• 我们需要变化尤其防守方面

    Changes are needed especially in defence.


  • 天性各个方面好斗尤其防守方面

    His instinct was aggressive in all respects, especially in the Fielding.


  • 防守方面努力,他似乎知道自己弱点

    He worked hard on defense and seems to know his weaknesses.


  • 这个赛季已经再三教练过,告诉我不要忽视防守方面锻炼。

    I have had three good talks with the trainer this season in which he indicated that I could not lose sight of the defensive aspect.


  • 我们针对米兰防守方面做了认真准备不过我们也会积极进攻的。

    We have prepared a careful match on the defensive level due to Milan's quality, but without ignoring our offensive principles.


  • 近来好吵着转会,但是今晚得了10并且防守方面好的表现

    Utah forward Andrei Kirilenko, who has talked of wanting to be traded, scored 10 points and demonstrated his defensive skills.


  • 防守方面来说所以重要是因为跳到足够高度才能拦截对方的射门

    Defensively speaking, it is also important for players to be able to jump high enough to block jump shots.


  • 巴格纳尼季前赛因为防守方面进步得到广泛好评数据没有证明这点

    Bargnani received a lot of praise for his improved defense prior to the exhibition season, but his numbers so far do not tell the same story.


  • 防守方面我们可以因为我们分析了整场比赛桑德兰比赛中只有次射正球门。

    Defensively I feel we were quite OK because we've analysed well the game and Sunderland had one shot on target in the game.


  • 奥诺哈已经被租借到桑德兰了,帮助布鲁斯球队做好防守方面有着至关重要的发挥。

    Onuoha is already on loan at Sunderland, where he has helped make Bruce's side a defensive force to be reckoned with.


  • 公牛现在不错,尤其是防守方面,相信这场比赛我们进攻端的一次考验

    The Bulls are playing really well, especially on defense so that will be a good test for us to move the ball and get good shots.


  • 幸好后腰位置,虽然依然还是热爱进攻,但我现在变得更加意识到了防守方面

    This year I've become, if not a holding player as such because I still like to get forward, more aware of the defensive aspect.


  • 加诺的比赛里,我们在进攻上取得很大收获不过防守方面做出了较大的让步

    We couldn't take much from the Lugano game, but we gave away a lot in defence.


  • 防守方面我们丢了两个糟糕失球但是我们比赛中表现不错,付出了所有努力

    Defensively, we lost two goals cheaply but we were well in the game and gave every ounce of effort.


  • 这位法国人没有防守方面名声但是仍然44次铲球19次拦截14次解围

    The Frenchman does not have a reputation for defensive work but has still pitched in with 44 tackles, 19 interceptions and 14 clearances.


  • 作为一个团队他们进攻强势防守方面相对薄弱,就像阿喀琉斯的脚踵一样。

    As a team they're strong on attack but they have a weak defence that might prove to be their Achilles' heel.


  • 虽然觉得赛季我们得比上赛季,但防守方面问题让我们今年的成绩与以往大有不同。

    "That makes a difference because going forward I feel we have played better football than last [season]," he said.


  • 美妙第一个赛季已经大家身上到了很多。特别是防守方面,”告诉我们

    It's been a fantastic first season and I have been learning from all the players at the club, especially from the defence, "he told us."


  • 主动进攻防守能力弱,技、战术打法有待整和提高,特别是防守方面较其它各队有明显差距。

    But they are weak in active attack and defense ability, and backward in tactics, especially defense techniques and tactics.


  • 即使大前锋加索尔最合适的位置,但是还是不能适应纳姆搭档,不论在防守方面还是进攻方面

    Even though that is Gasol's natural position, he has simply not been able to adjust his defensive play and his offensive timing around Bynum.


  • 拜纳姆防守方面进步抢夺篮板球能力一直都蛮但是禅师进步的全面判断保留赛季后期

    Bynum is playing better defense, and rebounding has been a strength, but Jackson wanted to reserve overall judgment on his improvement until later in the season.


  • 而且抢断(平均2.77次,总数202次)全联盟排名第一,所以防守方面贡献同样重要

    He leads the league in steals per game (2.77) and total steals (202), so his contributions at the defensive end have been equally important.


  • 防守方面没有足够身体条件,在进攻末端他没有足够的技术去完成,但是沃顿打球很聪明而卡尔

    Not enough athleticism on defense, not enough skill on the offensive end. But while Walton has a decent post game, Karl has that jumper.


  • 主教练范甘迪无奈地:“很明显下半场我们得不错,防守方面没有得到真正改善因此我们能挽回局面。”

    "Offensively, we played better (in the second half), but defensively, we didn't really play any better so it really didn't change," Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy said.


  • 认为亚当斯很难接受一个自信一直自己的组织才能而自豪,并且球队防守方面工作的非常努力

    I think it is hard for Adams to take because he is a proud man who prides himself on organisation and he has been working hard on that side of the game defensively.


  • 湖人并不需要班克斯得分但是到来防守方面的确重要因为寸的身高湖人提供了一道外线防线。

    The Lakers do not need Ebanks to score but the fact he arrives with a defensive reputation is important because his 6'9" frame gives the Lakers another long perimeter defender."


  • 自由人不能发球,当高于球网时不能扣球不能按轮转顺序站前排去,接对方发球后排防守方面起到至关重要作用

    The libero cannot serve, spike the ball over the net or rotate into the front-line positions, but plays a vital role for the team in serve reception and backcourt defense.


  • 自由人不能发球,当高于球网时不能扣球不能按轮转顺序站前排去,接对方发球后排防守方面起到至关重要作用

    The libero cannot serve, spike the ball over the net or rotate into the front-line positions, but plays a vital role for the team in serve reception and backcourt defense.


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