• 清晨傍晚阳光拥有温暖色调中午阳光投射的阴影变的

    The color of early morning and late afternoon sunlight is warm in tone, while open shade at midday can be quite bluish.


  • 墨尔本皇家植物园里,见到漂亮的草地,最天空,最温暖的阳光,最可爱的天鹅

    In RBG, I saw the most wonderful lawns, most blue sky, most warm sunshine and most lovely swan which are much better than even I had sawn.


  • 刺穿云块阳光就像根根线,纵横交错,灰的云朵缝缀美丽无比的图案

    The Pierce the clouds the sun like root gold, arranged in a crisscross pattern, the light gray, blue and gray clouds sewn into a very beautiful pattern.


  • 天空时候指尖沾染阳光颜色小小的美丽淡淡的快乐

    When the sky is very blue, the finger tip will also taint with up the color of sunlight, very small beauty, light happiness.


  • 东涌见到深圳第一阳光地方海岸连成线,海水透明海浪此起彼伏,气势十足。

    Dongchong is a good place to see the first ray of sunshine in Shenzhen, where the coast becomes a line, water is blue and clear, the waves roll one upon another.


  • 标志主体绿三色组成,黄色代表阳光沙滩象征海洋绿色代表生机与绿树。

    The logo by the yellow, blue, green, yellow represents the sun and the beach, blue symbolizes the sea, green represents vitality and green trees.


  • 今天天气真好阳光普照而且天空如此是个适合海滩晒太阳的好日子。

    What a lovely day. The sun is shinning and the sky is so blue. lt's a perfect day to go to the beach and get a beautiful tan.


  • 刺穿云块阳光就像根根线,纵横交错,浅灰云朵缝缀美丽无比的图案

    The Pierce the clouds the sun like root gold, arranged in a crisscross pattern, the grayish blue and gray clouds sewn into a very beautiful pattern.


  • 那些石头里仿佛看到灿烂阳光下,身着裤的土家寨民将一串串金黄玉米、一串串火红的辣椒在他们石砌屋檐

    In those stones I saw Tujia villagers in blue hanging strings of golden maize and red chilies under stone eaves in the bright sunshine.


  • 仰望似乎天空了,阳光了。

    Look up at the blue sky, it seems that the sky more blue, more dazzle sunlight.


  • 平常体会明媚的光照下颜色中泛,恰似雨过天晴后,云开雾散澄清泛起金色阳光

    Ordinary experience, in the bright light, the color of yellowish green, like the storm is over, the one finally parted and allowed some time to clarify the blue sky on a golden thrown sunlight.


  • 妈妈告诉窗外天空的,因为和煦阳光沐浴着。

    Mom told me that out of the window the sky is blue because it has bathed in the genial sunshine.


  • 那时可以海上远眺市容,饱览色调柔和相映西班牙式房屋,它们太平洋明媚阳光照耀下熠熠生辉。

    You will be able to enjoy a view of the city from the sea and take pleasure in the soft red and blue Spanish-type houses shining in the bright Pacific light.


  • 我们海边海水天空一样沙滩沐浴阳光享受的事儿。我和妹妹还捡了好多五颜六色的贝壳。

    We went to the seaside, the sea was as blue as the sky, and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an enjoyable thing.


  • 公园里,那些花都漂亮阳光灿烂在树上歌唱

    In the park, the flowers are very beautiful, the sky is blue, the sun is shinning, the birds are singing in the trees.


  • 阳光彩虹所有颜色绿

    Sunlight is made up of all the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.


  • 相信做好监测就是服务客户,服务好客户就是生活更美好让天空阳光灿烂

    We believe in that spare no effort to do our work is good service for customer, good service for customer can make life better, sky cleaner, sunlight more brilliant.


  • 沿着西湖走,看到垂柳阳光下发着绿莹莹的光,而湖水那样

    Walking along the lake, I saw willows bowing in shiness. The water is so blue.


  • 8阳光样品亚甲基光催化降解效果图。

    Fig. 8 indicates the effect drawing of photocatalytic degradation rate of methylene blue under sunlight.


  • 8阳光样品亚甲基光催化降解效果图。

    Fig. 8 indicates the effect drawing of photocatalytic degradation rate of methylene blue under sunlight.


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