• 这个区域是以尔弗雷德·华莱士名字命名,19世纪,他发现条分界线两边动物之间存在着非常明显的差异

    This is an area named after Alfred Wallace, who in the 19th century noted that the land-based fauna on either side of this line was distinctly different.


  • 我们湖边的阴影处现身出来,穿越片低矮灰色沙丘以后,首先迎接我们是一位男孩一位法尔女孩以及他们放牧

    We emerged from the shade of the lake fringe and crossed some low, gray sand dunes. Soon an Afar boy and girl came with their herd of goats to investigate.


  • 然而最近数十年,即便雨季雨水也越来越少了。图·格雷人尽力维持规模

    But in recent decades, as less and less rain fell during the wet seasons, Tuareg families struggled to sustain sizable herds.


  • 1987年,克塞尔·罗德通过设定系统拓展了这个电脑游戏系统里,有一小程序玩家执行随机产生的“囚徒困境策略

    In 1987, Axelrod extended the computerization of the game by setting up a system in which small populations of programs played randomly generated Prisoner's Dilemma strategies.


  • 也许有些戏剧化加入晚近刚出现这个新闻产业打破陈规旧俗新人中间无疑鹤立鸡的翘楚。 。

    That may have been a tad dramatic, but there can be no doubt about Mr Assange’s prominence among a group of unconventional new actors in the news business that have emerged lately.


  • 最后暗影中传来的呼唤声终于让雷特扭过头,密密麻麻的后面走了出来。

    Finally, Arete turned when shouts came from the shadows. Out of the mass of parked cars, a group emerged.


  • 塔拉离开不久满身污泥会堂被赶到厕所其中大部分妇女

    Shortly after Mr Ouattara's departure, a bedraggled string of them are led out across the hall to the lavatories. Many are women.


  • 1987年例行探险中,一海洋学家南加州海岸外,通过潜水器尔文潜入海底,为卡塔利盆地描绘典型贫瘠、荒芜的海底地貌。

    On a routine expedition in 1987, oceanographers in the submersible Alvin were mapping the typically barren, nutrient-poor seafloor in the Santa Catalina Basin, off the shore of southern California.


  • 莫土隶属于法属波利尼西亚,是世界最大环礁岛

    The Tuamotu Archipelago is part of French Polynesia, and forms the largest chain of atolls in the world.


  • 罗伊兹海角栖地德利企鹅

    Adelie penguins at the Cape Royds rookery.


  • 殖民教育系统里,早熟的奇比卓然,沉迷于阅读各种英文经典作品尽管非洲人讲故事方面并不长足。

    As a precociously gifted schoolboy Achebe thrived in the colonial education system and enjoyed reading the English literary Canon, even if Africans rarely fared well in its stories.


  • 索科两个孩子父亲,好不容易在一家研究所找到了工作,把家到了郊区,结交了孟加拉朋友

    Mr Ganguli snags an academic job, fathers two perfect children, moves to the suburbs and acquires an entourage of Bengali friends.


  • 基里斯小腿后部连接强健的纤维

    The Achilles tendon is a strong fibrous cord that connects the muscles in the back of your calf to your heel bone.


  • 科洛·斯,定居点贫困的地区。

    The poorest among them are to be found in the colonias, small settlements outside recognised towns.


  • 2011年8月25日的黎波里利比亚反对派庆祝他们进入齐齐亚建筑

    Libyan rebels celebrate as they move into the Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli on August 25, 2011.


  • 2011年8月25日的黎波里名利比亚反对派人员经过忠实士兵遗体,忠实者遗体齐齐亚建筑入口处

    A Libyan rebel walks past the bodies of loyalist fighters lying dead at the south entrance of the Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli on August 25, 2011.


  • 2011年824日,利比亚的黎波里齐齐亚地区,反对派人员坐在穆迈尔卡扎菲建筑中的纪念碑上进行庆祝

    Rebel fighter celebrate as they sit on top of a monument inside Moammar Gadhafi's compound in Bab Al-Aziziya in Tripoli, Libya, Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2011.


  • 2011年8月23日利比亚的黎波里利比亚探测穆迈尔·卡扎菲齐齐亚的建筑时,建筑着火

    A structure burns as Libyans explore the grounds of Col. Moammar Gadhafi's Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli, Libya, Aug. 23, 2011.


  • 2011年8月23日,周二利比亚的黎波里,在齐齐亚地区主要建筑反对派人员一个迈尔•卡扎菲头颅上。

    Rebel fighters trample on a head of Moammar Gadhafi inside the main compound in Bab al-Aziziya in Tripoli, LIbya, Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2011.


  • 2011年824日,周三早些时候,在利比亚的黎波里利比亚举着一面巨大的旗帜庆祝占领穆迈尔·卡扎菲齐齐亚地区的主要建筑

    Libyans holding a huge flag celebrate overrunning Moammar Gadhafi's main compound Bab al-Aziziya in Tripoli, Libya, early Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2011.


  • 铁谷·罗威约诺在向急切孩子烟火。他出来这一有利于做生意

    Tegua Rohwiyono, who sells fireworks to an eager crowd of children, says the extra day was good for business.


  • 克力博士我们居家糟糕的“隐形杀手”细菌那些我们看不到闻不到但是却可以七个小时内单一的个体繁殖成千上万细菌了。

    According to Dr Ackerley, the worst bacteria in our homes are 'silent killers' that we cannot see or smell but that can multiply from a single bacterium to several million in just seven hours.


  • 朋友弗朗西斯科尔·贝蒂最近痴迷模联的代表做了一个演讲,内容是模联所主张一切如何体现的。

    My good friend M. Francesco Alberti recently gave a little speech to a group of mesmerized delegates about how the gavel embodies everything for which MUN stands.


  • 英国每日邮报》报道,英国著名小说家马丁·米斯(见图)日前言辞激烈地抨击王室成员,他们是一俗人

    One of Britain's most famous novelists has launched a scathing attack on the Royal Family, calling them philistines, the Daily Mail of London reported.


  • 冰岛杂志》称,约翰内松对克雷里中学生发表了番傲慢言论

    Jóhannesson made the saucy comments to a groupof high school students in the town of Akureyri, according to Iceland magazine.


  • 是日本人他们权利延续他们语言习俗传统

    Ainu people are part of Japanese people. they certainly do have the right to pass on their own language customs and traditions.


  • 活动范围超出了黄石保护区域奔跑冬季一小来自瓦沙基的狼为了觅食穿越了怀俄明布萨·罗卡

    Wolves range far beyond Yellowstone's protected territory. This winter run took the Washakie pack across Wyoming's Absaroka range in search of food.


  • 活动范围超出了黄石保护区域奔跑冬季一小来自瓦沙基的狼为了觅食穿越了怀俄明布萨·罗卡

    Wolves range far beyond Yellowstone's protected territory. This winter run took the Washakie pack across Wyoming's Absaroka range in search of food.


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