• 长江口崇明分为南北

    The Changjiang estuary is divided into south and north branches by the Chongming Island.


  • 根据实测资料分析了长江口盐水入侵问题。

    According to measured data, the salinity intrusion in the Yangtze Estuary is analysised.


  • 第二因子描述了黄浦江水对长江口水体污染情况。

    There are three factors which affected the variation of the elements in the Yangtze river estuary.


  • 最后通过长江口水流计算实例阐明良好性能

    Lastly, the good performance is demonstrated through a case study of tidal flow computation for the southern branch of the Yangtze estuary.


  • 论述了用动态工程观点实施长江口深水整治工程必要性

    The paper demonstrates the necessity of executing the regulation project of deepwater channel in the Yangtze Estuary in the view of dynamic works.


  • 模型系统应用长江口区域,经过了大量实测资料验证

    The model system is verified by lots of observed data when applied to the Yangtze Estuary.


  • 本文简述了长江口水域实施大口径玻璃钢管水下安装施工工艺

    This paper introduces the construction technology of underwater installation of large-caliber GRP pipe in the Yangtze Estuary Area.


  • 长江口主要交换通道之一,受人类活动影响较小。

    The South Passage which is little affects by the human being is the main channel of water discharge and sediment in the Changjiang Estuary.


  • 长江口深水航道整治工程研究建立南京上海两座模型

    Two models in Nanjing and Shanghai respectively were set up for the research of the Yangtze Estuary deep water channel regulation project.


  • 半圆体混合长江口深水航道治理工程堤坝主要结构型式之一

    Semi-circular composite dikes are one of the main structures in Yangtze Estuary Channel Regulation Project.


  • 模型应用长江口北支崇海公路大桥修建流场浓度的数值模拟

    The model is applied to simulate the flow and concentration fields in the north branch of Changjiang estuary after the building of Chonghai Road Bridge.


  • 崇明位于长江口中国第3大岛面积1267平方公里生态环境相对完好

    Located at the mouth of the Yangtze River, the island is China's 3rd biggest island, with an area of 1267 sq km and a relatively intact ecology system.


  • 上海位于长江口冲积平原地势低洼河网密布,拥有广阔滩涂资源

    Shanghai in Yangtze Delta alluvial plain, low-lying, the network of waterways covered with vast shoals resources.


  • 分辨率多道地震调查表明,长江口及其附近海域发现数条第四纪断层

    Several Quaternary faults have been found in the Yangtze River estuary by high resolution multi-trace seismic surveying.


  • 调查长江湿地环境现状分析评价了长江口北支湿地的环境质量

    The environment status of wetland in north branch of Changjiang estuary was investigated, its environmental quality was evaluated.


  • 介绍了长江口深水航道附近水域沉船解体和打捞方案爆破参数施工方法

    The salvaging program for the "haifeng" sunken ship in water areas near the deep water channel of entrance of Yangtze River, blasting parameters and implementation method are introduced.


  • 现场观测获得长江口型泥质潮坪不同时间尺度沉积速率及层偶保存率。

    In situ observation has given preservation potentials and deposition rates of non barrier mudflats in the Yangtze River estuary over different time scales.


  • 因此研究长江口盐淡水混合盐水入侵情况有着及其重要理论意义实用价值。

    So it is very important to study on the mixing of salt-fresh water and saltwater intrusion in Changjiang Estuary.


  • 采用一种隐式海洋紊流模型杭州湾长江口附近潮流场进行了数值模拟。

    A semi implicit three dimensional ocean circulation model is employed to simulate the tidal flow of Hangzhou Bay and Changjiang river estuary.


  • 这些实际需求科学问题本身都要求长江口运动规律做深入的研究。

    The demand of economic development and the question of the science itself need to deeply understand the dynamics of suspended sediment in the high turbidity estuary - Changjiang estuary.


  • 长江口区及邻近海域具有较大环境容量净能力,故该调查区基本视为未污染

    There is enough environment capability and self-cleaning action in this area, so the investigation area can be regarded as a non-polluted area.


  • 上海长江口我国典型河口,海域水面开阔资源丰富具有多种生态系统服务功能

    The typical estuaryShanghai Yangtze River Estuary, which is full of resources and with widen surface, has many ecosystem services.


  • 洪水作用下,交替成为长江口入海,汊更替大都洪水的作用有关。

    In the effect of the flood, the North and South channel was the main channel alternate, which is relate to the flood.


  • 选用长江口双向环形水槽进行盐度含沙量流速等不同条件下组合实验

    The suspended sediment in the south passage at the Yangtze river estuary was used to conduct experiment in the two-way annular flume about sediment concentration, salinity velocity and flow velocity.


  • 针对河口水流运动特性,采用ADCP实测水流资料长江口水流运动规律进行研究分析

    According to the characteristics of estuarine tidal current, its movement law in the Yangtze River Estuary is studied by analyzing measured data of water flow obtained from ADCP.


  • 用软体排护底替代柴排抛石护长江口整治成为深水航道治理工程中不可替代材料

    Geotextile mattress has become a necessary material for bed protection during deepwater channel regulation engineering of the Yangtze Estuary regulation project instead of rubble bed protection.


  • 长江口毗邻海域研究基于响应线性规划方法在污染源总量分配计算中的应用

    Taking the Yangtze Estuary and adjacent sea as an example, the linear programming method based on response fields was studied and applied to the total load allocation calculation.


  • 论证长江口河势还存在不稳定因素情况下, 南港槽入海航道可整治的技术可行性

    The paper demonstrates the technical feasibility of regulating the north passage of the south channel under the circumstances of existing unsteady factors in the regime of the Yangtze Estuary.


  • 论证长江口河势还存在不稳定因素情况下, 南港槽入海航道可整治的技术可行性

    The paper demonstrates the technical feasibility of regulating the north passage of the south channel under the circumstances of existing unsteady factors in the regime of the Yangtze Estuary.


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