• 对方使用战术为何(请参考谈判学101讲义集中策略菜单)?

    What tactics did the Other use (refer to the tactics sheet in Negotiation 101)? In particular, was there any Shared development of options?


  • 面对全球问题,人们将精力集中在规划各种策略以减少温室气体排放

    In face of global warming, much effort has been focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions through a variety of strategies.


  • 进一步优化每日构建验证策略有效性通过集中于将等待时间最小化来为每个失败划分优先级

    To further optimize the effectiveness of your daily build verification strategy, prioritize every failure with a focus on minimizing wait time.


  • 测试策略需要集中尽可能查找出重要缺陷上,并且最低成本

    The test strategy needs to focus on finding the most important defects as early as possible, and at the lowest costs.


  • 策略集中向那些搜索引擎很高自然排名网站请求单向链接

    Focus your strategy on requesting one-way links from sites with high natural rankings in search engines.


  • 显然行动沟通策略必须集中精力、有条不紊

    Clearly, I and my entire team would have to be very focused and disciplined, in both our actions and our communications strategy.


  • 通知策略通常分布式的(对象)集中的(每)。

    Notification strategies are usually either distributed (per object), or centralized (per domain).


  • 因此,重复说"我要节食......戒于......或禁欲"适得其反策略这样作法会不断使集中思想于你不想的事。

    or stop lusting" is a self-defeating strategy. It keeps you focused on what you don't want.


  • 篇指南中,谈一谈如何定义什么是真正重要的事,怎样集中精力处理它们以及一些时间管理策略

    In this guide I'd like to discuss how to define and focus on what truly matters - and then discuss some strategies for making time for them.


  • 策略提供一个应用程序服务器环境,将应用程序执行管理集中服务器允许用户网络上进行访问

    This provides an application server environment that centralizes the execution and administration of applications on a server and allows multiple users to access them over a network.


  • 如果选择实现的话本文介绍集中配置文件策略应当非常实用的

    The centralized configuration file strategy presented in this article should prove very useful if you choose to implement it.


  • 直到最近科学家们才将注意力集中到了淀粉样蛋白肽上,提出通过减少积聚减轻大脑负担策略

    Until recently, scientists have focused their attention on the amyloid plaques and finding ways to shrink them to relieve the burden on the brain.


  • 相反我们集中讨论采用实现ESB不同方法之间驱动策略

    Rather, I will focus on those that drive decisions between different approaches to adopt or implement an ESB.


  • 这么相隔遥远数据集中提取内容需要一种复杂计算性猜测策略

    Extracting the contents of so many far-flung data sets requires a sophisticated kind of computational guessing game.


  • 系列 第 4部分讨论了如何规划应用程序体系结构增长展示如何使用可伸缩自适应思想集中以客户为中心业务策略

    Part 4 of this series discusses planning for growth in your application architecture by showing you how to focus on customer-centric business strategies using scalable and adaptive thinking.


  • 可跟踪性可审核性可以集中作为一个策略规则解决方案进行管理。

    Traceability and Auditability can be more centrally governed as part of a solution for policy and rules.


  • 依新近出版拙作应该提供抵制拖延最有效一些策略——集中注意力

    I thought I should cover some of the best procrastination-beating strategies, in light of my recent book, focus.


  • 此外注册中心还允许服务端点地址关联调用策略进行集中管理

    In addition, the registry allows for centralized management of the service endpoint addresses and the associated invocation policies.


  • 信息服务SOA策略不可或缺一部分,SOA策略集中标准化流程应用程序数据集成方法

    Information services are integral to the SOA strategy, which centralizes and standardizes the approach to data integration for processes and applications.


  • 当然使用托管代码主要好处之一代码访问安全性支持并且您的程序集中编写的代码可利用用户安全策略

    Of course, one of the main benefits of using managed code is the support for code access security, and code you write in your assembly takes advantage of the user's security policies.


  • 分支esb基础设施转换策略安全性服务注册中心集中创建管理的,很少根本没有本地自定义

    The branch ESB infrastructure, transformations, policies, security, and service registry entries are all created and managed centrally with little or no local customization.


  • 这些策略安全服务器集中管理并且发送根据需要保护数据代理

    The policies are centrally managed by the security server and are sent to the agents that protect data as necessary.


  • 未来策略应该集中改变食品定价政策影响有关健康内容体育教育学校政策,改善学校小卖部的商品。

    Future strategies could focus on changing food pricing policy, influencing school policy on health matters and physical education, and changing the content of school canteens.


  • 考虑集团风险形象以及集中于新兴市场策略汇丰把欧智华彻底地打造成一个不一样银行家

    But HSBC can fairly portray Mr Gulliver as a different kind of banker, given the group’s low risk profile and emerging markets focus.


  • 似乎精力集中进一步减少处理非高速缓冲开销有效,而不是依赖于进行减少策略尝试。

    It appears to be more effective to concentrate efforts on further reducing the costs of handling non-cached chunks than to rely on policies and heuristics that are of decreasing utility.


  • 例如策略企业服务需要最少三个消费者有助于决定哪些服务可以成为集中管理的企业级服务。

    As an example, a policy such as an enterprise service needs to have a minimum of three consumers helps in deciding what qualifies as a centrally hosted, enterprise-level service.


  • 额外的关注集中到了分析上面olap函数则是作为解决大型机业务问题关键策略提供的。

    Additional focus was paid to analytics, and OLAP functions were provided as a key strategy to frame business questions.


  • 通过基于策略管理特性管理员更容易集中管理多个远程服务器

    And we made it easier for an administrator to centrally manage multiple remote servers through features such as policy-based management.


  • 下面介绍5大提升专注力的技巧帮助大脑出色集中精力,便能够高效而富有创造力的展现写作头脑风暴以及策略思考方面。

    These 5 tips will help you get your mind functioning at peak performance so you can excel at highly creative activities like writing, brainstorming, and strategic thinking.


  • 下面介绍5大提升专注力的技巧帮助大脑出色集中精力,便能够高效而富有创造力的展现写作头脑风暴以及策略思考方面。

    These 5 tips will help you get your mind functioning at peak performance so you can excel at highly creative activities like writing, brainstorming, and strategic thinking.


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