• 从表面上看一个长大女孩一切里面,我尖叫着。

    Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming.


  • 爱上天真的、没长大的女孩,我不能期望时间内变成一位聪慧、能干的女人

    I had fallen in love with an innocent child-like girl, and I could not expect her to become a wise, experienced woman in such a short time.


  • 然而还有一些点子”不敢恭维比如Kitty猫星战”系列贴纸。这个点子源于Hello Kitty,她是80年代长大女孩的最爱

    Then we have the ideas that make any Star Wars fan wince, like the "Hello Wars" line of stickers from the folks behind the favorite of every girl who grew up in the 1980s, Hello Kitty.


  • 最后,出于自愿,她其他女孩更早长大了。

    In the end, she grew up of her own free will a day quicker than other girls.


  • 随着时间流逝女孩长大了,搬了成人了、结了婚孩子最后成了一个可爱的老太太很多孙子孙女

    As time passed, the girl grew up, moved houses, became an adult, married, had children, and finally became a lovely little old woman with many grandchildren.


  • 多年前,一个叫科林·罗斯的小女孩决定长大后要为那些生病和无家可归的孩子们提供一个温暖的家。

    Many years ago, a little girl named Collin Rose decided that when she grew up, she would offer a warm home to those sick and homeless children.


  • 作为伊朗长大英国求学女孩成为名医生

    As a girl growing up in Iran and attending boarding school in England, I wanted to be a doctor.


  • 如果接受了建议打算慢慢长大,你就应该按揭付款工作或者一个女孩所牵绊。

    If you took my advice about taking your time to grow up, you won't yet be attached to a mortgage payment, a job, or a girl.


  • 很多年后女孩长大了。只一直被珍藏着的娃娃身上,她突然发现一个隐蔽缝隙

    Many years later, the now grown girl found a letter stuffed into an unnoticed crevice in the cherished replacement doll.


  • 莉莲是个年轻裔加拿大女孩安大略省加纳德河畔农业社区中长大

    Lillian was a young French Canadian girl who grew up in the farming community3 of River Canard, Ontario.


  • 美国社会里男孩女孩在一起长大

    In American society boys and girls are raised together.


  • 金发女孩下雪时候来到都柏林热情地追逐着长大了变世故的吉姆

    The blonde one came to Dublin with the snow, passion pursuing Jim all grown up and knowing.


  • 她说:“男性榜样的赞扬声中长大的,他们说我美丽、敏捷、有趣,我听很多这样的话,我知道很多年轻女孩不能听到这样的赞扬,但我幸运。”

    I grew up with very strong male role models who thought I was smart and fast and funny, so I heard that a lot. I know that there are many young girls who don't hear it.


  • 可能由于年长哥哥一起长大,所以我很小的时候就了解到很难女孩一起。

    I think it's because I was raised with an older brother that I learned at a very early age that playing with girls is hard work.


  • 社会条件,就是说女孩妈妈们通常和女孩谈话才决定女孩长大后比男的讲话多。可是对此还没有让人信服研究证据

    There is no convincing evidence that social condition - ing, the fact that girls' mothers talked to them more, is the reason why girls talk more than boys.


  • 女孩长大了,分辨是非时候,明白,是那个医生给了第二次生命

    This little girl when come to the age to know the good and bad things from this world. One day she could know that doctor gave her second life.


  • 女孩逐渐长大她们粉红品味也会随之变化

    As girls grow older, their taste for pink changes.


  • 由于和谐的婚姻,女孩一岁时,父母就离异并抛弃了她。她的外婆一人承担抚养长大责任。

    Due to a miserable marriage, both parents deserted the girl when she was only a one-year-old baby, leaving her grandmother to shoulder the task of bringing up the baby.


  • 自小黎巴嫩的农村长大,成年后这个年轻姑娘堕入了情网,自然而然地完成了由女孩到女人的蜕变

    As a young girl growing up in the Lebanese countryside she fell in love and lost her virginity.


  • 演员AtefehShireen是西方长大的口音,尽管她们努力让自己德黑兰的女孩们一样讲话,她们还是很难让人信服

    The actresses, Atefeh and Shireen, clearly grew up in the West, with strong accents, and although they try to talk like Tehrani girls, they remain hard to believe.


  • NicolaTappenden是个住在Croydon的14岁女孩,还上学。有个算命告诉长大以后她一些特别的事。

    Nicola Tappenden was a 14-year-old schoolgirl, living in Croydon, when a psychic told her she'd grow up to do something very special.


  • 雪花根据同名小说改编,讲述19世纪中国农村两个一起长大女孩,她们之间的童年友谊如何影响到了各自的生活

    Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, based on the book of the same name, tells the story of how a close childhood friendship affects the lives of two very different girls in 1800s rural China.


  • 雪花根据同名小说改编,讲述19世纪中国农村两个一起长大女孩,她们之间的童年友谊如何影响到了各自的生活

    Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, based on the book of the same name, tells the story of how a close childhood friendship affects the lives of two very different girls in 1800s rural China.


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