• 别的代表门科优等生其实知道,我只是一个纸老虎

    I think of other subjects: representation of the class is the branch's top student, you don't know, I'm just a paper tiger!


  • 正餐宾客下午六点半开始整个自助餐宣传门科民歌快二步的舞蹈种在西班牙表演文化中享有盛誉娱乐节目。

    Dinner guests will also be entertained by flamenco and paso doble dances, two renowned Spanish cultural performances that begin at 6:30 PM throughout the buffet promotion.


  • 接受全培训医生必须修完包括在内的专业课程

    Doctors training for General Practice must complete programmes in a number of specialties, including Paediatrics.


  • 分钟内阅读记住全书内容并且能在读完本教流利地说语言

    He can read and remember the contents of an encyclopedia volume in a few minutes, and speak a language fluently after reading one textbook.


  • 2006年,先生诈骗罪起诉了名德国人(真正的名字变成了哈尔德•苟尔克)。

    In 2006 Mr Koch sued the German (whose real name, it turned out, was Meinhard Goerke) for fraud.


  • 拉·三角洲北部农民,其中很多种植稻米的,愿意他们最低土地然后卖给南方城市贫困的农民。

    Farmers north of the Sacramento delta, many of whom grow rice, can offer to keep fallow their least productive lands and sell water to cities and needy farmers farther south.


  • 亲缘关系相近归入相同然后很多属被归入然后最后归入(例如动物界)。

    Groups of closely related species belong to the same genus, which in turn are clustered into families, then orders, then classes, then phyla, and finally into kingdoms (such as the animal kingdom).


  • 今年三月中旬一个周日会见弗朗西斯•萨尔医生负责法航447航班遇难者的尸检工作。

    On a Sunday morning in mid-March, I met with Dr. Francisco Sarmento, the doctor who presided over the Flight 447 autopsies.


  • 老家丹尼北边一个的地方,离这里几个小时路程。

    My ancestral village, Dhanikhola, is several hours north of here, in a district called Mymensingh.


  • 杰克打开身边那辆迈罗的一翻身驾驶室,迅速关上

    Jack popped the Camaro's door, rolled into the front seat, and quickly closed the door again.


  • 几户家庭具备实力的合作农场购买土地超过200万公顷

    The large Mennonite families and powerful co-operative farm groups have bought an estimated 2m hectares of land in the Chaco.


  • 这种来自墨西哥美国西南部、全为雌性的蜥蜴物种(脊索动物臼齿Aspidoscelis属)能够无需雄性授精帮助的情况下繁殖良种后代

    This all-lady lizard species (of theAspidoscelis genus) from Mexico and the U.S. Southwest manage to produce well-bred offspring without the aid of male fertilization.


  • 一封信朱丽叶房子,在著名马志尼店吃饭博尔萨里,参观舞台剧场,老城堡城堡,美术馆的。

    Write a letter to Juliet at her house, shop on the famous Mazzini, dine on the Corso di Porta Borsari, and visit the Arena Amphitheatre, Castelvecchio Castle, and Art Gallery.


  • 第一节什么?你觉得最难的一什么?你在哪一目学最多最少

    What is your easiest class? What is your hardest class? OR What class are your learning the most in? What class are you learning the least in?


  • 不像发动机瓦特设计一个冷凝器可以

    Unlike Newcomen's engine, Watt's design had a condenser that could be cool while the cylinder was hot.


  • 我们彩釉的小标识给所有编了这些标识来自布里奇的商店RE,离我们不远我们最喜欢商店之一。

    We numbered the doors with little enamel signs from RE in Corbridge, which is not far from us — happily as it is one of our favourite shops.


  • 古罗马卡匹托尔山上也有座神庙其中一扇神圣利涅而设的。

    She had a temple on the Capitol, and one of the Colline gates was consecrated to her.


  • 小学课程美术课劳技课,可以同学们老师时间里自己动手教学用具,即上好了辅又对主课有帮助。

    There is Art and Labor course in primary school. Teachers and students could do it during these classes and it takes account of both main subject and subsidiary courses.


  • 媒介管理作为新兴理论基础具体实践都包含着“层制合理性”、“规则化”的观点,显示出一定耦合性

    From basic theory to concrete practice, media management, as a new discipline, contains the concept of "rationality", "regularity" in "bureaucracy", and shows certain coupling.


  • 分类任何一个分类学上的类群,

    A taxon is any taxonomic grouping, such as a phylum, a family or a species.


  • 菲尔德留下了医务室之后,萨拉她自己注射了一些药物在被其他医生治疗长一段时间之后,最终苏醒过来了

    After leaving the infirmary door open for Scofield, Sarah injected some medicine for herself. After treating a very long time by other doctors, she finally came around.


  • 托马斯·伦敦去世。他曾在1705年发明第一空气蒸汽机

    Thomas Newcomen, English inventor of the first atmospheric steam engine in 1705, died in London.


  • 瓦特发动机很显然萨尔韦经济现代标准来看,效率相对低。

    Watt's engines were clearly much more economical than those of Savery and Newcomen but were relatively inefficient by modem standards.


  • 经过对采集的标本进行鉴定,发现浮游藻类167个及变种隶属52557

    Through identifying specimens, phytoplankton is discovered 167 species (including varieties) in total and they belong to 5 divisions, 25 families and 57 genera.


  • 坏的是,麦克林内这样的对手打中有效的重拳,那么可以想象:狂大的克里奇定能猛击阿奥拉洞开

    Worse, if an opponent like McCline can land such damaging punches, one can only imagine what havoc a Klitschko could wreak on Arreola's wide-open face.


  • 坏的是,麦克林内这样的对手打中有效的重拳,那么可以想象:狂大的克里奇定能猛击阿奥拉洞开

    Worse, if an opponent like McCline can land such damaging punches, one can only imagine what havoc a Klitschko could wreak on Arreola's wide-open face.


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