• 它们70小时待机时间2小时50分钟通话时间以及15铃音

    They offer 70 hours' standby time, 2hr. 50min. talk time, and 15 ring tones.


  • 敲响了内心中那段共鸣铃音

    Something that resonated inside me like the assertive crisp ring of a bell.


  • 跟随着准妈妈走动,它会发出柔和铃音

    A soft chime is made when she walks or moves.


  • 铃音内容参考:欢迎致电平湖市诺玛服装有限公司

    Hello, thanks for calling PingHu city NuoMa garments limited company.


  • 设计铃音文件存储管理系统以便完成对铃音文件的操作

    We also design the storage and management system for CRBT files in order to realize the operation on the CRBT files.


  • 发明实施提供一种带有多媒体铃音特效彩铃内容的传递方案

    The embodiment of the invention can provide a transmission scheme with ring tone of multimedia polyphonic ring back tone special effects.


  • 如果婴儿交给错误母亲标签能够检测错误匹配发出警报铃音

    If the mother is given the wrong child, the RFID tag detects the mismatch and activates an audible alarm.


  • 生活媒体泡沫中意味着耳朵里持续可怕铃音耳鸣一样。

    Living in the media bubble means having a constant dreadful ringing sound in your ears. It's like having tinnitus.


  • 铃音内容参考:您好,欢迎致电杭州婉饰琳家纺的满意我们不懈的努力!

    Thank you for calling Hangzhou Wanshilin Home Textiles, We are putting your through, PLS wait a moment.


  • 铃音内容参考:欢迎致电中国瓷都潮州欧贝尔公司电话正在接通,稍候

    Thank you for calling Chaozhou Oubeier company, Capital Porcelain of China. The line is being connected, Please hold on.


  • 铃音内容参考:您好欢迎致电宁波弘环电子有限公司电话正在接通稍候

    Hello, welcome to call the Ningbo Honghuan Electronics limited Company, Now it is connecting for you. Please hold on a moment.


  • 对。一些人电话铃音特别即使隔壁房间都能听到真是让人分心

    You are right. Some ring tone is just terribly loud. You can hear it even in the next door. It is really a kind of distraction.


  • 手机振动式一种习惯安静办公室突然听到大声电话铃音令人讨厌

    It is a good habit to set your cell phone to vibrate. It is very annoying to hear the loud and sudden ring tone in quiet offices.


  • 我厂主营宁波音乐机芯可提供几千种音乐铃音琴,圣诞儿童曲,流行歌曲

    All the musical movements are provided by our partner, Ningbo Yunsheng Company, who provides up to thousands rhymes, including Christmas song series, children's folk rhymes etc.


  • 通过定义铃音和振动等不同的提醒模式这样重要的场合例如会议期间不会打扰了。

    You can select the Profiles in which Remind me will be active, so when you are having an important meeting it won't be a problem.


  • 铃音内容参考:构筑副城北区亮点,打造余杭工业主力军浙江省余杭经济开发区欢迎您!

    Build up a new focus of North Yuhang, Create a main force of industry in Yuhang, welcome to Zhejiang provincial Yuhang Economic Development Zone.


  • 铃音内容参考:您好,欢迎致电上海化妆品有限公司,客户至上,用心服务我们永远的追求。

    Thank you for calling Shanghai Hevmy Cosmetics. Serving the client best is our parement pursuit.


  • 最近无礼国际货币基金官员手机刺耳铃音路上罐子所发出的声音

    An IRREVERENT official at the International Monetary Fund recently installed a jarring ringtone on his mobile phone. It is the sound of cans being kicked down a road.


  • 装上插件后效果几乎一连串持续不停警告铃音 ——如果电话常常如此响起发疯的。

    The result was a near constant barrage of alarm bells - if your phone rang this often, you would go insane.


  • 第一闹钟比较柔和着的范围设置真正起床5分钟之前温柔铃音慢慢将你唤醒

    The first one is gentle, within reach and set for five minutes before you really need it. This soothing sound will slowly wake you up.


  • Ariane英国公司的执行董事Miles Gaudoin这个手机卡可以发送一个独特的手机铃音打开房门

    The mobile key version works by emitting a unique ring tone to open the room door, says Ariane UK managing director, Miles Gaudoin.


  • 铃音内容参考:您好欢迎致电中国大最具影响力国际学校----浙江比德弗国际学校,梦想未来

    Hello, thanks for your calling to Zhejiang Betterful International School, one of the top ten international school with highest international influence! Here are dreams, here will be a future!


  • 它们建立完善的平台”之上的,意味着用户不再依赖制造商少数铃音而是安装大量第三方软件

    They are built on well-established "platforms," which means the user is no longer dependent on a few bells and whistles from the manufacturer but can install a wide range of third-party software.


  • 铃音内容参考: 您好,欢迎致电海宁市海潮实业有限公司,我们优质的产品最完善的服务期待着光临

    Thank you for calling Haining Haichao Industrial Co. , Ltd…we'll offer you the best quality fabrics and service, and hope your visit.


  • 使用蓝牙音乐商店可以选择MP3格式歌曲铃音发送任何支持OBEX手机PDA计算机上。

    With the Bluetooth Music Store, you can select a song or ringtone in MP3 format and push it to any phone, PDA, or computer that supports OBEX.


  • 金边(柬埔寨首都)市中心附近一个热闹市场24岁的SorayPeah正在测试一部考虑购买手机铃音功能。

    In a bustling market near the center of the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, Soray Peah, 24, is testing the ringtones on a cellphone she wants to buy.


  • 金边(柬埔寨首都)市中心附近一个热闹市场24岁的SorayPeah正在测试一部考虑购买手机铃音功能。

    In a bustling market near the center of the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, Soray Peah, 24, is testing the ringtones on a cellphone she wants to buy.


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