• 医学院校管理外部管理内部管理构成

    Administration of medical schools is constituted from external and internal administration.


  • 医学社会性实践性决定医学院校管理离不开社会评价

    Administration of medical university can not be separated from social evaluation, that is based on the social and practical properties of medical education.


  • 科学合理运用现代教育技术,对体育院校管理水平办学效益提升大有裨益

    Scientific, reasonable utilization of modern education technique is very useful to upgrade management level and economic income of physical education faculty.


  • 管理思想管理模式管理文化全面质量管理军队院校管理进行比较,讨论分析了将全面质量管理引入军队院校管理可行性

    The TQM is compared with army academy management from the management ideology, the management mode and the management cultures; and the feasibility of importing TQM into army academy is discussed.


  • 这项成功使人们开始商学自觉讨论,关于商学学位价值以及管理技能是否可以传授

    The success has helped inspire self-conscious debates on business school campuses over the worth of a business degree and whether management skills can be taught.


  • 弗吉尼亚大学管理学院院长鲍勃布鲁最新的数据显示此类院校超过了13,000所。

    The latest figure, says Bob Bruner, dean of the University of Virginia's Darden School of Management, is more than 13,000.


  • 实际上这本缺乏合乎情理的分析而且充斥敌意,箭头直指精英院校行政管理、尤其是他们口中的“教授团”。

    The truth is that this book is short on reasoned analysis and long on animus, directed at elite universities, at administrators, and more than anything else at the “professoriate,” as they call it.


  • 这样背景下,《社会保障这门课程成了各国高等院校特别是人力资源管理专业学生必修的基础课专业理论课。

    Under such background, "Social security Study" has become a compulsory or a professional course of colleges in many countries, Specially for the student of the human resources management.


  • 如何紧贴市场产业需求培养适合仓储业需求高素质技能人才成为高职院校物流管理相关专业关注焦点。

    How to keep abreast of the market and industry demand, cultivate the high-tech warehousing talents, has become the focus of logistics management and relevant professional in high vocational college.


  • 普通高等院校深化教学管理体制改革推进学分制建设过程必须加强师资队伍的建设。

    In the course of deepening the reformation of teaching management system and making the implement of credit system in ordinary higher college, the construction of teachers troops must he strengthened.


  • 本文通过对高等院校推行全面质量管理必要性可行性的论证,进而高校如何实行全面质量管理进行了有益探讨。

    This paper discusses how to promote all round quality management in colleges and universities, based on the necessity and feasibility of all round quality management in colleges and universities.


  • 我国现阶段高等院校人力资源管理很好的借鉴作用

    We could make good use of their experience for the human resource management in our universities.


  • 知识经济时代作为“知识工厂”高等院校需要加强知识管理提高知识生产效率。

    In the knowledge economy age, universities regarded as a 'knowledge factory' need to strengthen knowledge management to rise the efficiency of knowledge management.


  • 提供有关工商管理硕士就业市场信息有助于增强就业竞争力,包括院校毕业生就业情况雇主择员条件

    Provides information needed to compete effectively in the relevant job market, including graduate profiles and selection criteria of many employers and institutions.


  • 结合高等院校教学实际讨论高校图书馆网络化条件图书馆服务管理人本化命题。

    In combination with the practical education in the higher schools, this paper discusses the humanistic management of library service under the condition of library network.


  • 院校实验室管理自动化需求进行了分析提出了一基于网络实验室管理系统设计实现方法

    An analysis to the need of university laboratory management and a kind of design and realization method of the laboratory management system founded in the network are given.


  • 知识经济到来人才需求竞争加速高等院校内部管理体制改革的进程。

    The advent of knowledge economy and the competition for talents speed up the internal management system reform in tertiary institutions.


  • 经济管理院校企业具有密不可分关系

    Economic management colleges have the close relation with enterprises.


  • 随着科学技术进步计算机高职院校后勤管理中发挥着越来越重要作用

    Along with the technical progress of science, the computer develops in the vocational technical college logistics management more and more important function.


  • 一个鉴定机构——AACSB(国际高等商业学会)估计共有12,600所院校授予管理学士硕士。

    A month ago, AACSB, an accreditation agency, estimated that there were 12,600 institutes conferring Bachelor's or Master's degrees in management.


  • 其他部分是有关医学院校农业院校军事院校以及工商管理硕士课程

    Other reports discussed medical schools, agricultural colleges, military colleges, and master of business administration programs.


  • 合并院校财务管理高校合并后其有关资金组织筹集融通使用结算分配以及资金使用效益管理工作总称。

    The financial management of college mergence refers to the funds organizing, funds raising, funds circulating, funds spending, funding settling, funds distributing and the benefit of funds using.


  • 普通高等院校招生工作作为高校管理重要组成部分,其法制化即“招生法制化”问题也日益受到重视

    Because the enrolment is an important part of the work in universities and colleges, legal enrolment has been paid more and more attention to.


  • 本文分析后勤社会化管理高职院校必然性借鉴模式管理机制问题。

    This paper discusses the necessity, the referential model and the administrative mechanism of rear-service socialization management in higher professional colleges.


  • 本文分析后勤社会化管理高职院校必然性借鉴模式管理机制问题。

    This paper discusses the necessity, the referential model and the administrative mechanism of rear-service socialization management in higher professional colleges.


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