• 浙江万丰汽车制造25轮毂重力铸造液压系统

    Manufacturing 25 suits of hydraulic system of Hubcap Foundry Machine for Zhejiang Wangfeng Automobile Factory.


  • 我们得到铸造线性横切不锈钢旋转等。

    We got foundry machine, linear cut machine, stainless steel machine, and rotary machines as well.


  • 一种用于启动停止水平铸造例如用于连续铸造金属铸造机设备

    An apparatus is described for starting and stopping a horizontal casting machine, e. g. a caster for continuous casting of metal ingots.


  • 压力铸造包括金属流动系统系统处于压力铝合金铸造过程使用

    A pressure casting machine includes the metal flow system, while the system also is used in a process for pressure casting of aluminium alloys.


  • 带式铸造刀片——陶瓷刀片提供稳定性增加强度,非焊接泄露气体

    Belt Caster tips - Ceramic tips offer improved thermal stability, increased hot strength, non-wetting, and do not outgas. Tips can be easily modified to allow flexibility in design.


  • 液压铸造开合总成总成、液压控制柜电器控制柜组成。

    The hydraulic casting machine is composed of a machine base, a mould opening and closing assembly, a lower loose core assembly, a hydraulic control cabinet and an electric appliance control cabinet.


  • 低压铸造已经出现国产化趋势国产高性能低压铸造设备必将替代进口设备。

    Low pressure casting Machine have emerged domestic trends, domestic low-pressure casting equipment of high-performance will replace imported equipment.


  • 介绍了一数字化自动显示,并将应用铸造铸造平台线速度的显示中。

    This article introduce a kind of the application of all digital automatic display in terrace′s liner velocity of aluminium casting machine.


  • 开式离心铸造模具设计设计出相关工艺过程选择、确定工艺方案技术要求

    The design for operation characteristic mold of the centrifugal casting machine is to design the relevant craft course, choose the technics projects and technique requirements.


  • 采用钢丝绳传动LS-2型半连续铸造可逆调速系统存在的问题进行了全面分析

    The problem in the old non - reversing speed control system of LS-2 D. C casting machine with rope driving are analyzed and discussed;


  • 提供铸造机相关铸造设备,规格尺寸客户配置挤压规格型号根据客户实际要求设计

    Specifications and dimensions shall be determined as per models of extruding presses subjecting to the arrangement by customers or designed as per their actual requirements.


  • 文章分析了卧式离心铸造不足针对这些不足,设计了双层空腹主轴结构立式离心铸造

    The shortcomings of horizontal centrifugal casting machine are analyzed, and a vertical casting unit in structure of double-layered hollow abdomen is designed.


  • 金属铸工安装操作各种铸造铸造和非金属产品手工舀取熔化的金属,倒入模具生产铸件

    Metal casters set up and operate various casting machines to cast ferrous and non-ferrous metal products; hand ladle and pour molten metal into moulds to produce castings.


  • 本文介绍了立式连续铸造速度控制系统工作原理、阀、速度控制方式各种关键问题解决方法

    This text introduces the operation principle, valve position, velocity control, and the solution for key problems of velocity valve's control system for vertical semi-continuous casting machine.


  • 金属流动系统压力铸造铸造使用铝合金模具模具装配组件定义了一个

    A metal flow system, for use in casting aluminium alloy using a pressure casting machine, is provided by a component of a die or mould assembly, for the machine, which defines a die cavity.


  • 挖土——不像铸造习惯正在进行的习惯记录。它还有版本记录正在进行习惯

    Rootein - Unlike habit Forge, this is an ongoing habit tracker. There is also a mobile version for you to track your habits on the go.


  • 介绍了铁锅挤压铸造工艺过程、工艺控制、铸型制作气动压结构等。

    The technological process, technological control, mold making as well as the construction of pneumatic pot squeezing casting machine have been separately introduced.


  • 模具铸造核心制造者设立,调整和经营各种制模和制芯制造陶瓷模具和核心。

    Machine mouldmakers and coremakers set up, adjust and operate various mouldmaking and coremaking machines to make sand and ceramics moulds and cores.


  • 介绍油泵缸体铝锰合金铸造缺陷补焊修复技术工艺,且弥补了若采用交流弧焊气焊施焊时存在的不足

    This paper introduces the repair welding procedure for repairing an alumal casting piece of an oil pump cylinder, This method covers the shortages of AC argon arc weld and gas welding.


  • 分析结果表明变形单齿转子压缩转子变形主要因素,转子的铸造空腔结构导致转子径向变形很不均匀

    It is shown that thermal deformation is the dominant influencing factor, and that the casting cavity of the rotor results in the serve non-uniform of redial deformation.


  • 型砂铸造设备,混砂一般具有下列功能砂﹑新砂﹑型砂黏结辅料混合均匀

    In the mix of sand or sand core casting equipment, sand mixing machine generally has the following functions: the old sand, new sand, sand bonding agent and auxiliary materials mixed evenly.


  • 介绍一种利用坐标测量技术相结合,实现铸造零件复杂轮廓检测具体方法

    This paper introduces a method, which can measure very complex profile or surface of a casting part by using three dimension coordinate measuring machine and reverse engineering technology.


  • 纳排铸:蒙纳公司专利式铸字排字逐个字符铸造,然后组合成行,不是逐行字的铸造

    Monotype: Proprietary name for Monotype's hot - metal type - casting machine which assembles characters individually rather than line - by - line.


  • 织物整理轴承铸造外壳凹槽滚珠轴承。

    Dyeing and finishing machinery; housed units, cast iron housing, ball bearing.


  • 铸造领域内来自全球客户支持信赖我们共同缔造一个强大的品牌——“京山轻”。

    We will create a strong brand –"J. S. Machine" in the casting area with the support and trust from customers around the world.


  • 介绍了冰箱压缩底座消失铸造生产所用EPS发泡件成型模具设计过程结构特点使用方法

    The designing process, structure characteristics and operating method of the EPS foaming mould used in the lost foam casting production of the compressor pedestal were introduced.


  • 一个操作工人可以最快铸造速度操作这样的铸片

    An operator should be able to operate a number of such machines, at a maximum casting speed.


  • 双金属复合铸造提高破碎锤头整体性能有效手段

    Bimetal casting technology is the effective way to enhance the service performance of crusher hammers.


  • 盘式混砂作者发明一种铸造新型设备具有中国专利

    Swinging mixer is a new type foundry sand mixing equipment invented by the author, which had got the patent of China.


  • 内燃生产过程中,气缸盖铸造冷却效率对于发动应力分析至关重要。

    In the process of diesel engine manufacturing, the cooling efficiency of the casting core of cylinder head is critical to the thermal stress analysis.


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