• 德国父母享受14个月的父母(纳税人支付父母性的假期)。

    German parents enjoy 14 months of Elterngeld (taxpayer-funded parental leave).


  • 德国最近新开一家宠物餐馆免费依靠退休救济生活的人的宠物提供食品

    A pet restaurant opened in Germany recently, offering free food for pets whose owners live on pensions and relief fund.


  • 德国这本最好意大利印刷,还有手工制作的镶边一个放大镜作为特殊标记一同出现。

    Printed in Germany on the best Italian paper, with the edges gold-plated by hand, the book comes with a special marker with a magnifier.


  • 参与调查夫妻来自美国德国西班牙日本巴西。发起调查的来自美国印第安纳大学研究所研究人员

    The survey of couples from the US, Germany, Spain, Japan and Brazil was carried out by researchers from the Kinsey Institute at America's Indiana University.


  • 德国央行认为维持养老目前所占工资额20%的比例,到2060年时,养老发放年龄至少要升至69岁才行。

    The Bundesbank calculates that to keep pension contributions at their current rate of 20% of wages, the pension age will have to rise to 69 by 2060.


  • 但是德国反对打破了储备更加庞大更加灵活的梦想。

    But German opposition knocked back hopes that it would be made bigger and more flexible.


  • 尽管美国提供的救济严重下降德国罗马尼亚得到好的赠款贷款用来研发高效率发动机

    Although it pointedly declined a bail-out in America, it has been happy to take grants and soft loans in Germany and Romania to develop an efficient engine.


  • 德国老年人主张鼓励人们减少对国家资助养老依赖,而应更多地靠个人储蓄安享晚年,就像FDP倡导的那样。

    Germany's greying argues for encouraging individuals to rely less on state-funded pensions and more on their own savings, as the FDP advocates.


  • 欧洲在财政上并没有一体化:德国纳税人不会自动承担希腊退休爱尔兰银行救助帐单一部分

    Europe isn't fiscally integrated: German taxpayers don't automatically pick up part of the TAB for Greek pensions or Irish bank bailouts.


  • 梅茨勒银行·凯勒《镜报在线》称“越来越多的机构投资人德国国债过敏”。

    "More and more big institutional investors have prejudices against German state bonds," Eugen Keller, of Bankhaus Metzler, told Spiegel Online.


  • 2006年世界杯足球赛期间,作为一个国家德意志在六十年大放光彩,百万笑脸展开油彩国旗三色的球迷铺天盖地,光彩回荡在齐声歌唱的德国国歌

    The nation startled itself during the 2006 soccer World Cup tournament, when millions of people painted flags on their faces, wearing red, gold and black hats and chanting the national anthem.


  • 1889年德国首相奥托-冯-俾斯麦引入国家养老,人均寿命45本意那些无法继续工作的人提供收入

    When state pensions were introduced in 1889 by Otto von Bismarck, the German chancellor, life expectancy was 45; the idea was to provide an income for those who simply could not work any longer.


  • 如今依靠德国联邦情报局退休德国南部生活

    She was pregnant with the child of a KGB officer and now lives on a BND pension in southern Germany.


  • 德国商业银行(Commerzbank)本周报告,在珠宝需求上升之外供应下降可能将提供额外支撑

    In a report this week, Commerzbank said that, in addition to burgeoning jewelry demand, falling scrap supplies could offer additional support to gold prices.


  • 贷款予以欧元区国家担保格林先生的祖国——德国出资这笔保障中的1480亿欧元。

    Its borrowing will be guaranteed by euro-zone countries, and Mr Regling's native Germany could be on the hook for euro148 billion of those guarantees.


  • 削减就是为了控制德国日益膨胀养老危机而采取的缩小收支差距的措施

    The statement informed them that their pensions were being cut. The reductions come as a stop-gap measure to control Germany's ballooning pension crisis.1


  • 约克郡犬以近4.2万只名列第二其次德国牧羊犬猎犬、小猎犬拳师犬克斯猎犬。

    The Yorkshire Terrier came in second place with nearly 42, 000 registrations, followed by the German Shepherd, the Golden Retriever, the Beagle, the Boxer and the Dachshund.


  • 德国GDP仅上升了0.1%,而法国完全为零增长这引发了更多问题关于这些国家支援欧元区救助能力

    GDP rose by only 0.1% in Germany and did not grow at all in France, raising more questions about the ability of those countries to back any further potential euro-area bail-outs. See article.


  • 去年欧盟针对希腊实施一揽子救援计划,该国公共部门的员工脱了困,让他们55岁左右退休时,拿到几乎全额的退休很多德国发现事后,大为震惊。

    Many Germans were horrified to discover that the EU rescuepackage for Greece last year helped to bail out public-sector workers who could retire in their mid-50s on almost full pay.


  • 奥运冠军李宁21日北京代表李宁33岁德国体操运动员丘索维捐赠了2万欧元,用于帮助其儿子白血病康复治疗

    Olympic champion Li Ning donated EUR20000 on behalf of the Li Ning Fund to German gymnast Oksana Chusovitina for her son's rehabilitation treatment from leukemia.


  • 德国霸有限公司1878年成立于德国慕尼黑

    Keller & Kalmbach GmbH was established in Munich, Germany in 1878.


  • 一个典型的有着杀手气质的德国门将认为阿德菲耶夫更强。

    A typical German keeper with a killer mentality. I think that he's better than Adler and Akinfeev.


  • 该公司一家国际采购商来自德国需要购买产品类别包括:机械设备制品、小型车辆配件

    GFF DIREKT VERSAND GMBH is an international purchaser from Germany, need to buy products of Machinery and Equipment, Hardware, Small Vehicles and Spare Parts etc. categories.


  • 乌拉圭铅笔收藏家亚瑞那斯周二展示购买德国辉柏铅笔,他是氏世界纪录收藏最多枝铅笔的纪录保持人。

    Pencil collector Emilio Arenas from Uruguay shows new pencils he'll buy from German pencilmaker Faber-Castell on Tuesday. He holds the Guinness World record in collecting pencils.


  • 德国GDP仅上升了0.1%,而法国完全为零增长这引发了更多问题关于这些国家支援欧元区救助能力

    GDP rose by only 0.1% in Germany and did not grow at all in France, raising more questions about the ability of those countries to back any further potential euro-area bail-outs.


  • 德国GDP仅上升了0.1%,而法国完全为零增长这引发了更多问题关于这些国家支援欧元区救助能力

    GDP rose by only 0.1% in Germany and did not grow at all in France, raising more questions about the ability of those countries to back any further potential euro-area bail-outs.


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