• 所在环境中的任何物体都可以成为障碍物不过酷”运动经常会城区内进行,因为建筑物轨道公共设施都是很适合障碍物

    The obstacles can be anything in one's environment, but parkour is often seen practiced in urban areas because of the many suitable public structures available such as buildings and rails.


  • 就是为什么障碍物产生疼痛信号时,会躲开障碍物并且喊叫:“哎哟! ”!

    That's why you back away from the obstacle that initiated the pain signal and exclaim, "Ouch!"


  • 关门如果遇到障碍可以自动返回的,如果开门时遇到障碍物那么就会自动的停止开启的。

    Close eif there are any obstacles can automatically return to, if encounter obstacles when opening the door so will automatically stop when open.


  • PhuongHuynh工作这个项目博士后说道例如一个计算机流体流过管道内的一个障碍物模拟可以依赖于一个单独参数障碍物半径

    For instance, says Phuong Huynh, a postdoc who worked on the project, a computer simulation of fluid flow around an obstacle in a pipe could depend on a single parameter: the radius of the obstacle.


  • ,又称为背风区-障碍物比如树木建筑物其他障碍物背后静止空气的区域。

    WIND SHADOW - zone of still air behind obstacles such as trees, buildings or other obstructions.


  • 可能需要障碍物几个水平切口减缓张力然后用橡胶滚轴图案压向障碍物周围适当地做一些整理

    You may have to make a couple small cuts horizontally at the obstacle to relieve tension, squeegee the graphic around the obstacle and do any necessary trimming.


  • 警察很快到达试图街上设立障碍物控制不断膨胀的人群但是人们障碍物都推到了”,名目击者

    Police arrived quickly and tried to control the swelling crowd by erecting barriers in the street, but "people pushed them over," the witness said.


  • 这种情况下一定剪成直线,在障碍物两边各放一半图案然后障碍物下面部分图案接合在一起。

    In this case be sure you cut a nice straight line, work the two pieces around either side of the obstacle and then butt the graphic back up to itself under the obstacle.


  • 尽管象树木小型建筑之类障碍物什么问题但是如是障碍物比如地球就会反射这些无线电波

    Small obstacles like trees or small buildings aren't a problem; but a big obstacle, such as the Earth, will reflect these radio waves.


  • GPS水准无法直接应用障碍高程传递关键原因在于障碍物两侧高程基准一致

    The reason why GPS leveling cant be used for height transfer across obstacle is that the height datum of both sides of obstacle is not consistent.


  • 那位生物学家有些蝙蝠,借助于接受它们发出尖叫声的回声就能探测出障碍物位置并且避开这些障碍物

    The biologist says: certain bats by receiving the echoes to the squeaks they emit, can locate and steer clear of obstacles.


  • 移动机器人行进过程中必须能够检测躲避障碍物文章提出了一种使用估计障碍物区域算法

    A mobile robot must be capable of detecting and avoiding obstacles in order to move safely on variable environment. The paper proposes an obstacle region estimation method using optical flow field.


  • 机场净空限制障碍物位置图,是了解掌握限制障碍物关系专业地图

    Map of airport clearance limit and obstacle location serves as a special one to understand and promote the relation between clearance limits and obstacles.


  • 提出了实验室环境下输电线路上障碍物重要特征基于这些特征设计了一障碍物自动识别系统

    The important features of obstacles on the power transmission line are proposed and an automatic obstacle-recognition system is designed based on these features.


  • 障碍物瓦斯煤尘燃烧爆炸过程中的火焰传播规律进行实验研究,结果表明:障碍物对火焰传播速度具有重要影响。

    Experimental study was conducted on the propagation regularity of flame in the process of gas and coal-dust combustion and explosion in the existence of obstacle objects.


  • 一端封闭、一端开口火焰传播均匀布置障碍物研究了障碍物结构对管道中预混火焰传播的影响

    The influence of the configuration of obstacles on premixed flame acceleration in a tube has been studied in this paper.


  • 那位生物学家有些蝙蝠,借助于接受它们发出尖叫声的回声就能探测出障碍物位置并且避开这些障碍物

    That biologist says: certain bats by receiving the echoes to the squeaks they emit, can locate and steer clear of obstacles.


  • SCARA型操作的C空间作了深入研究证明多边形障碍物SCARA型操作的C空间中形成连通障碍物子空间。

    A profound approach about SCARA manipulators configuration space is made in this paper. The obstacle space of SCARA manipulator produced by convex polygon obstacle is proved to be a connected area.


  • 为了尽量减少可行区域由于障碍物建模造成损失,提出了采用改进栅格进行建模,方法较全面地考虑障碍物外形尺寸

    The paper proposes improved grids method in order to increase area movement of the robot, according to the shape and size of the obstacle.


  • 为了提高室内机器人动态障碍物识别能力提出一种基于立体视觉的实时障碍物识别方法

    In order to improve the capability of dynamic obstacle recognition for indoor mobile robot, a method uf dynamic obstacle recognition based on three-dimensional vision is presented.


  • 采用摆臂机构搭载上障碍物,然后利用车轮和履带共同驱动跨越障碍物

    By applying the pendulum-arm mechanism, the wheel-track-interacted driving is eventually realized for this purpose.


  • 为进一步提高障碍物检测实时性采用递归模板匹配障碍物进行跟踪

    Further more, in order to improve real time obstacle detection, a recursive template matching method is established to track the leading vehicle's location in the image.


  • 无论是单个任意形状障碍物还是多个连续障碍物复合模糊控制器有效地引导仿生机器避开障碍物到达目标点。

    Micro robotic fish was efficiently conducted by the composite fuzzy controller to avoid both single arbitrary shape obstacle and multiple continuous obstacles and achieved the targeting result.


  • 为考察障碍物爆燃压力影响进行了可燃气、外分别设置障碍物爆燃实验

    A series of flammable gas cloud deflagration experiments built-in and built-out obstruction were carried out in order to study the effects of obstruction on deflagration pressure wave.


  • 考虑障碍物一定道路区域内,算法首先划分道路区域,在划分道路区域内进行障碍物检测

    Considering that obstacles are always on the road, obstacle detection only carries out in the road part. This paper established an evaluation index to evaluate the road recognition performance.


  • 动态战场中设置有可摧毁不可摧毁障碍物移动障碍、紧闭的大门滚滚浪潮以及传送带等。

    Dynamic battlefields composed of destroyable and invincible blocks, moving obstacles, closing doors, a rolling tide, conveyor belts, and more.


  • 可以房间里自行移动由于一个超声波传感器机器人不会碰到障碍物,它能处理器的命令绕过障碍物

    It can be moved to the room, because there is an ultrasonic sensor, the robot will encounter obstacles, it can according to the microprocessor command around obstacles.


  • 方法行为抑制法作为系统的行为选择机制,机器人障碍物可以队形保持障碍物时可以自我避障变换队形

    By using this approach, three Amigobot robots can maintain the formation while there is no obstacle, and avoid by themselves or change formation in obstacles.


  • 该方法在静态障碍物识别基础上,通过编队速度的切换来实现障碍物规避

    On the basis of recognition of dynamic and static obstacles, it avoids the obstacles successfully by changing the velocity of formation.


  • 该方法在静态障碍物识别基础上,通过编队速度的切换来实现障碍物规避

    On the basis of recognition of dynamic and static obstacles, it avoids the obstacles successfully by changing the velocity of formation.


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