• 完全重写采购销售模块

    Complete rewrite the sale and purchase modules.


  • 这个开发中的应用程序是公司一个关键在线模块,供遍布世界的公司销售客户服务代表使用

    This particular application under development is a critical online module to be used by the sales and customer-care representatives of the company who are distributed all over the world.


  • 海波调查研究显示,尽管今年预计能够出售掉三千三百万个用于设备传感器机器无线模块。但是无线模块销售增长缓慢,2011年才会达到四亿thoughtheyareexpectedto growrapidly 这个漏掉了 译成尽管人们对这些用于设备,传感器和机器间通讯的无线无线模块的市场前景寄以厚望,但据“海波”调查研究显示,,,,,,,,,,,这样如何?

    Sales of wireless modules for devices, sensors and machines this year are forecast to reach a mere 33m, though they are expected to grow rapidly, to around 400m in 2011,according to Harbor Research


  • 客户成功实施ERP销售采购后勤仓库等管理模块

    Successful ERP sales, purchasing, logistic and warehousing module implementation for customer.


  • 公司销售这些芯片器件模块同时还提供技术支持服务

    Companies in the sales of these chips, devices and modules also provide technical support and services.


  • 一家科研开发生产销售固态继电器和电力电子模块一体高新科技企业

    Is a collection of scientific research, development, production and marketing of solid state relays and power electronic modules as one of the hi-tech enterprises.


  • 文章介绍一个基于B/S模式小型ERP系统设计,系统包含了库存管理物料需求计划销售计划、主生产计划、采购计划等核心功能模块

    The paper introduces the design of a small ERP based on B/S mode. The system includes stock, material requirement, selling, planning, and purchasing module of ERP.


  • 吉亚全球领先汽车零部件制造商,主要致力于汽车总值15%的六大重要模块设计、生产销售

    Faurecia is one of the worldwide leaders in automotive equipment and is focused on the design, production and sale of six important vehicle modules that represent 15% of a vehicle's total value.


  • 系统分析方法讨论计算机房屋销售管理信息系统,给出该系统信息管理功能模块数据模型程序计框图。

    System analysis is used in the computer based information management system of house selling to establlish fUnction model I data model and design program structure.


  • 综合销售计划系统供应链管理销售部分重要模块核心计划模型效益优化模型

    The integrated sales plan system is an important module in the sales section in the supply chain management. Its kernel is the master plan and efficiency-optimized model.


  • 系统主要用户管理采购管理、入库管理、销售管理、收付款查询基本信息管理六个基本模块

    The main users of the system management, procurement management, storage management, sales management, payments, and basic information management inquiry six basic modules.


  • 系统主要功能模块包括用户登录注册模块收货管理模块销售管理模块发货管理模块数据录入模块记录查询模块

    The system function modules include user login and registration module, Receiving management module, sales management module, management module of shipments, data entry module and inquiry module.


  • 系统主要内容销售自动化服装企业应用CRM首先解决问题;同时根据CRM的理论,系统包含营销自动化、客户交流平台及其服务自动化几个模块

    The sale force automation, which was the first problem to answer when CRM was applied to chinese garment enterprise was the main important part in the CRM system.


  • 这些模块基本上满足汽车销售管理方面的需求对账目的统计进销存管理

    Basically, these modules meet the automobile sales management needs, such as accounts statistics, inventory management and so on.


  • 本文主要介绍书店销售管理系统中的销售管理、购书管理等模块功能实现

    The paper introduces the bookstore sales management sales management system, textbook management, module function implementation.


  • 本文详细阐述销售辅助系统开发目的设计思想完成了对系统的需求分析、系统分析设计、数据库设计、功能模块实现

    The paper expounds purpose and design thought of sales assistant system, complete the requirement analysis , system analysis and design, database design , the implementation of the functional modules.


  • EPIA 的会员遍布业内价值链的每个环节:电池模块生产系统开发和光伏发电以及营销销售

    EPIA Members are present throughout the whole value-chain: from silicon, cells and module production to systems development and PV electricity generation as well as marketing and sales.


  • 流程化模块组装生产媒体式、广播式授权销售代表了一种新型企业生产和销售框架。

    Its streamline, blocking assembly production and the media-like, broadcast-like sales represent a new conception of business.


  • 模块间相互协调工作,传统系统相比增加打印销售通信功能

    Varies modules coordinate with each. Compared with the traditional system, it increases the printing function and the sales ends' correspondence function.


  • 算法实现简单、求解快速,应用于某造纸企业销售管理信息系统优化排产计划模块中运行效果良好

    The algorithm shows rapid speed and quite good effect as it is applied to a paper mill 's production planning system.


  • 法国法雷奥集团是世界汽车零部件十强企业之一总部位于法国巴黎致力于汽车零部件、系统模块设计、开发、生产销售

    VALEO, one of the top 10 worldwide automotive suppliers around the world, headquartered in Paris, specialized in designing, manufacturing and salesing automotive components and systems.


  • 系统分为五个模块用户管理基本信息管理、入库管理、出库管理、销售管理综合查询模块

    This system divided into 5 modules: user management, basic information management, in-storage and out - storage management, sale management and general query.


  • 其次,详细讲述了利用UML前台POS销售、后台采购管理、后台库存管理等几个子模块进行建模

    It use UML in modeling when the POS subsystem, the goods inventory control subsystem and the purchasing control subsystem is designed.


  • 许多模块化数据中心供应商特别是集装箱制造商各自的产品作为一体化套件来销售套件包括服务器相关基础设施设备以及电源冷却其他资源

    Many modular vendors, particularly pod makers, market their offerings as all-in-one packages that include servers and related infrastructure equipment, as well as power, cooling and other resources.


  • 许多模块化数据中心供应商特别是集装箱制造商各自的产品作为一体化套件来销售套件包括服务器相关基础设施设备以及电源冷却其他资源

    Many modular vendors, particularly pod makers, market their offerings as all-in-one packages that include servers and related infrastructure equipment, as well as power, cooling and other resources.


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