• 主要研究隐身目标毫米波辐射特性

    We mainly study the radiation characters of stealth objects.


  • F- 117a作为典型隐身目标提出一种计算隐身目标双基地雷达探测区域方法

    A new method for calculating the detection coverage of bistatic radars for stealthy objects is proposed, by means of which the fighter F-117A is researched as a typical stealth object.


  • 满足防空系统抗击隐身目标需求,提出了计算基地制导雷达rcs导弹发射距离方法。

    To meet the requirement of air defence system countering stealthy target, a method of calculating the RCS of bistatic guidance radars and distance of the launched missile was given.


  • 战争环境复杂化各种隐身目标出现,使得传统针对合作目标的无源探测技术无法满足现代战争需要

    Because of more hidden objects appear and the environment become more complex, the traditional detecting technology can't fulfill the need of modern war.


  • 针对机载雷达作战使用面临隐身目标综合电子干扰基地雷达运用于机载雷达,提出-机双基地雷达系统。

    When used in combat, the airborne radars will face the challenges of stealth targets and electronic jamming. Thus we suggest that bistatic radars be used onboard aircraft platform.


  • 针对表面温度变化影响毫米波辐射温度的问题,对隐身目标表面温度变化情况下的毫米波被动隐身效果进行了建模研究。

    The changing of target surface temperature can influence its millimeter wave radiation temperature. The targets' passive stealth feature was studied when its surface temperature varies.


  • 良好的隐身能力使得攻击敌方目标时不用担心被击落

    This stealth capability makes it able to attack enemy targets with less fear of retaliation.


  • 新的强大的雷达采用积极电子定标阵列能够检测到非常微弱目标快速抓住它的隐身技术

    New, more powerful radars using active electronically scaled arrays can pick up fainter and fainter targets, and are fast catching up to stealth technology.


  • 本文介绍RCSR技术(雷达截面积缩减技术)一般原则及其技术途径,对RCSR技术军事目标反雷达隐身方面应用进行了探索研究。

    The general principles and technical approaches of radar cross section reduction (RCSR) are introduced, and the application of RCSR technology in military target anti-radar stealth are studied.


  • 研究不均匀非磁化等离子体片目标隐身

    This paper investigates the stealth of target by nonuniform unmagnetized plasmas.


  • 随着红外搜索制导技术飞速发展,对于地面目标红外特征及其隐身技术的研究具有越来越重要的军事意义。

    As the infrared hunting and homing technology develop quickly, the study on infrared characterization and stealthy technology of ground targets becomes more and more important.


  • 不均匀磁化等离子体密度目标隐身关系进行了研究。

    The relation between the plasma density in unmagnetized plasma and the stealth of target is investigated in this paper.


  • 西武新列车项目目标不是反射那样完全“隐形”,而是一种模拟隐身

    Seibu's new trains won't really be "invisible" so much as "reflective, " but a simulated disappearing act is the goal of the project.


  • 研制导引头面临复杂电磁环境目标隐身扰动、弹目机动和专用微波组件关键技术

    The manufacture of phased array seeker is faced with some key techniques, such as complex electromagnetic environment, target stealth, disturbance of missile body, movement...


  • 针对目前隐身飞行器外形雷达散射截面(RCS)难以准确计算问题提出了一种基于目标外形几何特征矩量飞行器r CS算法

    In order to solve the problem, a new algorithm for calculating RCS is presented based on the geometrical characteristic of target aircraft configurations and the method of moment (mom).


  • 雷达隐身包括外形设计吸波材料等离子体隐身技术实质降低目标平均雷达面积

    The stealth technology includes contour design, absorbing materials and plasma stealth technologies, the purpose is to reduce sectional area of average radar for target.


  • 雷达散射截面(RCS)隐身装备外形设计一项重要指标研究雷达目标电磁散射特性成为目标隐身设计和目标识别的基础

    RCS (radar Cross Section) is a key factor in designing stealth weapons, so the research of radar targets scattering characteristics has become the foundation of stealth technologies.


  • 目标物体表面衰减吸收目标隐身起到很大的作用。

    Attenuating and absorbing of surface wave on targets is vital for targets' stealth.


  • 采用可见性技术隐身技术制造进攻兵器2 1世纪防空系统重点对抗主要目标威胁

    The attack weapons made by use of the stealth technology or low visibility technology are main target threat which would be confronted by the aerial defense systems at present or in the 21st century.


  • 目标采用红外隐身技术红外辐射降低,因而探测降低

    After adopting ir stealth techniques, the ir radiation of objects can be depressed and their probability to be detected can also be reduced.


  • 分别大气空间目标材料金属涂层隐身材料里渊散射特性进行计算对比分析。

    The properties of Brillouin scattering of atmosphere, metal coat of spatial object and concealed material are calculated, analyzed and compared.


  • 通过复杂目标微波成像诊断得到目标散射空间位置强度从而有效的指导武器系统隐身性能改进

    The spatial location and magnitude of scattering centers on complex object can be acquired by microwave imaging, so it effectively helps to enhance the performance of stealth weapon system.


  • 通过算计算各种干扰目标RCS飞行器隐身性能影响

    They were discussed the influence of various type of jamming and RCS on the stealth performance.


  • 通过计算箔条干扰目标RCS飞行器隐身性能影响

    Some examples, which calculated the impact of chaff and RCS of targets on stealth performance, were given.


  • 目标电磁散射特性研究电子对抗隐身设计目标识别等方面有着重要应用

    The research of electromagnetic scattering characteristic have important applications in many aspects, such as electronic countermeasures, stealth design and identification of target.


  • 材料通过电磁波转化其它形式能量降低目标雷达散射截面从而实现目标隐身的目的。

    Radar absorbing material could realize the stealth of aircraft through transforming the electromagnetic wave into other state of energy in order to reduce the radar cross section of aircraft.


  • 由于隐身隐身技术不断深入,准确目标特性测量显得十分重要

    With rapid development of stealth and anti stealth, accurate measurement of target characteristics becomes very important.


  • 隐身技术特征控制技术通过控制信号特征使目标被武器系统探测更为困难

    Stealth technique is feature control technology which makes radar detect more difficulty by controlling the signal feature.


  • 隐身技术特征控制技术通过控制信号特征使目标被武器系统探测更为困难

    Stealth technique is feature control technology which makes radar detect more difficulty by controlling the signal feature.


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