• 系统检测到99.4%蛋壳裂缝同时几乎没有记录下错误肯定(0.3%),正确率达99.6%。

    Thesystem detected 99.4 percent of the eggshell cracks while recording almost no false positives—0.3 percent—for an overall accuracy of 99.6 percent.


  • 尽管一些经济学家预测未来经济会继续复苏贝利却说,唯一可以肯定银行可能再次犯同样错误

    While some economists predict continued recovery in the future, Baily says the only certainty is that banks are unlikely to make the same mistakes—twice.


  • 尽管一些经济学家预测未来经济会继续复苏贝利却说,唯一可以肯定银行可能再次犯同样错误

    While some economists predict continued recovery in the future, Baily says the only certainty is that banks are unlikely to make the same mistakes twice.


  • 肯定会有错误吗?

    Mustn't there be a mistake?


  • 所以如果肯定那个数据库存在数据请检查是否录入错误

    So, if you are sure there was data in that empty database, check for typing errors.


  • 之后瑞典乌普萨拉大学研究者发表篇文章显示IEA预测肯定错误的,因为假设开采看起来无法实现。

    Three days later, a paper published by researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden showed that the IEA's forecasts must be wrong, because it assumes a rate of extraction that appears to be impossible.


  • 有些父母擅长于支持孩子成长,有些则漠不关心,更有甚者因为自已无意识、解不开矛盾心理而去肯定错误东西

    Some parents are more able than others to support growth. Some are indifferent, or affirm the wrong things because of their own unconscious, unresolved conflicts.


  • 不敢肯定这个目标是否能够实现打赌可以消除大多数程序90%错误消息,最终会得到一个便于使用系统

    I'm not sure whether that goal is possible, but I'll bet you could eliminate 90% of the error messages from most programs, and end up with a more usable system as a consequence.


  • 作为新手,犯一些错误正常假如博客已经历时大约尽管非常卖力但仍然没收到一封好的反馈信,这时你肯定需要提高自己写作水平了。

    When you’re a beginner, it is normal to do some mistakes. But if your blog exists since approximately one year, if you work a lot but do not see good feedback, you’ll have to improve your skills.


  • 尽管简历由于拼写语法错误太多,读者肯定会将扔进垃圾篓,简历中其他错误百出同样会失去这项工作。

    While spelling and grammatical errors will surely land it in the trash pile, your resume could be rife with a myriad of other mistakes that prevent you from landing the job.


  • 因此一下自己吧,肯定错误中学习成长事实

    So laugh... and affirm the fact you're learning and growing.


  • 根据经验没有任何笔交易肯定赚钱的。因此判断错误可能性永远存在的。

    To my knowledge, no trade has a guaranteed outcome; therefore, the possibility of being wrong and losing money is always present.


  • 错误原因:比方说,家里的孩子可以让菲非犬跳到床上去另一个孩子则为此惩罚,那么,狗狗肯定大感困惑,日后难免会养成习惯

    Why this is a mistake: If one child lets Fifi on the bed and another punishes her for it, the animal will be confused. Bad behavior is inevitable.


  • 如果有人告诉坚持练习瑜伽肯定是一错误的事情,我不会质疑这种事

    If someone maintained that yoga was the answer toabsolutely everything that was wrong in the world, I didn’t questionthat.


  • 回头细看篇文章肯定发现一次一次地指责的那些错误

    Look back through this essay, and for certain you will find that I have again and again committed the very faults I am protesting against.


  • 可以肯定地说,特里真正错误在于试图阻止媒体小报们报道出轨

    No, Mr Terry's real offence was, I am sure, to try to prevent his alleged dalliance being reported by the tabloids.


  • 比方说,肯定遇到过输入了错误URL请求得到404错误的情形,它表示页面存在

    For example, you've certainly entered a request for a URL, typed the URL incorrectly, and received a 404 error code to indicate a page is missing.


  • 这样肯定出现偶然输入错误其他错误所以为了不让用户必须输入纯粹SQL现在重点介绍如何Delphi应用程序生成SQL。

    This is a sure way to result in accidental typing mistakes or other errors, so instead of forcing the user to type in pure SQL, I now want to focus on generating SQL from the Delphi application.


  • 通常不会导致问题出现除非非常幸运”,肯定会导致解析错误这种解析器错误导致令人迷惑难以调试呈现错误

    This isn't generally going to cause trouble unless you're very, very unlucky, but it can certainly cause parser errors that lead to confusing and hard-to-debug rendering errors.


  • 几乎每次开始弹奏,我脑海里就开始翻腾:我不是职业演奏家,我会很多错误观众专辑制作人录音师肯定认为差劲透了!

    I'm going to make a lot of mistakes. The audience/album producer/recording engineer will think I'm lousy.


  • 作为新手,犯一些错误正常假如博客已经历时大约尽管非常卖力但仍然没收到一封好的反馈信,这时你肯定需要提高自己写作水平了。

    When you're a beginner, it is normal to do some mistakes. But if your blog exists since approximately one year, if you work a lot but do not see good feedback, you'll have to improve your skills.


  • 如果这样情况曾经发生过,虽然冰冻早已融化,但是飞机数据存储器错误读数肯定是存在的。

    If that happened in this case, the ice would be long gone. But the faulty readings in the memory chips of the flight data recorder would remain.


  • 现在丽萨出了一个真是非常严重错误不过肯定也只会轻描淡写地惩罚一下。

    Now, Lisa has made a really serious blunder, but I'm sure he'll give her a slap on the wrist.


  • 现在丽萨出了一个真是非常严重错误不过肯定也只会轻描淡写地惩罚一下。

    Now, Lisa has made a really serious blunder, but I'm sure he'll give her a slap on the wrist.


  • 不过尽管犯下了许多错误——或者说那些小要可以拍胸脯肯定是他犯错误——从未想过那些足以把他俩彼此分开

    And yet, for all of his faults - and he did have many of them, or so Kaname assured-he never thought that they'd be enough to rip them apart.


  • 如果问题答案肯定可以合理地推断出所有有关亚当·斯密看不见”的理论错误的。

    If the answer to the previous question is yes, I can then reasonably infer to a conclusion that all the theory of "invisible hand" by Adam Smith must be wrong.


  • 作为一个新手,犯一些错误正常假如博客已经历时大约尽管非常卖力但仍然没收到一封好的反馈信,这时你肯定需要提高自己写作水平了。

    When you're a beginner, it is normal to do some mistakes.But if your blog exists since approximately one year, if you work a lot but do not see good feedback, you'll have to improve your skills.


  • 获取技能不会获取知识那样简单:学习者在学习之肯定表现糟糕,然后错误中改进,每次得更好一点并且不断地重复整个过程

    A skill is not as simple to acquire as knowledge: the learner has to perform the skill badly, recover from mistakes, do it a bit better, and keep repeating the whole process.


  • 获取技能不会获取知识那样简单:学习者在学习之肯定表现糟糕,然后错误中改进,每次得更好一点并且不断地重复整个过程

    A skill is not as simple to acquire as knowledge: the learner has to perform the skill badly, recover from mistakes, do it a bit better, and keep repeating the whole process.


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