• 金融世界转瞬间缩成一小斑点

    The world of finance dwindled suddenly to a 39 speck.


  • 金融世界森林之间巴布亚贺正密切关注

    In the world of finance and among greens, the Papuan saga is being watched closely.


  • 金融世界长期资本管理公司崩溃应该学到

    It's a lesson the financial world might have heeded after the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management.


  • 同样把这个行业命运金融世界里面最有进取心玩家联系在了一起。

    But it also tied the industry's fate to that of the financial world's most aggressive players.


  • 他们当让饱受煎熬,新的危机金融世界也是他们高薪工作一部分

    They will be roasted alive, of course; but in the new, post-crisis world of finance, that is partly what they get paid for.


  • 银行业看做一个生物系统有助于解释:为什么金融世界变得如此容易受到攻击

    Seeing banking as a biological system can also help explain why the financial world became so vulnerable.


  • 但是支线基金银行以及整个金融世界多少知道麦道夫是个骗子呢?

    But how many people in the feeder funds, the Banks and the financial world knew that Mr. Madoff was crooked?


  • 迪拜现在还不能说是金融世界通道但是可以充当周围国家各种各样麻烦的入口。

    Dubai is not yet a gateway to the financial world. But it can open the door to all sorts of trouble in its neighbourhood.


  • 往常一样,他们观点还是终止商业活动,但现在看来观点像要终结我们所熟知金融世界

    Their idea of ending business as usual was starting to look like ending the financial world as we know it.


  • 可以想像整整之前那个疯狂周末金融世界陷入崩溃巴菲特接到大量的求助电话。

    As you can imagine, Buffett was hearing from a lot of people on that crazy weekend exactly a year ago, when the financial world was falling apart.


  • 烛台一个非常独特的诠释方式价格行为东方哲学西方金融世界完美结合

    Candlesticks interpret price action in an quite unique way, which are perfect combination of eastern philosophy and western financial world.


  • 钢铁丛林般的金融世界,“信心信任“权力”和“红利”的位取而代之。

    In the concrete jungle of the financial world, values like faith and trust begin to usurp familiar jargons like sovereign and bonuses.


  • HeymanAriely教授认为在人们社会世界金融世界之间一个思维裂缝

    Professors Heyman and Ariely argue that people have a mental split between their social and financial worlds.


  • 金融世界有一套广为流传自己语言包括复杂金融术语,以及戏谑股票市场俏话。

    The finance world famously has almost a language all of its own, ranging from complex financial jargon to the playful slang of the stock market.


  • 如果愿意享受帮助别人的乐趣,而且对于财经金融世界兴趣,成为一名私人理财可能适合你。

    If you enjoy helping others and have an interest in the world of finance, becoming a personal finance advisor may be for you.


  • 英格兰银行市场对于风险良性态度也许反映出更加可靠金融世界同样可能表示一种心安理得

    The bank says the market's benign attitude to risk may simply reflect a more secure financial world. But it might also indicate complacency.


  • 那令人目眩高级金融世界忙碌工厂普拉达(Prada)零售店集装箱船厂审视着商业情景有趣的典范们。

    From his dizzying depictions of the world of high finance through his busy factories to his Prada retail stores and container shipyards, he surveys the intriguing patterns of the commercial landscape.


  • 他用幽默语言,好笑例子诸如卖空边际购买”之类模糊的术语刚刚崛起的投资人讲解神秘金融世界

    Using punny humor and wry examples, he explained the arcane world of finance, with its foggy phrases such as "selling short" and "buying on margin, " to the newly empowered personal investor.


  • 股票债券贷款抵押交易保证金有价证券——一个金融世界里头没有容纳人类世界或是自然界丝毫空隙。

    Stocks and bonds, loans and mortgages, margins and securitieshere was a world of finance, and there was no room in it for the human world or the world of nature.


  • 你们许多转向那些有钱人你们眼睛里看到某种神工作,银行金融世界不是有这么一个词语吗,“宇宙主人'

    Many of you have turned to those who have money, in your eyes seeing a kind of Deity at work; and isn't there a phrase in you banking and financial world; 'Masters of the Universe'?


  • 首先如今这个体系混乱金融世界中,只要GE握有这样一个大规模脆弱金融机构,投资者们就会GE的股票有所顾虑。

    The first is that investors will remain leery of GE's stock for as long as the company owns a sizeable business that is vulnerable to a systemic upset in the financial world.


  • 最近研究发现社会世界金融世界之间的鸿沟。两项研究还显示了金钱如何令人惊异方式影响我们思维和行为的。

    This chasm between our social and financial worlds has been explored in two recent studies that uncover fascinating ways in which money affects our thoughts and behaviour.


  • 就像几千里外突然倒塌柏林墙这次突然暴跌证实金融世界里的每个人都可以感觉到将即将到来是什么:一个新的纪元的到来。

    Like the abrupt fall of the Berlin Wall thousands of miles away, the collapse suddenly confirmed what everyone in the financial world could already feel in the wind: a new era had arrived.


  • 金融世界里,重要合同付款条件如何使买主对我们的产品感兴趣——在这个世界多少别人就干多少活,有时候干不了那么多活。

    In the financial world, however, it's all a matter of contracts, payments and let the 'buyer beware' - in this world you only get what you pay for, and sometimes not even that.


  • 金融时报》财经版编辑克雷尔·巴雷西方世界正在走向一个没有实体货币世界

    Claer Barrett, the editor of Financial Times Money, says the Western world is headed toward a world without physical currency.


  • 金融时报》财经版编辑克雷尔·巴雷西方世界正在走向一个没有实体货币世界

    Claer Barrett, the editor of Financial Times Money, says the Western world is headed toward a world without physical currency.


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