• 这些业务银行网点柜台上进行

    These transactions are carried out at the counter of the bank branch.


  • 这些营业银行网点柜台长进行

    These transactions are carried out at the counter of the bank branch.


  • 票务网页中国银行网点都可以找到参考手册

    You can find a reference manual on the ticketing website and at certain Bank of China branches.


  • 有人最早周日晚上10就排银行网点门口

    Some who showed up at the bank branches as early as 10 p. m. Sunday.


  • 全省中国银行网点小额台币柜面兑换申报手续简化

    Nt small province of Bank of China reported the exchange counter will be streamlined procedures.


  • 银行网点交易功能不断弱化,而变成金融产品销售中心

    The transaction function of bank counters is weakening, turning into sales center for financial products.


  • 计划在短期内开设200家家庭向零售银行网点首先伦敦开始。

    He plans to open 200 family-friendly retail outlets shortly, starting in London.


  • 最多可以多少张门票票务网页中国银行网点都可以找到参考手册

    How many tickets can I buy at most? You can find a reference manual on the ticketing website and at certain Bank of China branches.


  • 巴黎银行美国一个下属零售银行网点但是没有深陷于次贷业务之中。

    It owns a subscale retail operation in America but did not go on a subprime bender.


  • 自助交易逐步取代银行网点交易,成为现代商业银行客户服务主流渠道

    Transaction based on self-service banking will replace tradional transiation of banking, becoming the main channel of customer service.


  • 银行柜台交易费率需要银行网点,需要等候时间受到银行工作时间限制。

    Bank bar trades: cost rate is high, need bank site, need waits, time is restricted by bank working hours.


  • 海信广场会员卡会员交通银行网点办理业务享受网点贵宾休息室提供服务设施

    When members of member CARDS of Hisense Plaza go to working spot of Communication Bank to transact business, they can enjoy service facilities provided in honored guests lobby of this spot.


  • 过去左右时间里,银行高级经理为了降低银行网点成本已经将一些业务收回总行。

    In the last ten years or so, Banks' senior managers have taken operations out of branches in order to reduce the cost of their networks.


  • 报道,一些国有商业银行网点开始收取钱费”,也就是零钞清点业务收取一定手续费。

    It is reported that some state-owned commercial bank branches started to charge fees for counting changes, which means that clients should pay for the service of checking changes.


  • 周一下班张贴中国银行网点通知田径沙滩排球、排球篮球比赛门票已经卖完。

    Notices posted at Bank of China branches at the end of the business day said tickets to track and field matches, beach volleyball matches, volleyball matches and basketball matches were sold out.


  • 热衷网络相信口碑乐于分享、理财需求工作忙碌没多余时间银行网点客户潜在客户。

    Existing customers and potential customers that always use Internet, believe in word-of-mouth, like to share, need financial service, and have little time to go to bank due to busy work.


  • 在水头高速出口收费站、各大银行网点发放招商资料,与各大行业媒体合作,不定期发布博会信息。

    And the cooperation withmajor industry media can publish the information of Stone Fairfrom time to time.


  • 取款收款人普通汇款汇出24小时内,持汇款人指定汇入存折当地汇款指定的工商银行网点取款

    The remittee can use the deposit book appointed by the remitter to draw the money in the local icbc outlet appointed by the remitter24hours after the general remittance being transacted.


  • 取款收款人普通汇款汇出24小时内,持汇款人指定汇入存折当地汇款指定的工商银行网点取款

    The remittee can use the deposit book appointed by the remitter to draw the money in the local icbc outlet appointed by the remitter 24hours after the general remittance being transacted.


  • 取款收款人普通汇款汇出24小时内,持汇款人指定汇入存折当地汇款指定的工商银行网点取款

    The remittee can use the deposit book appointed by the remitter to draw the money in the local ICBC outlet appointed by the remitter 24 hours after the general remittance being transacted.


  • 当前国内商业银行竞争激烈银行网点迅速扩张运行成本降低要求使银行无线网络需求逐渐增强。

    Nowadays, the competition of the commercial banks in china turns more and more intensely. The Services of the bank also require the application of radio network.


  • 对于银行网点较少,合法经济雇佣人数很少尼日利亚来说,有点过头了,如今银行三分之一的资产沦为坏帐

    With small branch networks and relatively few people in the formal economy, this was too much.About a third of the system by assets is now distressed.


  • 虽然目前充值比较除了公交车站外,还有部分商业银行网点缺少网上充值这一比较便捷的途径。

    Although the present sufficient value spot are so many, besides bus stop, We have the part of commercial bank network point, but also lacks on the net sufficient value which is quite convenient.


  • 汇丰银行正在考虑卖出美国信用卡业务以及网点,并重新聚焦该地区的公司银行业务。

    The bank is exploring a sell-off of its branches and credit-card business in America, to refocus on corporate banking there.


  • 现在银行其它金融机构可能发现穷人提供网点银行业务会简单。

    Banks and other financial institutions may also now find it easier to provide branchless banking for the poor.


  • 银行目前中国拥有16个网点其中大部分位于中国东部沿海规模较大城市

    The bank currently has 16 outlets in China, mostly in the larger cities along the eastern coast.


  • 相反花旗集团经历可怕的十年投资银行方面出现损失正在瘦身,希望在许多国家网点能够成为优势

    Citi, by contrast, has had a terrible decade. Having lost money in investment banking, it is slimming down and hoping that its presence in lots of countries will be an advantage.


  • 持有外币本票汇票支票等,委托银行营业网点办理托收贴现

    If you have foreign currency notes, bills of exchange and checks, you can consign a business office of Bank to handle collection or discount.


  • 持有外币本票汇票支票等,委托银行营业网点办理托收贴现

    If you have foreign currency notes, bills of exchange and checks, you can consign a business office of Bank to handle collection or discount.


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