• 中国人民银行统计经济中的货币将近43万亿元人民币

    The economy is saddled with excess liquidity amounting to 43 trillion yuan, according to the People's Bank of China.


  • 银行统计国民经济统计组成部分之一,是现代银行经营管理的基础。

    Banking statistics is one of the important part of the national economical statistics, thus the base of the modern banking management.


  • 世界银行统计英国建立开展业务只需13欧洲其他国家平均所需时间32天。

    According to World Bank's statistics, it's only need 13 days to establish and conduct business in the United Kingdom, while in other European countries, the average time was 32 days.


  • 世界银行统计数据显示印度经济规模缩减了40%,为全球第四大经济体,占世界产出4%。

    India's economy also shrank by 40 per cent, according to the the tables, which ranked it the world's fourth largest economy, accounting for 4 per cent of output.


  • 1990年开始一个银行危机现在完全解决世界银行统计这个危机损失了4280亿美元。

    A banking crisis, which began in the late 1990s and is still not fully resolved, cost $428 billion, according to the World Bank.


  • 中国人民银行PBOC扩大银行存款基础,要求银行统计来源于银行金融机构的同业存款

    The People's Bank of China (PBOC) has enlarged the deposit base for banks by telling them to count in it their inter-bank deposits from non-bank financial institutions.


  • 渣打银行统计亚洲11个经济体中GDP加权通胀率由年前的3.5%上升本年四月的6.8%。

    Standard Chartered calculates that the GDP-weighted inflation rate for 11 big Asian economies was 6.8% in April, up from 3.5% a year ago.


  • 第三十三中国人民银行统计部门配备熟悉相关法律规定制度统计业务专职兼职统计检查员

    Article 33 statistic units of the People's Bank of China shall appoint full-time or part-time statistic inspectors that are familiar with relevant laws, rules and regulations and statistic business.


  • 根据世界银行统计数字,41%的巴西人生活极度贫困之中

    According to World Bank figures, 41 percent of Brazilians live in absolute poverty.


  • 本月太平洋共同体秘书处世界银行合作,共同举办一个国家统计官员讲习班改进数据收集使用

    This month, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community in collaboration with the World Bank is holding a workshop of national statistics officers to improve data collection and use.


  • 达拉斯联邦储备银行报道该地两个纳入统计范畴都市人均收入在全国分别是倒数第一倒数第二

    The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas reported that the per capita income in the two metropolitan statistical areas spanning the Valley ranked lowest and second lowest in the nation.


  • 负责制定完善银行金融机构统计标准统计制度统计方法发布实施

    To enact and improve the statistical standards for the banking financial institutions, statistical rules and methods and promulgate and implement accordingly.


  • 国际复兴开发银行统计领域开展工作,对拉美加勒比地区贫困评估改进数据总体质量的提高发挥根本性作用。

    IBRD's work in statistics has been seminal to the series of improvements in terms of poverty measurement and overall quality of data in Latin America and the Caribbean.


  • 根据世界银行统计真正贫困人口增加农产品产量获得的额外收入工业服务业获得

    According to the World Bank, the really poor get three times as much extra income from an increase in farm productivity as from the same gain in industry or services.


  • 根据世界银行统计恶劣环境所导致经济负担已经占到国内生产的百分之二百分之五。

    According to the World Bank, the economic burden on society caused by bad environmental health amounts to between 2% and 5% of GDP.


  • 根据新的统计数字世界银行本周早些时候中国印度经济规模没有以前估计那么大,它们全球经济产出中所的比例可能也要相应下调

    Based on the new statistics, the world Bank earlier this week said China's and India's economies were smaller than previously estimated, and their share of the world economic might diminished.


  • 负责监督、指导考核培训银行金融机构以及银监会派出机构监管统计工作

    To supervise, guide, check and train the regulatory statistical work of the banking financial institutions and the resident agencies of the Commission.


  • 这个设备对于管理购物中心商店银行或者其他任何使用摄像计算人群提取人口统计信息商业场合市场调查也是很有用的。

    The new device is also useful for conducting market research at shopping centres, stores, Banks or any other business using cameras to count people and extract demographic information.


  • 我们使用尖端技术(生物统计移动银行)确保账户安全并且接近人们生活工作地方

    We use cutting-edge technology (biometrics, mobile Banks) to ensure accounts are secure and accessible where people live and work.


  • 本周瑞士银行公布报告对人们理解购买力非常有帮助。报告提供了一种简单的说明,统计73个城市里工资处于平均水平工人需要工作多长时间才能赚到一个巨无霸的钱。

    Helpfully, a UBS report published this week offers a handy guide to how long it takes a worker on the average net wage to earn the price of a Big Mac in 73 cities.


  • 汇丰银行2月份统计显示去年亚洲地区该行的高级银行获得奖金他们的伦敦同行高出40%,正如汇丰的总裁所说亚洲更高薪酬源于承受压力

    In February HSBC revealed that its top bankers in the region received 40% higher bonuses last year than their counterparts in London because, as its boss said, Asia "is where the pressure is" on pay.


  • 根据Markit汇丰银行统计指数显示,中国生产结束了连续14个月的增长6月出现了略微的下跌

    Even in China, according to an index prepared by Markit and HSBC, manufacturing output fell a little in June, ending a 14-month run of expansion.


  • 新巴塞尔资本协定使得很多银行采用总和暴露值

    Mainly as a result of the Basel 2 capital accords, many Banks had put in new systems to calculate their aggregate exposure.


  • 因此根据国际结算银行(Bankfor International Settlements)的统计数字,中国三月份按贸易额加权的汇率个月之前还要低4%。

    As a result, China's trade-weighted exchange rate was about 4% lower in March than it was nine months before, according to the Bank for International Settlements.


  • 根据英格兰银行统计数据房贷银行四月份发放了43200份贷款

    In April, lenders granted 43, 200 mortgages, according to the Bank of England.


  • 据法国兴业银行分析师阿莱恩·博科布萨(Alain Bokobza)4月14日金融时报上发布的统计新兴股票市场最近交易红利比发达市场的股票交易高出10%。

    Emerging market stocks recently traded at a 10% premium to developed market equities, Alain Bokobza of Société Générale calculated in the Financial Times on April 14.


  • 据法国兴业银行分析师阿莱恩·博科布萨(Alain Bokobza)4月14日金融时报上发布的统计新兴股票市场最近交易红利比发达市场的股票交易高出10%。

    Emerging market stocks recently traded at a 10% premium to developed market equities, Alain Bokobza of Société Générale calculated in the Financial Times on April 14.


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