• 是在冬天时能成功防御疾病有效健康产品,每天接触很多但是从来没有生病过。

    This has been very successful in preventing illness this winter. Working in a health care field, I contact may people each day, and have not been ill yet.


  • 不管医疗科学取得了什么样进步,免疫系统我们抵抗疾病主要防御手段

    Despite anything the science of medicine may have achieved, the immune system is our main defence against disease.


  • 这样案例表明即使是通常致命疾病它们袭击一个免疫防御能力不强的社区时,也造成毁灭性的后果

    Cases such as this demonstrate that even diseases that are not normally fatal can have devastating consequences when they strike an immunologically defenseless community.


  • 处女地流行病指的那些风险人群以前没有接触袭击他们疾病因此免疫几乎毫无防御能力的疾病

    Virgin-soil epidemics are those in which the populations at risk have had no previous contact with the diseases that strike them and are therefore immunologically almost defenseless.


  • 疾病也是一个危机正如过去曾经接触过,都已经疾病其他部落成员一样,他们没有任何的疾病防御水痘普通感冒都一样。

    Disease is also a risk, as members of tribal groups that have been contacted in the past have died of illnesses that they have no defence against, ranging from chicken pox to the common cold.


  • 母乳喂养婴儿提供最佳的全面营养可加强抵抗疾病防御能力

    Breastfeeding provides the best overall nutrition for babies and increases their defense factors to fight illness.


  • 近来波士顿儿童医院临床医生通过推出一系列疾病防御措施采用了一种更加系统方式管理该市内罹患哮喘病的儿童。

    Recently, clinicians at children's Hospital Boston adopted a more systematic approach for managing inner-city children who suffer severe asthma attacks, by introducing a bundle of preventive measures.


  • 顺势疗法追溯到18世纪,其依据理念是,导致疾病症状的物质能够促使人体防御机能抑制病症

    Homeopathy, which dates to the 18th century, rests on the notion that substances that cause the same symptoms as an illness can prompt the body's defenses to overpower that illness.


  • 但是一些专家相信人体抵抗疾病防御机制由于一些原因破坏产生胰岛素细胞

    But some experts believe the body's defenses against disease for some reason destroy the cells that produce insulin.


  • 如果病人告诉这些,你要认真分析防御结构以便没有难堪的情况下找到病人一起谈论疾病策略。

    If the patient tells you this, carefully study his defensive structure so that you can figure out some way to discuss his disease without it being too upsetting.


  • 原始固有白细胞系统例如中性粒细胞巨噬细胞形成抵抗疾病线防御系统

    White blood cells of the more primitive innate system, like neutrophils and macrophages, form the first line of defense against disease.


  • 目的探讨抑郁障碍患者生活事件防御机制与其疾病发生间的关系

    Objective:To explore the correlation of life events and defense mechanism of depression patients with their sickness.


  • 如果生活周围没有医生,互联网可以提供如何防御疾病如何养育孩子并使健康信息

    It provides health information on how to avoid diseases or raise healthy children if you don't live near a doctor.


  • 植物能够对光照生物学计算’,利用光照信息建立自身防御系统抵抗当季的流行疾病

    So the plants perform a sort of biological light computation, using information contained in the light to immunize themselves against diseases that are prevalent during that season.


  • 这些病毒人类疾病防御进化具有重要作用可能的。

    It is possible that these viruses have had an important role in the evolution of human defences against disease.


  • 肺泡巨噬细胞人体防御肺结核疾病基本保障。

    The pulmonary macrophages are the body's primary defence mechanism to contain M. tuberculosis.


  • “也就是说,”比林斯说道,“只鹅能够任何放射性同位素转变稳定的同位素,产生了一套完整放射性疾病防御系统。”

    "What it amounts to, " said Billings, "is that The Goose can convert any radioactive isotope into a stable one. It has developed the perfect defense against radiation sickness.


  • 影响心身疾病心理社会因素主要个体应激状态情绪人格特征心理防御机制和社会支持系统方面

    Psychosocial factors on psychosomatic disease mainly include the individual's stress state, emotion, personality characteristics, mental defence mechanism, social support system and so on.


  • 功能性植物一类具有机体防御、节律调节疾病防治、健康恢复等功能因子的一类植物,其中一些同时还具有药用价值。

    The functional plants are beneficial to human body on disease resistance, body regulation, disease control and restoration, some of them are also herbal medicine.


  • 艾滋病一种能够破坏人体免疫系统疾病使传染病疾病失去防御能力。

    AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body's immune system and leaves a person defenseless against infection and illnesses.


  • 增强动物抗病防御免疫应答能力,提高疫苗保护率当前防治传染性疾病最可靠简便途径。

    A strategy to enhance immune responses to conventional vaccines and DNA vaccines is very important in further development of the vaccine to control animal infectious diseases.


  • 净化全新驱散系统受到平衡将可以驱散防御魔法(负面效果友善目标),疾病

    Cleanse is being rebalanced to work with the new dispel system. It will dispel defensive magic (debuffs on friendly targets), diseases, and poisons.


  • 适当的营养最好防御之一加强你的身体营养可以提高能量防治疾病,将压力危害最小化

    Proper nutrition is one of your best defenses. Keeping your body fortified helps to boost energy, prevent illness, and minimize the harmful effects of stress.


  • 结论免疫防御相关52个基因可能三氯乙烯药疹样皮炎的疾病相关基因。

    Conclusion 52 genes related with immunity and defense may have a correlation with DMLT.


  • 目的探讨心身疾病负性情绪心理防御机制发病中介作用。

    Objective To explore the role of the negative emotion and the psychological defensive mechanism in pathogenesis of psychosomatic disease.


  • 心智防御型式种,持有者的不同,每种产生具体疾病类型

    There are five basic mental defense forms, which each create specific types of disease, depending on the person holding them.


  • 移植物体导致疾病的有机体一样,被身体防御系统排斥破坏

    The graft is then rejected by the body's defense mechanisms and destroyed. Just as if it were a disease-causing organism.


  • 移植物体导致疾病的有机体一样,被身体防御系统排斥破坏

    The graft is then rejected by the body's defense mechanisms and destroyed. Just as if it were a disease-causing organism.


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