• 王建民比赛看起来可怕五月五日投了将近完全比赛,在上周三面对队主局仅失分。

    Wang has looked terrific at times; he carried a perfect game into the eighth inning May 5, and held the Chicago White Sox to one run in seven innings last Wednesday.


  • 此外,10日的女单比赛中,中国小花李子君()在最后关键时刻迎头赶上,摘得铜牌,东道中国最终以3块奖牌收官。

    The last minute catcher Li Zijun(see photo) took the women's singles 3rd place Friday.


  • 除了广告以外,阿迪达斯世界杯提供官方比赛用球,并赞助了12国家其中包括阿根廷法国德国东道南非

    In addition to ads, Adidas is providing the official match ball for the World Cup. It's also sponsoring 12 national teams, including Argentina, France, Germany and host South Africa.


  • 历届东道进入第二淘汰赛,曾于1996年夺得非洲国家冠军,素有“小伙子南非”之称的南非国家家乡支持下一路坎坷前行。

    No host nation has failed to reach the second round and South Africa’s national team, Bafana Bafana, which won the African Nations Cup in 1996, will stumble through on home support.


  • 东道南非揭幕战墨西哥战成1比1平。

    South Africa and Mexico played to a 1-1 draw in the opening game.


  • 世界杯揭幕战本周五打响,虽然墨西哥比赛后半段扳回分,东道南非战平,但赛场看台南非球迷的(加油长喇叭)“呜呜祖拉”声却赛过墨西哥球迷人浪。

    South Africa's vuvuzela trumped the Mexican wave in the big match of the day in the stands while Mexico salvaged a late draw against the hosts in the World Cup opening gameon Friday.


  • 世界杯揭幕战于本周五打响,虽然墨西哥比赛后半段扳回分,东道南非战平,但赛场看台南非球迷的(加油长喇叭)“呜呜祖拉”声却赛过墨西哥球迷人浪。

    South Africa's vuvuzela trumped the Mexican wave in the big match of the day in the stands while Mexico salvaged a late draw against the hosts in the World Cup on Friday.


  • 去年苏格兰最终战胜了东道泰国赢得比赛的胜利,连续第二夺得冠军。

    Last year it was Scotland who won the prestigious tournament - for the second year running.


  • 26岁的安贞焕点球大战分钟头球攻门打入粒金球,结束了这场比赛。否则东道韩国在点球大战中与三世界冠军意大利一绝胜负。

    Ahn, 26, nodded home a golden goal winner just three minutes before penalty kicks would have been needed to separate the co-hosts from three-time World champions Italy.


  • 约为曼哈顿两倍,有2000名的海军陆战士兵,还有700名阿富汗士兵300名常规警察

    In the main zone, roughly twice the size of Manhattan, 2,000 marines are backed up by 700 Afghan soldiers and 300 regular police.


  • 约为曼哈顿两倍,有2000名海军陆战士兵,还有700名阿富汗士兵300名常规警察

    In the main zone, roughly twice the size of Manhattan, 2, 000 marines are backed up by 700 Afghan soldiers and 300 regular police.


  • 几个电视台包括国家新闻电视台TimesNow告诉他们停止突击行动的播报。

    Several TV stations, including the national news station Times Now, told their anchors to stop reporting on the positions of commandos.


  • 东道南非揭幕战墨西哥战成1比1平。

    South Africa and Mexico played to a 1-1 draw in the opening game


  • 他们611日迎来他们世界杯首战-对阵乌拉圭,随后与同在A墨西哥东道南非进行较量。

    They open their World Cup campaign against Uruguay on 11 June, before taking on Mexico and hosts South Africa in Group a.


  • 2004年举行的女足亚青赛上,朴恩善帽子戏法帮助名不见经传的韩国3比0大胜东道中国,一战成名。

    Park shot to stardom after scoring a hat-trick to help unfancied South Korea to a convincing 3-0 win against host China in the 2004 AFC U-19 Women's Championship final.


  • 东道太阳最近发生最好事情了,或者说是唯一一件好事

    It was the best thing that had happened in days for the host Suns, or the only good thing.


  • 开幕式首场赛事东道南非墨西哥之间进行,比赛结果为1比1。

    The ceremony was followed by the first game of the tournament between the host and Mexico, which ended 1-1.


  • 下届世界杯东道俄罗斯韩国1 - 1握手言和。

    The next World Cup hosts Russia and South Korea a 1-1 draw.


  • 还有计量经济学家们组成代表在“场上”进行激烈角逐,争夺预测东道英国奖牌数量”大赛的冠军。

    There will also be teams of econometricians battling it out to predict how many medals will be won by the host nation.


  • 中国女排战胜荷兰以及东道巴西并且最终击败塞尔维亚获得金牌

    Team China triumphed over host team Brazil, the Netherlands and finally Serbia to claim the gold.


  • 固定错误储备联赛包括球员线如果他们提供后备

    Fixed bug where reserve teams playing in main leagues would not include players from the first team if they were made available for the reserve team.


  • 周六战胜莱索托之前尼日利亚已经确保了一个出线名额,所在加纳东道

    Nigeria had secured a place even before their Saturday win over Lesotho and Michael Essien's Ghana are the hosts.


  • 巴西仍然排名第一,东道南非赢得友谊赛之后,排名上升了

    Brazil remain top of the latest FIFA rankings, while World Cup host South Africa have jumped seven places after winning two friendly matches.


  • 梅西本场比赛打进5粒进球,包括半决赛中对阵东道美国时的高超的任意球也因此国家55个进球成绩成为阿根廷的创纪录进球手。

    Messi had scored five times at the tournament, including a superb free-kick in the semi-final against hosts the USA to become his country's record scorer with 55 goals.


  • 东道德国在揭幕战中被哥斯达黎加打进球,媒体质问为什么不设立清道夫

    The hosts conceded twice against Costa Rica, and the absence of a sweeper was questioned in the press.


  • 周日晚举行的2011深圳大运会女足决赛中,东道中国加时赛中以2:1战胜日本对,在等待18之后再次赢得女足冠军

    Host China came from behind to beat Japan 2-1 in overtime and won the women's football gold medal at 2011 Shenzhen Universiade here on Sunday after 18 years' waiting.


  • 东道南非在揭幕战墨西哥战成1比1平。

    South Africa and Mexico played to a 1-1 drawin the opening game.


  • 东道南非在揭幕战墨西哥战成1比1平。

    South Africa and Mexico played to a 1-1 drawin the opening game.


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