• 晚风中,潮水声中浮脚享用海鲜大餐

    Having a seafood dinner on deck along beach, enjoying a windy and peaceful night at Balai.


  • 只有靠近风车时才能发觉这些庞然大物40那么他们叶片大型喷气式客机的机翼那么

    Only as you draw near to one do you realise that these towers are the height of 40-storey buildings; their blades are the length of a jumbo jet’s wing.


  • 大多数风能来自风力发电机(涡轮机),它20层,带有三个200英尺(60米)的叶片

    Most wind energy comes from turbines that can be as tall as a 20-story building and have three 200-foot-long (60-meter-long) blades.


  • 上星期秘书科菲安南日内瓦主持了艾滋病规划署/世卫组织联合办公的落成仪式。

    Just last week, Secretary-General Kofi Annan inaugurated the new joint UNAIDS/WHO building in Geneva.


  • 100空间28米——大概层公寓大小

    It is 100 meters long and its room hight is 28 meters, which is the size of a nine-storey apartment building!


  • 将要保罗千夫句话,可以不可以。 他说,你懂得希利尼话麽。

    37As the soldiers were about to take Paul into the barracks, he asked the commander, "May I say something to you?"


  • 尚德电力八层总部大正面全部太阳能覆盖,由约2600块2面板组成的建筑物是世界上最大的用于建筑物表面的发电太阳能,房顶还有一排1800块较小的太阳能板,仅有阳光的一天,就能产生一百万瓦特的电力。

    Solar panels cover the entire front face of the sprawling eight-story headquarters. Nearly 2, 600 two-meter-long panels form the largest grid-connected solar façade in the world.


  • 办公立面强烈的水平线展示内部天花板的、戏剧性角角落落,包括照明在内。

    The strong horizontal lines of the office building's facade are echoed in its interior, with its long, narrow, dramatically angular recesses in the ceiling, which incorporate lighting.


  • 增加一系列混凝土进一步支撑结构贯通了建筑的

    A series of concrete walls were also added on the longer sides to further support the structure, while the new staircase connects all four levels.


  • 即便按照纽约标准住宅室内设计也是拮据的房屋宽度8 1/2一你英尺42英尺。

    The residential interiors are a tight squeeze even by New York standards, measuring just 8 1/2 feet wide and 42 feet long on each of its three floors.


  • 画廊位于以及第三层,一个105英尺46)的自动扶梯带领游客大堂穿梭主展厅

    The galleries are located on the first and third floors, and a 105-foot-long (46 metre) escalator shuttles visitors from the lobby to the main gallery on the third floor.


  • 气压一个足够卷尺测量

    Sell the barometer. Purchase a tape measure long enough to measure the height of the building.


  • 设法借助一根而粗的绳子把重载篮子二层

    He managed to haul the loaded basket up the second floor by means of a long, sturdy rope.


  • 只有靠近风车时才能发觉这些庞然大物40那么他们叶片大型喷气式客机机翼那么

    Only as you draw near to one do you realise that these towers are the height of 40-storey buildings; their blades are the length of a jumbo jet's wing.


  • 孙髯翁所撰大观具有极其丰富美学意蕴,集中体现了对联艺术六个美学范畴的十八个美学原则。

    Taking the long Chinese antithetical couplets about Daguanlou Storied Building as an example, this paper discusses the eighteen general aesthetic features of Chinese Antithetical Couplets.


  • 北京-- 北京省内近距离搬家、搬写字货柜货品装卸。搬钢琴高空吊装

    The relocation - Beijing province long move closer, moving factory, office buildings, unloading container, goods loading and unloading. Move the piano, high-altitude lifting, etc.


  • 相当一段时间内客家人必然延续他们自己的生活方式习惯仍然他们生活重要一部分

    For a long time to come, the Hakka will still continue their living styles and habits, and the earth buildings will continue to be an important part of their lives.


  • 往下莲花谷底公里,从莲花谷山势开始渐升。

    The distance from Jade Screen Peak down to the bottom of the Lotus Ravine is about two and half kilometers. Here the terrain rises.


  • 完成艘船大概需要35,如果是70英尺的驾驶桥时间六个月。

    Time to complete a vessel can vary between three to five months with the 70 foot Flybridge taking up to six months.


  • 解放初期庆祝农村合作化塘到南湖烟雨二三公里距离搞过船活动盛况空前

    To celebrate the liberation of rural co-operative, who from the Three Pagodas Tong Yan Yulou about 23 kilometers to the South Lake in the distance white boats engaged in a first step, unprecedented.


  • 广泛应用写字宾馆机关学校,寿命首选绿色照明产品

    It could be used in Office, Hotel, Advertlsing box, School etc. It is the preferred green lighting products.


  • 二二24千夫吩咐人将保罗,叫人鞭子拷问他们这样喊叫是为什么缘故

    Acts 22:24 The commander ordered him to be brought into the barracks, saying that he should be examined by scourging in order that he might ascertain for what cause they were shouting against him so.


  • 房间抬高以上的20游泳池凸出空中

    The room is elevated to the second floor and protruding over the 20 meter long swimming pool on the ground.


  • 省图自习室,二走廊这个城市安静舒适的地方。

    The most quite and comfortable place in Changsha City lies in the study room of the first floor and long corridors of the second and third floors of Hunan Library.


  • 希望接下来能够以的身份继续这些工作因为这样更多机会达成目标

    I want to continue this work as President because that would give me more opportunity to achieve my goals.


  • 展览厅位于近200的作品围绕着一个纵向脊椎展出或者说是150中央”。

    The exhibition halls are located on the ground floor, where nearly 200 works are exhibited around a longitudinal spine, or rather the 150 meter long "central promenade".


  • 众人喊叫这个的,有喊叫那个的。千夫因为这样,得不着实情,就吩咐人把保罗

    34some in the crowd shouted one thing and some another, and since the commander could not get at the truth because of the uproar, he ordered that Paul be taken into the barracks.


  • 众人喊叫这个的,有喊叫那个的。千夫因为这样,得不着实情,就吩咐人把保罗

    34some in the crowd shouted one thing and some another, and since the commander could not get at the truth because of the uproar, he ordered that Paul be taken into the barracks.


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