• 锁具竭诚国内外客商同携手、进步互惠互利、共创品牌,打造家居未来

    Dragon hardware lock is willing to work wholeheartedly with the domestic and overseas with a total of progress, mutual benefit and create a dragon brand, to build the future of home hardware.


  • 预计未来退休者领取到的社会保险要比许诺

    Future retirees are expected to get smaller Social Security benefits than promised.


  • 上周二尼古拉·斯特演讲中阐述了苏格兰政府未来一年立法计划证实早已相当明确事情。

    Nicola Sturgeon's speech last Tuesday setting out the Scottish government's legislative programme for the year ahead confirmed what was already pretty clear.


  • 未来会做更多的工作,让我们的国家更加绿色环保。

    Ant Financial will do more in the future to make our country greener.


  • 白表示,蚂蚁服将在未来贡献更多,和我们一起把中国变成一个更绿色环保的国家。

    According to Bai, Ant Financial will do more in the future so that we can make China a greener country together.


  • 远处人们看到未来横跨大桥的两端。

    In the distance one can see the poles of the future bridge across Zolotoy Rog Bay.


  • 美国课堂上孩子们应该包括未来研究中,更好地评估自闭症谱系障碍发生率

    Kim said children in regular American classrooms should be included in future studies to get a better measure of the incidence of autism spectrum disorders.


  • 现在国会预算办公室拟定250亿作为未来2救援保证很快意识到,仅仅一个猜想值。

    For now, the Congressional Budget Office has entered a “place holder” of $25 billion to cover the bailout costs over the next two years but recognizes that this is a guess.


  • 他们可以违背债主诺言或者不履行对未来领取养老公民承诺

    They can break their promises to their creditors or they can break their promises to future pensioners.


  • 法院判决已经表明这类承诺不能收回各州可能限制现有员工养老权利未来的增长都做不到。

    Court decisions have suggested that these promises cannot be withdrawn; states may not even be able to limit the future accrual of pension rights by existing workers.


  • 因此,这样为了避免未来退休削减可能性我们必须要削减退休

    So think about it this way: in order to avoid the possibility of future benefit cuts, we must cut future benefits.


  • 未来退休人员的退休抵消赤字做法将维持下去。

    It also maintains the practice of offsetting the deficit with money reserved for future retirees.


  • 除非这种情况能快速生产增长抵消,那么维持未来同样人均生产产出,要支付养老,都会越来越困难

    Unless this is offset by more rapid productivity growth, this could make it harder to maintain the same growth in output per person in future and so harder to pay pension bills.


  • 引入自动调整机制,将享受养老年龄预期寿命的未来收益相关联,代表了一种前景光明政策选择,”委员会表示

    "Introducing an automatic adjustment that increases the pensionable age in line with future gains in life expectancy... represents a promising policy option," the commission argues.


  • 否定气候变化话题容忍,于是踯躅未来清洁能源应用的选题之上。

    Yergin brooks no cant about climate-change denial, and lingers on the topic of cleaner future fuels.


  • 美国,归因于老化的人口以及飙升健保退休成本债务比率未来十年继续攀高

    It is thanks to an ageing population and soaring health and pension costs that America's debt ratio will still be rising in a decade.


  • 由于前些年资产市场强势以及国家未来养老负债值乐观估计,美国养老问题的严重性一直不人们所知。

    The severity of states' pension woes was disguised for years, because asset markets were so strong and because of the way states accounted for the cost of pension provision.


  • 作为一个年轻作家,塞林格有女人缘。他曾乌娜·奥尼尔约会(·奥尼尔女儿查理·卓别林未来妻子)。

    As a young writer, Mr. Salinger was something of a ladies' man and dated, among others, Oona o 'neill, the daughter of Eugene o 'neill and the future wife of Charlie Chaplin.


  • 通货紧缩发生时那些资助未来退休公司公共实体名义收入减少,这引发了资产负债之间另一个潜在缺口

    If it occurs, it will cut the nominal incomes of those (companies, public-sector bodies) that have to fund future pensions, creating another potential gap between assets and liabilities.


  • 未来几个月中有可能导致额外的不对称加息收窄存贷款成本之间空隙同时还意味着提高银行储备比率

    This is likely to start with additional asymmetrical rate hikes to narrow the gap between lending and borrowing costs and may also mean higher required reserve ratios for Banks in the coming months.


  • 澳大利亚也有自己未来公共部门员工养老就出自该基

    Australia has its own Future Fund, where it sets aside money to pay for the pensions of public-sector workers.


  • 今夏查尔顿转会来到阿森纳减轻了后防线伤病的困扰,认为一颗未来之星

    Jenkinson arrived from Charlton in the summer and has helped ease the Gunners' injury crisis at the back, and is tipped to be a future star.


  • 他们不会现有退休者退休削减取而代之,他们不可避免地压缩未来一定年后的退休

    They don’t propose cutting benefits to current retirees; invariably the plan is, instead, to cut benefits many years in the future.


  • 可是,如果扩大养老覆盖范围,那么未来支付的养老债务将可能达到当前GDP的70%。

    With no expansion of pension coverage, liabilities for future pension payments could amount to 70% of current GDP.


  • 公共部门已经积累大笔未来退休债务尚未作出调整。

    But the public sector has barely begun to adjust, and has built up a huge liability to its staff.


  • 博士使这个国家出现了个空白处,而这时国家恰恰最迫切需要人们继续坚持非暴力信念,继续坚定美国美好未来的信念,尽管这两种信念现在正面临着失去危险

    Dr. King’s death left a void in a nation desperately in need of his allegiance to nonviolence and his belief in the promise of America, and now in danger of losing both.


  • 无论是形式还是形式,退休就是未来支付支票,支付来源就是未来劳动者收入

    Pension benefits, whether funded or unfunded, are a postdated cheque on the income of future workers.


  • 最先做出决定就是提高退休年龄,如此便增加税收因为人们工作时间变长了以及削减未来养老成本

    One priority is to raise the retirement age, which would boost tax revenues (as people work longer) and cut future pension costs.


  • 最先做出决定就是提高退休年龄,如此便增加税收因为人们工作时间变长了以及削减未来养老成本

    One priority is to raise the retirement age, which would boost tax revenues (as people work longer) and cut future pension costs.


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