• 公共汽车每隔10一班车。

    The buses go every 10 minutes.


  • 公共汽车每隔一班车。

    The buses go every five minutes.


  • 5钟发班车

    The bus runs every 5 minutes.


  • 上海南京火车, 从上午10到晚上8点每20分钟发一班

    Trains will run from Shanghai to Nanjing at 20-minute intervals from 10 am to 8 pm.


  • 你家要花20分。所以我将在7点40出

    It takes twenty minutes to reach your place. So I'll set off at 7:40.


  • 篇评论文章的两位作者还在2014年表了一项研究,研究表明,每天跑步仅仅5到10分,就可以降低患心脏病的风险,以及因各种原因早逝的风险。

    Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 which showed a mere five to ten minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all causes.


  • 警方根据那天晚上短信追踪沃尔玛附近的地区10了一顶棒球,正是他实施抢劫时带的那顶帽子。

    One of his texts that night was traced to the area of a nearby Walmart, where at 10 o’clock he had bought the baseball cap he wore during the attempted robbery.


  • 随意网页浏览其他无关紧要活动减少到每天30每个星期几个小时进行集中学习

    Cut the random surfing, tweets and other non-essential activities by even just 30 minutes a day and you free up a few hours a week for focused learning.


  • 今日剩余比赛中,德约科维奇成功化解了6个点中的4个对方一次1个小时24迅速结束比赛。

    In the 2nd set of the match, Djokovic converted 4 of 6 break points while being broken only once to wrap up the match in just 1 hour 24 minutes.


  • 8深圳夜班年轻女工们装配线起来,摘下一直戴着帽子罩,然后甩开她们的

    At 8 a.m. in Shenzhen, the young women on the night shift got up from the assembly line, took off the hats and hairnets they had been wearing, and shook out their dark hair.


  • 深层护处理或者毛巾包裹保持15 -20

    Apply the treatment to the hair, from the roots to the tips, cover with a plastic cap or towel, and wait for 15 to 20 minutes.


  • 每天花上的爱人个亲密的短信facebook墙上留言甚至也可以一个简短电子邮件知道他。

    Take five minutes each day to send a quick private message to your significant other, write on his Facebook wall-heck, even send a quick email to let him know you're thinking of him.


  • 比如,在晚间7打电话给如果电话15打一次,然后一封邮件给她。

    Call her at 7:00 p.m., for example; if she doesn't pick up her phone, try again in 15 minutes, then send her an email.


  • 大约东部时间下午3液氧开始流入2Falcon9射器

    Liquid oxygen started flowing into the two-stage Falcon 9 launcher at about 3 p.m. EST.


  • 然后我们启程出离开了Khun Yuam市的大街,朝着条只能够走摩托车的公路走去,经过缅甸寺庙群一座座小木房大约之后一片绿的原野出现在我们眼前,刺得眼睛

    We head down a motorbike-wide road, past Burmese temples and wooden houses, and ten minutes later we're looking at fields so bright green they hurt the eye


  • 进馆需要图书馆的卡第二道入口处要指定去哪个阅览室,然后做好了,总共花就能拿到读者卡。

    In five minutes the card is ready. You need not more than 10 minutes to get a card.


  • 记得尽量一次虽然曾经贮存起来了,但还是保持汽缸光滑运转20或者直到到达理想的运转温度

    Remember to start your car every two to three weeks, although the car has been stored, but to keep the cylinder smooth: run the car for 20 minutes, or until it reaches the best operating temperature.


  • 凯文·佩尔顿2012年研究显示球员前十字韧带撕裂风险最高时段,集中在上场时间33到39这段时间。

    And a 2012 Basketball Prospectus study by Pelton found that the period of playing time when players are most likely to tear their ACLs arrives between minutes 33 and 39.


  • 原本的时候以为只有几个喜欢天呐但是后来内就被。”波特告诉澳大利亚每日邮报的记者。

    'I just tweeted it thinking a couple of people would be like' oh ', but it got retweeted about ten times in a minute, 'Bort told Daily Mail Australian.


  • 毫无疑问,工作已经占据里每天每一分,又是仪器的乒乒乓乓声,又是电话声,又是电子邮件

    There's no doubt that work has found its way into every hour of our day, thanks to beepers, cell phones and email.


  • 香波鸡蛋大小膜放在手上,按摩头上保留5

    After shampooing scoop out the equivalent of an egg into the palms of your hands and massage into your hair from roots to ends and leave in for 5 minutes.


  • 国际箭总原野射箭决赛中,裁判小组中将以口头进行开始停止令动作(开始结束3的时限)。

    In the FITA Field Finals Round, whenever a Judge accompanies a group he will start and stop the shooting verbally (go for the start and stop when the 3 minutes have passed).


  • 讲座开始后15到达完场15分提早离开“至叻星”。

    Arriving after or leaving before 15 minutes of the talk will not be granted the SAS Smart Point.


  • 将给每一一张纸板,你们时间去考虑应该什么。

    I'll give you each group a piece of paper and only One minute to think and discuss about the blanks on it.


  • 彩色电视同步有源电视时频控制研制设备之一

    The colour TV synchronizer controlled by a clock is one of control equipments developed for active TV synchronization.


  • 10之后现象消失了

    But after 10 minutes, the phenomenon of choking and disappeared.


  • 魔法取—等级1要求70级消耗法力474 30施法距离法术偷取对方身上有益魔法效果这个效果持续最大2

    Spellsteal - Rank 1 Requires Level 70 474 Mana30 yd range Instant cast Steals a beneficial magic effect from the target. This effect lasts a maximum of 2 min.


  • 魔法取—等级1要求70级消耗法力474 30施法距离法术偷取对方身上有益魔法效果这个效果持续最大2

    Spellsteal - Rank 1 Requires Level 70 474 Mana30 yd range Instant cast Steals a beneficial magic effect from the target. This effect lasts a maximum of 2 min.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定