• 抵销不得条件或者期限

    No conditions or time limit may be attached to the offset.


  • 假释罪犯刑满释放附条件释放一种制度

    Parole is a form of conditional release form prison granted before the date when a prisoner is ordinarily due for release.


  • 考察条件性能影响以及稳定性

    The adsorption and desorption conditions on the properties of the adsorbent is investigated, and the stability of this type of adsorbent examined.


  • 南方电力获得条件批准,得到83亿美元的联邦贷款保证已经开始动工

    Southern has conditional approval for an $8.3-billion federal loan guarantee to backstop its financing and has broken ground at the site.


  • 促销策略中的不正当竞争行为包括条件交易行为正当有奖销售行为。

    Illegitimate competition behavior in promotion tactics includes trading activity with conditions and selling goods with improper prize.


  • 附条件评估——用于查明不愿支付公共机构利于环境的食物的调查方法

    Contingent valuation — a survey method used to ascertain willingness to pay for services or environmental amenities.


  • 第四十七条件期限债权诉讼、仲裁未决的债权,债权人可以申报

    Article 47 a creditor may declare his claims which are attached with certain conditions or time limit and the claims for which an action or arbitration is pending.


  • 关于证券回购法律性质主要抵押贷款说和条件买卖说等两种做法观点。

    There are two main doctrines on the legal character of securities counter-purchase: doctrine of collateral loan and doctrine of conditional sale .


  • 关于证券回购法律性质主要抵押贷款说和条件买卖说等种做法观点。

    There are two main doctrines on the legal character of securities counter. purchase: doctrine of collateral loan and dextrine of conditional sale.


  • 最高法院已经建立一个三分之二检验规则决定公务员是否符合条件豁免权。

    The Supreme Court has established a two-part test to determine which officials are eligible for qualified immunity.


  • 第六十二条民事法律行为可以条件条件的民事法律行为符合附条件生效

    Article 62 a civil juristic act may have conditions attached to it. Conditional civil juristic ACTS shall take effect when the relevant conditions are met.


  • 欧盟作为领跑者率先截至2020年的减排量由20%调整到了30%,但条件要求其它各方采取相关行动

    The European Union, as front-runner, offered to boost its 20% cuts to 30%, conditional on other parties' actions.


  • 根据反对意见分析,承认条件豁免权保护这些行为几乎完全宽泛第一修正案原则不一致。

    Allowing qualified immunity to protect such actions, as it almost certainly would under the dissent's analysis, would be completely out of step with broader First Amendment doctrine.


  • 本特因擅闯赛区而被控告违反足球行为条例,后来控告被取消了,布罗金得到6个月的附条件警告

    Bent was charged with going on to the playing area, contrary to the Football Offences Act, but the charge was later withdrawn and Brodkin was issued with a six-month conditional caution.


  • 条件起诉作为轻罪犯罪化处理的一种起诉替代措施,具有有效化解刑事纠纷实现程序分流功能

    As a substitutive system of prosecution, non - prosecution of additional conditions can dissolve the criminal dispute effectively, and realize the function which shunt the procedure before try.


  • 由于条件买卖合同涉及特定设备担保协议,所以附条件买卖合同现在就是叫做动产契据’的担保品了。

    Since the conditional sales contract is a security agreement relating to specific equipment, the conditional sales contract is now the type of collateral called chattel paper.


  • 法律行为”一内容结构应为:“一般规定”“意思表示”“无效可撤销法律行为”“条件期限法律行为”。

    The contents of Chapter 6 'legal act' should be structured as General Provisions, Declaration of Will, Invalid and Revocable Legal Acts, Condition Legal Act and Legal Act with duration.


  • 基于我国目前信用环境,同时着眼于交易主体利益平衡以及金融风险防范,将证券回购定性附条件买卖现实的理性选择。

    In view of current credit circumstances in China, balancing of interest between dealers and prevention of financial risk, characterizing securities counter-purchase as conditional sale is ar...


  • 与经营者和消费者之间买卖商品或者授受服务合同性质不同,后者是双方法律行为二者又密切联系,前者后者为条件条件单方法律行为

    This article considers that such behaviour should belong to one of "sales on rewards" in economics, but in law it attaches to unilateral legal act, it can ben…


  • 布罗金还是位执业医师资格的专业医生去年英超联赛中骗过安保人员,混在做赛前准备活动的球员身边因此得到利物浦司法中心提出的附条件警告

    Last year Brodkin, a qualified doctor, was given a conditional caution at North Liverpool Community Justice Centre after he duped security at a Premier League match and limbered up alongside players.


  • 12展示了RichClientportlet指定URL必要条件

    Figure 12 shows the URL and the requirement specified in the Rich Client TAB for a portlet.


  • 试验基础上对热流系统热平衡崐近的温控条件作了较进一步的分析

    Based on the experiments, the thermal balance of hot runner system and condition of temperature control around the pin point gate were fur - ther analyzed.


  • 试验基础上对热流系统热平衡崐近的温控条件作了较进一步的分析

    Based on the experiments, the thermal balance of hot runner system and condition of temperature control around the pin point gate were fur - ther analyzed.


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