• 紧张总是存在特别是市场社会,在制造商销售地之间

    But tension always exists, especially in market societies, between the manufacturer and the place of sale.


  • 美国虽然主要销售地世界其他地方份额随之增加。

    Although the United States is still the main sales, but in other parts of the world's share has increased.


  • 法国美国以及西班牙威士忌主要销售地南美洲却是增速最快市场

    France, America and Spain are the largest markets, but the fastest growth is coming from South America.


  • 世界人口最多国家需要世界各国提供原材料并且成为它的商品销售地

    The world’s most heavily populated nation needs the rest of the world as a source of raw materials and a destination for its goods.


  • 世界人口最多国家需要世界各国提供原材料并且成为它的商品销售地

    The world's most heavily populated nation needs the rest of the world as a source of raw materials and a destination for its goods.


  • 债券发行销售转让合同分别适用债券发行地法、债券销售地和债券转让法。

    For contracts for the issuance, sale and transfer of bonds, the law of the place where the bonds are issued, the bonds are sold and the bonds are transferred shall respectively apply.


  • 前,日本汽车公司把生产地本土撤离分散风险生产地尽量迁至销售地,这场地震加快迁移进程

    Japanese car firms were already shifting production away from Japan, to spread their risks and move closer to their customers. The quake will accelerate this process.


  • 销售按照条件进行,概括地说,就是要求尽量宣传

    It will be put up for sale under the terms already communicated to you, which, to recapitulate, call for a very minimum of publicity.


  • 制造商 Vitacorp希望行业会议信息展台上有成效促进销售

    Vitacorp, a manufacturer, wishes to make its information booth at an industry convention more productive in terms of boosting sales.


  • 专家表示日本独特之处在于其销售一直在有延迟地稳步下降。

    Experts say Japan is unique in that sales have been decreasing steadily behind time.


  • 专家表示日本独特之处在于其销售一直在有延迟地稳步下降。

    But experts say Japan is unique in that sales have been decreasing steadily behind time.


  • 例如公司也许能够准确地估计销售鞋子总数可能确定哪一种特定类型的鞋子将其他类型的鞋子得更多

    For example, a company may be able to estimate accurately the aggregate number of shoes it will sell, but it may be uncertain about which specific types of shoes will sell more than other types.


  • 我们看看如何成功地注意力吸引销售服务产品上。

    Let's look at how you can successfully call attention to the service or product you want to sell.


  • 尽管制造商零售商能够一定把握预测需求,但要准确地预测需求如何他们销售众多SKU分配困难的。

    Even though manufacturers and retailers can forecast aggregate demand with some certainty, forecasting accurately how that demand will be distributed among the many SKU's they sell is difficult.


  • 桑切斯在不断地试图完善一切事物田间播种技术在线推广销售产品

    Sanchez constantly attempts to improve everything from seeding techniques out in the field to the promotion and sale of his product online.


  • 社会媒体管理者不仅拥有社会媒体的知识,他还要懂得如何专业地客户沟通、如何有效地进行销售

    Your social media czar needs to not only have a working knowledge of social media outlets, but also know how to interact professionally and sell effectively.


  • 农户最近购买了50台电脑上了宽带,这样他们就能通过互联网有效地销售板栗了。

    The villagers recently bought 50 computers with broadband connections so that they can market their products more effectively via the internet.


  • 对于没有购买过软件负责人来说,应该总是满腔热情地向销售您软件的推荐这样演示

    In the case of principals who have not yet bought your software, you will always find enthusiastic support for such demos from people who sell your software.


  • 尽管广告有限通常能帮助企业营销人员成功地建立销售拜访

    While that advertising is limited, it often helps the business marketer set up successful sales calls.


  • 开发人员认为这种添加非常简单,并且高兴看到销售代表能够如此高效地使用这种新的应用程序

    The developers agreed that this is relatively easy to add, and they are pleased that the sales representatives are using the new application so efficiently.


  • 他们保留着客户所有权从而得以在他们身上一遍遍地进行重复销售。

    They retain customer ownership, which allows them to remarket to customers over and over and over.


  • 戴姆勒公司发祥地销售量大幅缩水,美国这个福特公司第二销售市场仅仅有1.8%的提升。

    Sales on Daimler's home turf slipped marginally and in the US, the firm's second largest market, sales grew only by 1.8%.


  • 投资者销售基于抵押物潘德·布雷夫债券银行承担所有违约风险这样促使银行谨慎地承销售债券。

    The bank that sells a mortgage-backed Pfandbrief to investors retains all the risk of default, giving it the incentive to underwrite cautiously.


  • 销售事业初期卖力地销售,但是不能真正的清楚问题何在。

    In the beginning of my selling career I struggled selling and couldn't really figure out what the problem was.


  • 目前已经迈出坚实一步:鼓励员工更加士气高涨销售咖啡

    For now, he's taken a solid first step: getting the troops jazzed to sell some coffee.


  • 例如通过系统进行交互销售团队可以动态地在线预订应用程序修改报价策略座位分配策略。

    For example, by interacting with the system, a sales team might be able to dynamically change the pricing strategy and seat allocation strategy for an online booking application.


  • 公司转移一个集中服务多个产品的销售机制可以更好地安排优化装载行程仓储

    The company moved to a centralized distribution mechanism that served all divisions, and thus was better positioned to optimize loading, routing, and warehousing.


  • 米老鼠米妮普路托卡通形象的支持下华特迪斯尼公司期望IBM永远不可能做的事:成功地销售专门孩子设计计算机系统

    Backed by a posse of Mickey, Minnie, and Pluto, the Walt Disney Co. is looking to do what IBM never could: successfully market a computer system designed specifically for kids.


  • 通过提升我们服务能力我们更好地帮助客户销售他们的产品

    By expanding our capabilities, we'll be prepared to better merchandise our customers' products.


  • 通过提升我们服务能力我们更好地帮助客户销售他们的产品

    By expanding our capabilities, we'll be prepared to better merchandise our customers' products.


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