• 部分读者可能熟悉这家基金会其实澳洲亚洲非洲防治失明做出了相当大的贡献。

    This foundation may not be so familiar to American readers, but it works to treat and prevent blindness in Australia, Asia, and Africa.


  • Mattson认为部分禁食时候很多益处的,通过调节葡萄糖的节律能够防治糖尿病降低血压

    Mattson thinks partial fasting has numerous benefits, from improving glucose regulation, which can protect against diabetes, to also lowering blood pressure.


  • 美国国家卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)研究提供了部分资助他们兴趣的是如何利用曼尼发现开发防治真菌方法

    They are interested in using Money's insights to develop methods of fungal control.


  • 通过动物研究指出部分禁食脑功能也是益处的可以防治阿尔茨汉姆、帕金森病中风

    Some animal studies have also shown that partial fasting has very beneficial effects on the brain, protecting against Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and stroke.


  • 卫组织防治血吸虫病工作综合控制忽视热带病工作的部分

    WHO’s work on schistosomiasis forms part of an integrated approach to the control of neglected tropical diseases.


  • 作者认为,我国部分害虫防治起用林丹不可能生态环境构成威胁。

    Therefore, it can not cause a threat on ecological environment to use lindane in partial control of crop insect pest in China.


  • 目的探讨部分动脉栓塞术治疗外伤性破裂护理并发症观察防治

    Objective To investigate the nursing care for patients with traumatic spleen rupture after partial splenic embolization(PSE), observe the complications and how to prevent them.


  • 犯罪理论主要包括两个部分:犯罪原因犯罪防治论。

    His theory mainly has two parts: the theory on the reasons of crime and the theory of prevention and control of crime.


  • 为了方便地评价安全效益铁路泄洪防洪工程分为泄洪工程防治工程两部分

    In order to conveniently evaluate the safety benefit, the railway's protection engineerings are divided into flood-relief projects and flood-control projects in this paper.


  • 离体叶片田间试验结果表明,部分微生物芒果炭疽病显著防治效果

    Significant effects of a few antagonistic microorganisms on control of mango anthracnose disease were observed on detached leaves or on field mango leaves.


  • 大多数螽蟖为植食性种类,重要农林害虫,部分类群食性种类,是重要的昆虫天敌生物防治潜在资源

    Most of them are phytophagous insects and important pests in agriculture and forest; others are predatory insects and are insect enemy and potential resources for biocontrol.


  • 这种疾病非洲亚洲部分地区传播得很快主要是因为缺乏正确卫生管理,防治和教育。

    The disease is spreading fast in Africa and parts of Asia, mainly because of a lack of proper health care, prevention and education.


  • 文章通过工作面的分析尝试性解释对工作面煤与瓦斯突出部分机理提出几点防治建议

    Based on analysis of working face, we attempt to explain the mechanism of pressure on mine gas outburst face some, and suggest some prevention and cure Suggestions.


  • 主要介绍岩爆预测防治理论研究实践探索部分成果

    The paper describes partial results of rock explosion prediction, theoretical research of counter measures and its practice.


  • MDS治疗难度高部分患者转化白血病至今尚无理想防治方法

    MDS treatment difficult, some patients can be converted into leukemia, so far there is no ideal method of prevention.


  • 污染有害于人类。正文部分分析了污染给人类造成哪些具体的危害。最后在结尾部分提出防治污染措施

    Measures should be taken to control pollution. Legislative steps should be introduced and pollutants should be trapped before they are poured out of chimneys.


  • 奶牛奶业系统一个重要组成部分主要包括奶牛培育、奶牛饲养疫病防治生产四个环节。

    Milch cow industry is one of important part of dairy industry, including breeding milch cow, raising milch cow, preventing and cure of the epidemic disease and milk production.


  • 由于新增艾滋病患者包括部分大学生,因此对大学生进行艾滋病防治宣传尤为重要

    As the new AIDS patients, including some college students, the university students to carry out AIDS prevention and awareness is especially important.


  • 第二部分分析了我国现行有关农地土壤污染法律规定及其缺失,提出了农地土壤污染防治的必要性可行性。

    Part 2 is an introduction of the current laws about soil pollution of agriculture field prevention and control and its perfect in our country;


  • 同时,本发明部分化合物具有好的杀菌活性可用防治水稻稻瘟病黄瓜霉病、炭疽病

    Simultaneously, a part of the compounds also have better sterilizing activity and can be used for controlling rice blasts, cucumber downy mildews and anthraxes.


  • 用于防治小麦大麦等作物田阔叶部分一年生禾本科杂草。

    Uses: Control of most broad-leaved weeds and some annual grasses in wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale, flax, and on non-crop land.


  • 训练作为全面身体锻炼部分可以显著增长肌肉力量体积及发挥慢性病防治作用。

    As an integral part of physical exercise, anti-resistance training can increase skeletal muscle strength and volume as well as prevent and cure chronic diseases.


  • 介绍湖南省部分县市净水再污染状况、再污染途径及其防治对策

    The current situation of re-pollution of clean water in some towns and cities of Hunan province and prevention countermeasures are introduced.


  • 部分计划明年开展防治艾滋病委员会表示派员珠海参与针对珠海娱乐场所的外展工作

    Part of the plan to carry out next year, the AIDS Commission said it would also be sent to the Zhuhai, Zhuhai entertainment for participation in the outreach work.


  • 主要分析二恶英毒性来源综合国内外有关二恶英绝大部分研究成果,并简要提出二恶英的防治措施

    The toxicity and its sources of dioxins are analyzed. The preventive measures are pointed out combining with most of the internal and external achievements.


  • 鄱阳湖(南昌区域)位于鄱阳湖主湖区南部水域水污染控制鄱阳湖区水污染防治一个重要组成部分

    Nanchang area of Poyang Lake lies in the southern of the Poyang Lake and is one of key pollution control areas in the Poyang Lake.


  • 鄱阳湖(南昌区域)位于鄱阳湖主湖区南部水域水污染控制鄱阳湖区水污染防治一个重要组成部分

    Nanchang area of Poyang Lake lies in the southern of the Poyang Lake and is one of key pollution control areas in the Poyang Lake.


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