• 如果知道自己需求难以确定工作何时完成。

    If you don't know what you want, it will be difficult to determine whether your work is finished.


  • 所有这些细菌的活动状况尚难以确定——细菌不易培养

    What all these bacteria are doing is tricky to identify-the bacteria themselves are difficult to cultivate.


  • 不仅仅一个痛苦经历这还医生难以确定疼痛的原因

    Not only can this be a painful experience, but it makes it rather difficult to track down the source.


  • 真正的生活技能难以测量难以确定然而却使受益匪浅

    Real life skills are harder to measure, harder to pin down, but so much more beneficial.


  • 实际损失难以确定可以按照侵权人侵权所获得利益确定

    If it is difficult to determine the actual losses, the actual losses may be determined on the basis of the gains which the infringer has obtained from the infringement.


  • 简言之核心网络业务线下广告方面,新浪近期前景如何难以确定

    In short, it is difficult to know what the immediate future holds for Sina, in both its core online business or its foray into offline advertising.


  • 收益也许短暂而且难以确定一天,花费肯定会不断出现

    Gain may be temporary and uncertain, but ever while you live, expense is constant and certain.


  • 难以确定时,默认有”,这样所有基本类型都涵盖了

    Whenever you are in doubt, default to "both," so that you'll have all bases covered.


  • 移质不平衡输沙研究往往有一重要参数即恢复饱和系数难以确定

    Usually it is difficult to determine the coefficient of saturation recovery for nonequilibrium transportation of suspended load.


  • 客户满意度不同行业企业有着不同的定义,其评价标准难以确定

    The client degree of satisfaction has different definition in different industry and enterprise, therefore the standard of evaluation is difficult to ascertain.


  • 如果企业主要资产无形资产,那么它们利润的产生地更加难以确定

    When corporations' main assets are intangible the location of their profit is still more difficult to pin down.


  • 流感流行发生时间严重程度难以确定但是专家们预测大流行将发生。

    The timing and severity of a flu pandemic is uncertain, but experts predict a pandemic will occur.


  • 毕竟诚实诚实所涉及可能复杂难以确定一系列认知社会因素

    After all, being honest or dishonest involves a set of cognitive and social factors which may prove too complex to pin down.


  • 隧道衬砌设计中,围岩压力通常主要荷载,也是最难以确定的荷载。

    When designing tunnel lining, rock pressure is the most important load and very difficult to determine.


  • 此种方法解决划分产业界限难以确定问题科学划分产业提供了有效方法。

    The method can solve the problem in determining the bounds of classified industry. It provides an effective method for scientific classified industry.


  • 因此所有木质包装材料真实原产地难以确定从而使植物检疫状况不能确定

    Therefore, the true origin of any piece of wood packing material is difficult to determine and thus its phytosanitary status cannot be ascertained.


  • 事实上对于某些存储库而言难以确定完全映射Repository对象本身上的是什么

    In fact, for some repositories, it can be difficult to determine what exactly is going to map to the Repository object itself!


  • 针对化工系统模型难以确定问题,提出了基于对象的有无环节点粒度转换方法

    To solve the difficulty in modeling a chemical system a new node granularity transformation method based on object directed acyclic graph was proposed.


  • 个流传已笑话:“佩戴手表常常知道时间,而佩戴手表后反而难以确定了”。

    There's an old joke that says "a man with one watch always knows what time it is; a man with two watches is never sure."


  • 布朗指出不能儿童时期受到刺激就是导致早逝真实原因因为通过研究往往难以确定原因。

    Brown notes that he can't say whether the childhood stressors actually cause premature deaths, as causation is always difficult to establish with a single study.


  • 那天早上,在电脑里输入文章时,不安困扰,那一种让我难以确定生理感觉

    What bothered me that morning as I typed up my piece was a disquiet, a physical sensation I could not quite identify.


  • 傅立叶变换只能确定一个函数奇异整体性质,难以确定奇异空间位置分布情况。

    Fourier transform only makes sure the feature of a function singular and can not confirm the position and of singular point on space.


  • 当今世界一切都难以确定就算是看似稳定房地产市场过去成绩不是未来业绩保证

    In today's uncertain world, past performance is no guarantee of future performance, even in seemingly solid markets.


  • 傅里叶变换对含有噪声干扰试验数据进行滤波,通常难以确定奇异空间位置分布情况

    It is difficult to confirm the position and distribution of singularities in space generally when the test data with noise disturbance is filtered by Fourier transform.


  • 虽然具体数字远远难以确定,但一些学者认为,地震带山区约20万名居民需要永久性重新安置

    Though the figures are far from definitive, some scholars think perhaps 200,000 inhabitants of mountainous areas in the earthquake zone will need to be permanently resettled.


  • 虽然具体数字远远难以确定,但一些学者认为,地震带山区约20万名居民需要永久性重新安置

    Though the figures are far from definitive, some scholars think perhaps 200, 000 inhabitants of mountainous areas in the earthquake zone will need to be permanently resettled.


  • 每个操作创建一个简单传统修改过于麻烦并且代码添加大量语法,从而造成难以确定目标工作单元

    Creating a simple, traditional decorator for each case is too cumbersome, and it would add so much syntax to your code that it would be hard to determine which unit of work you're aiming for.


  • 最新事件发生黎巴嫩东部贝卡谷地的偏远地区,此地叙利亚边界处来往密切难以确定边界。

    The latest incident took place in a very remote part of Lebanon's eastern Bekaa Valley, where the border with Syria is porous and not even clearly defined.


  • 最新事件发生黎巴嫩东部贝卡谷地的偏远地区,此地叙利亚边界处来往密切难以确定边界。

    The latest incident took place in a very remote part of Lebanon's eastern Bekaa Valley, where the border with Syria is porous and not even clearly defined.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定