• 组织市场调研开展销售促进工作不断扩大公司品牌影响力号召力

    Organize market research to carry out sales promotion work, expand the company's brand influence and appeal.


  • 促销方面主要阐述了人员促销、公共关系促销以及其他销售促进办法

    From the aspect of the sales promotion, this paper mainly expounds the sales promotion by the personnel, the sales promotion by the public relations, and other methods for sales promotion.


  • 有限市场激烈竞争迫使很多企业参与降价和各种销售促进竞争中来。

    Limited market and intensive competition force many enterprises to join the war of price reduction and all kinds of sales promotion.


  • 他们争辩说,分期付款销售促进商品消费,商品消费促进生产从而降低成本

    They reason that installment selling increases the consumption of goods, which in turn increases production and thus tends to lower costs.


  • 促销策略上,本文主要广告诉求公关营销终端销售促进几个方面阐述

    In the promotion strategy, this article mainly from the advertisement demand, the public relations marketing, the terminal and the sale promotes several aspects to elaborate.


  • 实证研究结果表明价格销售反比关系所有销售促进手段销售量成正比关系。

    The empirical results show that price has a negative relationship with sales volume, while all types of sales promotion have positive relationship with sales volume.


  • 但是这些销售促进多大程度上带来了收益,却是企业界非常关心不能好地回答问题

    However, to what level of return has the sales promotion brought to the company has been a question concerned many companies, but there is not a clear answer to this question yet.


  • 只有轰动性消息才能促进新闻杂志销售

    It is only the sensational that sells news magazines.


  • 我们打算尝试一些方法促进产品销售

    We are going to try some new methods to promote the sales of the new products.


  • 制造商 Vitacorp希望行业会议信息展台上有成效促进销售

    Vitacorp, a manufacturer, wishes to make its information booth at an industry convention more productive in terms of boosting sales.


  • 为了促进销售,蒙特利亚首屈一指百货公司Jerrod's 的经理们计划购买购物车下月顾客提供

    In order to boost sales, managers of Jerrod's, Montalia's premier department store, are planning to purchase shopping carts and make them available to the store's customers next month.


  • 术创新与良好的市场营销相结合,将促进这些产品的销售

    Technological innovations, combined with good marketing, will promote the sales of these products.


  • 包装改良销售近来一直相互促进

    Packaging improvements and sales have been leapfrogging each other recently.


  • 音乐行业,非官方混音版也促进原版销售

    In music unofficial remixes can boost sales of the original work.


  • 因为我们确信销售复杂的,我们认为我们需要复杂的销售程序销售工具促进销售

    Since we’ve been convinced that selling is complicated, we believe we need complicated sales processes and sales tools in order to sell.


  • 研究表明单单摆出一个沙拉促进蔬菜销售把沙拉台摆放在显眼方便的地方则可以显著增加销量

    The studies showed that the mere presence of a salad bar was enough to increase vegetable sales. But the convenient, prominent salad bar led to significantly more sales.


  • 是的,各大公司营销人员每年大众市场广告方面砸数百万美元促进销售糟糕只是勉强过得去客服接触使公司蒙受损失

    Yes, marketers plunk millions of dollars into mass-market advertising each year to generate sales, but a bad or so-so customer service encounter can cost them.


  • 星巴克一家利用促进销售公司之一,如今依然处于定位购买潮流前沿

    Starbucks was one of the first companies to utilize check-ins to boost sales, and remains on the forefront of the location-based buying trend.


  • 例如汽车公司推出他们概念这一模型将会促进系列其它产品销售

    Car companies, for instance, will roll out what they call a halo vehicle, a particular model with special features that helps to sell all the other models in the range.


  • 好市多顾客最近一直疯狂抢购(食物杂货销售44%),这极大地促进公司的销售收入和利润的飞速增长

    Costco shoppers lately have been in a veritable feeding frenzy (food and sundries account for 44% of sales), driving a jump in sales and profits last year.


  • 但是,有了近场通讯功能,反馈只是弹指挥间的事。商家不仅可以及时得到反馈,而且他们随时对优惠券进行调整促进销售,增加收益。

    Not only will merchants know sooner, but they can also adjust the coupon on-the-fly to achieve better sales and results.


  • 正如摩根大通一位权益分析师Bill Shope认为的,音乐商店仅仅促进iPod销售的廉价商品,仿佛唱片存在就是为了销售唱片播放机

    As Bill Shope, an equity analyst at JPMorgan, puts it, the music store is a "loss leader" that serves only to boost sales of the iPod. It is as if record stores existed only to sell record players.


  • 芝加哥达拉斯西雅图新的试点计划Groupon允许供应商建立称为“Groupon商店”的免费微型网站,用于促进他们销售

    Under a new pilot program in Chicago, Dallas and Seattle, Groupon will let vendors set up free microsites, called Groupon Stores, to promote their deals.


  • 使用简化示例wire frame(清单2),这是一个“Fansofthe Cumulus”页面用于收集评论、担保促进产品销售

    I'll use a simplified example wireframe, Listing 2, for a "Fans of the Cumulus" page, to gather reviews, endorsements, and so on, with the goal of encouraging sales of the product.


  • 折扣能促进销售增长但是把大幅降价作为销售策略毫无疑问损害企业盈利能力

    Discounts and sales for a reason are fine but slashing prices as a sales strategy will hurt your business's profitability.


  • 为了有效促进销售你们销售方法紧随变化的环境改变

    To effectively promote sales , your way of doing business should always comply with the constantly changing circumstances.


  • 他们认为超级市场杂志不仅可以促进销售而且可以增加顾客对产品忠诚

    Magazines not only help to sell more products, they say; they also increase loyalty to the brand.


  • 他们认为超级市场杂志不仅可以促进销售而且可以增加顾客对产品忠诚

    Magazines not only help to sell more products, they say; they also increase loyalty to the brand.


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