• 最大的进步开始1800年,当时法国尼古拉斯·阿佩尔发现可以某些食物密封在罐子不让空气进入。

    The greatest single advance began in 1800 when a Frenchman, Nicolas Appert, discovered that he could preserve certain foods by sealing them in jars and keeping the air from them.


  • MACD指标杰拉·阿佩尔发明的(第07)。

    Moving Average Convergence-Divergence (MACD) is an indicator invented by Gerald Appel (Chapter 7).


  • 2002年邀请加勒比海训练营客席指导

    In 2002 I invited Appel to our Caribbean Camp as a guest instructor.


  • 本文综合分析基础指出目前具有理论说服力阿佩先验解释学

    The dissertation, based on the synthetical analysis, pointed out that Apel's transcendent hermeneutic was the most persuasive theory at present.


  • 1810年,一个法国发明家,尼古拉斯·阿佩尔发明了加热密封罐头加工方法。

    In 1810 a French inventor named Nicolas Appert developed the cooking-and-sealing process of canning.


  • 到目前为止唯一嫌疑人一个有人看见他昨晚10沿着阿佩尔

    So far, the only suspect is a short, thin man who was seen running down Upper Street at 10 last night.


  • 到目前为止唯一嫌疑人一个的、瘦小有人看见他昨晚10的时候沿着阿佩尔

    So far, the only suspect is a short, thin man, who was seen running down Upper Street at 10 p. m last night.


  • 看到同样罗切斯特迈克·妈妈,她瘦骨嶙峋悲痛欲绝,躺在迈克的上,身体弯得像是一个细长的对勾;

    Mike Appel's mom, also in Rochester, a bony, distraught checkmark occupying a slender strip of Mike's bed;


  • 法国勃朗特三姐妹迷住了(上世纪七十年代拍摄了电影《勃朗特姐妹》,由伊莎·佳妮伊莎·于佩尔主演)。

    The French have always been fascinated, too (a 1970s film Les Soeurs Brontë starred the Isabelles Adjani and Huppert).


  • 信的开头是这样写的:“亲爱的乔治·W·布什”,“如果知道斯雷·佩尔,这样一个10女孩什么事情帮助别人请你回信,告诉我做些什么才能帮助或者拯救我们的国家。”

    It began, "Dear George W.Bush.If there's anything you know, I, Ashley Pearson, age 10, can do to help anyone, please send me a letter and tell me what I can do to save our country.


  • 与此同时挪威探险家德.蒙森梦想的首次到达北极的桂冠弗雷德里克.库克罗伯特.里夺走暗自目光投向南极

    Meanwhile, Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, whose plan to reach the North Pole first had been thwarted by both Frederik Cook and Robert Peary, had secretly turned his sights on the South Pole.


  • 公司老板杰拉德·辞职,便于公司二把手托马斯·霍顿更好处理业务,后者认为倾向通过破产法庭处置债务

    Gerald Arpey, the airline's boss, will step down in favour of the number two, Tom Horton, who is believed to have been more open to shedding liabilities through the bankruptcy courts.


  • 美国使馆发言人托·罗德里格斯伤者包括名受了点轻伤的美国公民警方表示人是安全警卫人员

    U.S. embassy spokesman Alberto Rodriguez said two U.S. nationals were among the wounded, with minor injuries. Police said the two were security guards.


  • 使得跨进了由弗雷德·-巴奇罗德·拉沃、罗伊·埃莫森以及加西组成独揽大满贯赛冠军的行列。

    He also moved into a select group made up only of Fred Perry, Don Budge, Rod Laver, Roy Emerson and Andre Agassi as men who have won all four of the grand slam events.


  • 然而最近他们搬出了帕洛·托市中心(为了制止当地企业)一个加利福尼亚大道生物技术·旁的中心位置

    However recently, they moved out of downtown Palo Alto (to the determent of local businesses) to a centralized location on California avenue in biotech row off Page Mill.


  • 家住纽约伊格纳西奥·马克·拉斯,最近刚注册了专利,也可以加进刚才那个怪专利的单子里面去。

    Ignacio Marc Asperas of Melville, N.Y., is now the official holder of another patent that should qualify for that list.


  • 勇敢者站了出来:名麻醉师费利·奥迪斯,克里斯蒂娜·索托护士罗德里格·雷东多以及医生迪亚·索托。

    Four brave people came forward: Two anesthesiologists, Felipe Ortiz, Cristina Soto, the nurse Rodrigo Arredondo and Dr Lidia Soto.


  • 不管贝利沃走到哪里尚博每年都会在圣诞节赶去和团聚。她上月:“罗珀,他尤利西斯。”

    Archambault, who flew to join Beliveau wherever he was once a year so they could spend together, said last month: "I'm his Penelope and he is my Ulysses."


  • 不管贝利沃走到哪里尚博每年都会在圣诞节赶去和团聚。她上月:“罗珀,他是尤利西斯。”

    Archambault, who flew to join Beliveau wherever he was once a year so they could spend Christmas together, said last month: "I'm his Penelope and he is my Ulysses."


  • 首脑会议范龙拜会了比利时国王贝(albert),讨论首相位置的可能继任人选。

    Before the summit, Van Rompuy met with Belgium's King Albert to discuss the possible selection of his successor as premier.


  • 然而,真正的前身柏林的Tempelhof机场这座波特•斯佩尔先生设计的作品也是航空建筑的里程碑,上世纪30年代,被看作是进入欧洲门户

    Yet its real precedent is Tempelhof Airport in Berlin, a monument to air travel conceived by Albert Speer in the 1930s as a gateway to a new Europe.


  • 本周早些时候森纳官方网站的专访中,温格佩尔西可能会带来一些头球威胁,这可能森纳近年一直缺少的。

    In an exclusive interview with Arsenal. com earlier this week, Arsene Wenger noted that Van Persie would provide an aerial threat, something Arsenal have perhaps lacked in recent years.


  • 美国使馆发言人托·罗德里格斯伤者包括名受了点轻伤的美国公民警方表示两人是安全警卫人员

    U. s. embassy spokesman Alberto Rodriguez said two U. s. nationals were among the wounded, with minor injuries. Police said the two were security guards.


  • 世界1000家大银行排名研究以下人员完成:德里安·布坎南,吉约姆-黑格儿,查斯·皮戈特,瓦列里娅-雅库托·维奇,-贝拉德维潘。

    The research for The Banker's Top 1000 rankings was carried out by Adrian Buchanan, Guillaume Hingel, Charles Piggott, Valeriya Yakutovich, Alberto Berardi and Xavier DE Villepin.


  • 当代非洲佩尔同样崇高激情最近发生的事情,尤其是无所畏惧的殉道,因为最后精神颁布证据过多的宽限期。

    The contemporary African Passion of Perpetua similarly exalted recent happenings, especially fearless martyrdoms, as evidence of the superabundant grace of the Spirit decreed for the last days.


  • 刚从夏天度假重新归队世界杯冠军队主力成员之一罗塔,在替补上场因为犯规被红牌下。

    Substitute Simone Perrotta, one of the World Cup winners returning to the squad after their holidays, was also sent off for a challenge on Albelda.


  • 西回归显然森纳进攻增加了一些东西荷兰球星法布雷加斯萨谬纳斯里以及西奥·科特之间默契已经做到了很多

    The return of Van Persie has certainly added something to Arsenal's attacking play and much has been made of the understanding between the Dutch star, Fabregas, Samir Nasri and Theo Walcott.


  • 我们赛季几乎没怎么看到过科特,他们不得不应付这个赛季开始离开俱乐部情况。当然还有,范西,这支球队的核心。

    We have hardly seen Theo Walcott this season, and they have had to deal with Adebayor leaving the club at the start of the season.


  • 我们赛季几乎没怎么看到过科特,他们不得不应付这个赛季开始离开俱乐部情况。当然还有,范西,这支球队的核心。

    We have hardly seen Theo Walcott this season, and they have had to deal with Adebayor leaving the club at the start of the season.


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