• 弗兰基去附近场地随着时光流逝更远田野探索

    Frankie continued to frequent the grounds, but as the months passed he explored farther a field.


  • 随着时光流逝男孩慢慢长大。不再树边玩耍了

    Time went by. The little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree every day.


  • 这些身后的影响可以超越生命不会随着时光的流逝而磨灭或者消逝

    These men and women left an influence that could last well beyond their lifetimes and will not be erased or diminished with time.


  • 随着时光流逝大多数美国人已经恢复911事件以前差不多的生活了。

    As the years passed, most Americans were able to return to life much as it had been before 9/11.


  • 同时随着时光流逝,美国农业机械化进程使得小农土地开始向大农场转变。

    Also, over time, the growing mechanization of American agriculture led to the replacement of individual homesteads with a smaller number of much larger farms.


  • 随着时光匆匆流逝就要踏上新的旅程开始新的学习生活了。

    Along with time in a hurry passing, I must step the new journey, started the new study to live.


  • 但是随着时光流逝现实告诉我我遨游太空梦想或许不会实现

    But as the years went by, my realistic side told me that my dream of flying in space would not be fulfilled.


  • 随着时光消逝最近一次决策冥思苦想再次受到那些老问题折磨

    As time went by he brooded over that latest decision, repeating the torture of his earlier questions.


  • 虽然随着时光流失,经费开支限期终点又一次迫近,但是还是没有达成妥协取得进展迹象

    But with the clock ticking towards another potential funding expiration, signs of compromise and progress remain elusive.


  • 随着时光流逝,许多真相由于历史久远而扭曲或者干脆淹没在历史的洪流中,被人们抛弃

    As years turn into centuries and history becomes more disconnected from its source, facts can become twisted, lost or discarded.


  • 随着时光流逝儿时记忆早已逝去然而教诲时常脑海里环绕。

    With the passage of time, the memory of childhood gone, however, you that chun chun teachings are always in my mind.


  • 作为数据库更新随着时光的推移,然而,稀疏的档案可以成长一个非常文件

    As the database is updated over time, however, a sparse file can grow into a very large file.


  • 随着时光流逝许多过的都已经忘记但是永远也不会忘记曾经过的黄山

    With the time going on, I forgot so many mountains that I have climbed . But I will never forget climbing HuangShan .


  • 随着时光流逝到了很多,我知道知识更加重要,我知道目标需要自己努力实现。

    As time goes by, I learned a lot, I know I should learn more knowledge than play games, I know one should have a goal to make great efforts.


  • 但是随着时光推移我们更深入了解当地情况那些负面第一感觉似乎就并不是那么重要了。

    But as time passes, as we get to know our new host country better, these negative first impressions don't seem to matter anymore.


  • 但是随着时光流逝我们便逐渐看清生活的本来面目领悟到生活昭示给我们的第二条真谛

    But with the passage of time, we will gradually see the true colors of life, realizing that life shows us the true meaning of the second.


  • 人类假如不能利用机会,机会就会随着时光波浪流向茫茫大海里变成不会孵化了。

    If mankind can't opportunity to make use of, the opportunity will fly to go in boundless ocean along with the wave of time, but become the egg that can't hatch from eggs.


  • 随着时光飞逝这些青春画面时间的长河流淌而过,一幅幅画面像是一部部退了色的电影

    With the time passing by, the images of the youth flowed over time, and a picture is like a film which has been a part of the film.


  • 随着时光的流逝,今日幸福早已物化,不再自己美好生活的享受,而是赚钱联系在一起了。

    Fast forward to today and happiness is more about making money and materislism than truly enjoying yourself.


  • 但是随着时光流逝人们关于过去开始谈起,我发现,尽管它让我不舒服,他们却是激励。

    But as life went on and people asked me about my history, I'd begin to talk about it, and I found that, though it was uncomfortable for me, it was inspiring for them.


  • 南方联盟的叙述提到黑人随着时光的流逝,只有那些众人认为忠诚黑奴封冻历史中。

    Blacks had a place in this Confederate narrative, but only as time-warped loyal slaves who were supposed to remain frozen in the past.


  • 随着时光长河流淌我们丢失某级阶梯上脚印,总会慢慢不见时间它们轻轻地告别

    As the years long river flowing, we lost in the footprints of MouJi ladder, will slowly disappear, time the wind blows away them, gently say goodbye.


  • 的语言微不足道,但我的作品因充满了深刻的意义而下沉时,它们却能够随着时光浮动翩翩起舞

    My works that are slight may lightly dance upon time's waves, when my works heavy with import have gone down.


  • 心灵角落情感压抑着。随着时光流逝他们变得强烈一旦释放出来,就不可收拾。

    Hidden in the corner of soul, my feelings are oppressed. As time goes by, they grow intensive and are out of my control once set free.


  • 10年20更多年后回顾过去时,你会吃惊发现随着时光流逝,你发生了很大变化

    When you look back on yourself in the past10, 20, 30 or more years ago – it's surprising to see how much you have changed over time.


  • 随着时光飞逝,调试支持得到更大关注其中平台支持扩展包含z/OSiSeries

    Moving forward, the debugging support is receiving greater attention where the list of platforms supported will be expanded to include z/OS and iSeries.


  • 随着时光飞逝,调试支持得到更大关注其中平台支持扩展包含z/OSiSeries

    Moving forward, the debugging support is receiving greater attention where the list of platforms supported will be expanded to include z/OS and iSeries.


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