• 1钟向阻滞者,冠状静脉口刺激诱发出短阵逆钟向

    Temporary counterclockwise atrial flutter was induced by pacing at coronary sinus ostium in 1 case with clockwise block in the isthmus.


  • 3阻滞者,刺激诱发钟向心房动(简称房扑);

    Temporary clockwise atrial flutter was induced by pacing at low lateral right atrium in 3 cases with the counterclockwise block in the isthmus.


  • 所有scn区域的神经元都可以产生这种抑制性神经递质实验证实每天早晨八点SCN区细胞释放GABA能使它们同步化。

    All SCN neurons make this inhibitory neurotransmitter, and it had been shown that giving GABA daily at 8 a. m. to SCN cells synchronizes them.


  • 环城有轨电车10两辆车不同的方开去。

    City Circle trams run every 10 minutes in both directions.


  • 不用自己很大的压力,强迫自己世界证明杰出,我也不需要每一动都在那自己生命中有哪一部分杰出的。

    I do not have to push myself too hard trying to show my greatness to the entire world, I do not have to spend every minute of my life thinking what part of me is actually great.


  • 某人罗列感谢理由.列出这样一个清单大概1050条,表达你的感受,你为什么喜欢他,或者做了这么多事情,你对此深怀感激。

    Give someone a list of all they've done that you're grateful for. Take 5 minutes and make a list of 10 or 50 things you love about someone, or things they've done for you that you appreciate.


  • 世界卫生组织总干事博士开幕发言中委员会报告了他最近访问海啸首当其冲印度尼西亚斯里兰卡的情况。

    In his opening statement, WHO Director-General Dr LEE Jong-wook reported to the Board on his recent visit to areas in Indonesia and Sri Lanka worst affected by the tsunami.


  • 奥巴马购买美国电视网30电视黄金时间段投票即将举行周前美国选民发表讲话

    Obama has also purchased 30 minutes of prime time on network television to address American voters in the week before the election.


  • 对进行提前预订旅行者进行奖励以此为基础构建价格体系,不是最后一分预订”提供价格优惠。

    Reward travelers for advance bookings and build rate on that base rather than offering the best deals on last-minute bookings.


  • 最近关于操作系统可靠性调查27个国家用户发出问卷,调查表明IBMAIX停机时间方面领先所有服务器操作系统——每年只有大约30停机时间。

    In a recent study on OS reliability, polling users from 27 countries, IBM's AIX led all server operating systems for downtime - approximately 30 minutes per server of downtime, per year.


  • 以此来提醒每隔30离开电脑书本远处30秒

    Use this as a reminder to look up and away from your computer or book to some distant point for 30 seconds.


  • 坠机4飞机法国的控制中心自动发送了24故障信息

    In the last four minutes before the crash, the airplane sent a series of 24 automatic fault messages to a maintenance center in France.


  • 经过了,再也急了,卫生间走去

    Ten minutes must have passed, and then he couldn't wait any longer and went over to the bathroom.


  • 很明显,阿巴登博士被眼前的乌贼吸引住了,似乎眼睛都不能玻璃窗上移开了.那一瞬间,这个成年男子崔西想到了个站宠物店橱窗边上男孩,渴望能够进去一看小狗.之后,在无限憧憬地窗口着.

    For a moment, the grown man reminded Trish of a little boy at a pet-store window, wishing he could go in and see a puppy. Five seconds later, he was still staring longingly through the window.


  • 但是,在长达32分演讲中奥巴马丝毫没有提到债务问题,最后竟然径直台下走去(注:此处不明白原文),忽然意识到这个错误,立马冲回台上,说:“等等,伙计们,我刚刚太投入了!”

    But Obama gave a 32-minute speech that never mentioned the debt and started walking off to Stevie Wonder's "Signed, Sealed, and Delivered, " before realizing his error.


  • 泰勒致敬百老汇各家戏院周五晚八点整,也就是传统演出开幕时间,熄灯

    In Taylor's honor, Broadway's theater marquees will be dimmed at exactly 8 p.m., the traditional curtain time for shows, for one minute.


  • 至于神父隆巴尔迪,试图德国最后尝试Benedict警告可能产生的后果

    As for Father Lombardi, he is understood to have tried in Germany to make a last-minute attempt to warn Benedict of the possible consequences.


  • 之内,亚马孙河大西洋泄入5900万加仑

    In a single second the Amazon pours 59,000,000 gallons of water into the Atlantic Ocean.


  • 在某个冬日早晨员工老板解释为啥迟到了45:“地上滑了,一步步。”

    One winter morning, an employee explained why he had shown up for work 45 minutes late. "It was so slippery out that for every step I took ahead, I slipped back two."


  • 他们逐步地增加Merissa练习新的行为方式时间---每天20开始逐渐每天60努力。

    They have increased the amount of time that Marissa has to practice her new behavior, from a starting time of 20 minutes a day toward a goal of 60 minutes.


  • 五点,下午时间一个年轻人因为迟到女主人致歉。

    It was at a five o 'clock tea. A young man came to the hostess to apologize for his lateness.


  • 之内借助一张纸或一张彩图某人阐述设想吗?

    Can you explain your idea to someone within 5 minutes using no more than a single sheet of paper and a crayon as visual aids?


  • 只剩不到的时间里,德克萨斯队发起第四个10进攻,这时他们自己43线上对方阵地推进这3码。

    With just under five minutes left, Texas had a fourth down and three yards to go on its own forty-three-yard line.


  • 只剩不到的时间里,德克萨斯队发起第四个10进攻,这时他们自己43线上对方阵地推进这3码。

    With just under five minutes left, Texas had a fourth down and three yards to go on its own forty-three-yard line.


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