Jerusalem had professions requiring an average IQ of more than 120.


  • 总而言之,杰瑞·莉斯·汤姆·斯,霍华德·辛德勒吉姆·迪玛利亚保罗·拉巴他们老师比尔·哈特都能力用丹尼斯原则交易

    The bottom line is that Jerry Parker, Liz Cheval, Tom Shanks, Howard Seidler, Jim DiMaria, Paul Rabar, and their teacher Bill Eckhardt had entrepreneurial skills beyond trading Dennis's rules.


  • 帕默利谈起菲拉格慕这个事件赞同的分析,主张不要透露任何信息

    Palmer speaks to Sherry about Ferragamo , and she agrees with Mike Novick's assessment to not reveal anything.


  • 史塔家族徽章白底的灰色冰原,那么诺的标志将会白色冰原狼。

    House Stark's sigil is a gray direwolf on a white background, which means Jon Snow's banners will show a white wolf on a gray background.


  • 16帮助托马斯•费尔法勋爵考察兰多陆地1754被任命为中校,他参加次小规模战争,那场战争后来演变法战争。

    At 16 he helped survey Shenandoah lands for Thomas, Lord Fairfax. Commissioned a lieutenant colonel in 1754, he fought the first skirmishes of what grew into the French and Indian War.


  • 目的观察6 %贺斯(HAES)、血定安、菲浓三种胶体液用于手术麻醉中的临床效果

    Objective:To investigate the clinical effects of acute hypervolemic hemodilution (AHH) with 6% hydroxyethyl starch (HAES) , gelofusine, and polygeline during operation.


  • 当然官方来说,艾德·史塔(第一肖恩·扮演贵族)一位神秘女子的私生子。

    Officially, of course, Snow is the out-of-wedlock son of the late Eddard Stark (the nobleman played by Sean Bean in season one) and a mystery woman.


  • 娄石村议会人来到季奚

    Klosh? Kwan led the council to the igloo of Keesh.


  • 埃迪。姨妈兰家几个孩子常常还有到处——有时电影,有时公园游泳池子里的水来自天然泉眼,冰冷彻骨

    Edie Crane's Aunt Dan took the Crane kids, and often me, everywhereto the movies, to Snow Springs Park to swim in a pool fed by very cold spring-water, and to Whittington Park to play miniature golf.


  • 埃迪。姨妈兰家几个孩子常常还有到处——有时电影,有时公园游泳池子里的水来自天然泉眼,冰冷彻骨

    Edie Crane's Aunt Dan took the Crane kids, and often me, everywhereto the movies, to Snow Springs Park to swim in a pool fed by very cold spring-water, and to Whittington Park to play miniature golf.


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