• 会说英语并且可以吉米·梅尔的演出中脱颖而出,或者维萨扮演推销

    He became conversant in English, and could crack wise on Jimmy Kimmel's show or play pitchman for Visa.


  • 大部分养老(公务可以得到最后六个月平均工资的75%)主要在职的工人支付

    Generous pensions (civil servants get 75% of their final six-months 'salary) are mainly paid for by current workers.


  • 非洲情况相似地区养老体制殖民时代比较发达,现在覆盖退休公务

    Similar to Africa's case, pension systems in this region were developed during the colonial era and only cover civil service retirees.


  • 石油交易行业人士经纪商已经降低或是取消交易信贷额度甚至告诉客户他们需要上周多付一保证

    One executive involved in oil trading said brokerages have reduced or canceled lines of credit to traders, even telling customers they need to double the amount of margin required from last week.


  • 普京说:“外汇储备允许俄罗斯保持公务养老支付以及其它社会福利。”

    Mr. Putin says the reserves will allow Russia to maintain the salaries of civil servants, pension payments, and social benefits.


  • 市场参与者其他资产类别中一些交易面临着追加保证要求

    Some traders faced margin calls, or demands for more cash collateral, in other asset classes, market participants said.


  • 这两交易所银行共同采用跨市场保证担保允许交易得多投出大的赌注

    And the cross-margining guarantee that both exchanges are employing with banks will allow traders to make bigger bets with far less money.


  • 办公厅副主任厄斯·鲍尔我的密友高尔夫球友。一位极好的管理人,是我们商界之间最好联络,他返乡了。

    My deputy chief of staff, Erskine Bowles, who had become a close friend and golfing partner and who was a superb manager and our best liaison to the business community, was going home, too.


  • 便是,立法每年能到选区巡览40多次,而往返列车费用可以全他们退休累积也是文职公务倍。

    On top of this, lawmakers get 40 round trips a year to their constituencies and free train travel, as well as pension benefits that accumulate twice as fast as those of civil servants.


  • 非洲国民大会一接手南非,他们清理大部分白人公务尤其是那些高级职位上的白种人,并了他们数额可观早退

    When the ANC first took over, it cleared out most of the white civil servants, especially those in senior positions, by offering them generous early-retirement deals.


  • 图书管理看起来十分地紧张告诉要交纳34美元滞纳时。

    The librarian looked extremely nervous as she informed me of my $34 late fee.


  • 如果驾驶无法支付保释,那么在看守所度过周时间直到出庭

    If they are unable to put up money for bail, they may be behind bars for several weeks until a court appearance.


  • 特罗开始削减公务薪酬,一系列社会福利计划养老之际知道自己即将大难临头

    As he set out cuts in civil-service pay, social programmes and pensions, Mr Zapatero had the look of a man who has seen the writing on the wall.


  • 钢琴成为货币申领救济公务可以用这一往日地位象征得一土豆片培根

    Grand pianos became a currency or sorts as pauperized members of the civil service elites traded the symbols of their old status for a sack of potatoes and a side of bacon.


  • 随着大西洋两岸关键经济指标急速疲软,韩国市场研究志焕期望亚洲股市迅速恢复

    With economic vital signs rapidly growing weaker on both sides of the Atlantic, market researcher Kim does not expect an immediate recovery for equities here in Asia.


  • 色彩鲜艳的横纹纺织家族中的

    The brightly coloured wasp spider is a member of the orb-web spinning family.


  • 西格尔现年34岁,是总部在休斯顿生物医学研究公司助理研究。她已经转向斯饮食法,这个减肥计划似乎藐视我们的选食本能。

    Now Sieger, 34, a research associate ata Houston-based biomedical research firm, has turned to the Atkinsdiet, a weight-loss program that seems to defy nutritional wisdom.


  • 2020年,公务退休捐献工资的8.1%涨10.5%。 建议:不同意捐献一词的用法。

    By 2020 civil servants’ pension contributions will increase from 8.1% of pay to 10.5%.


  • 社交名流卡特密斯就是伦敦圈内大旗的人物。 她是罗斯柴尔德家族的给了一位绝顶聪明的企业家:本史密斯。

    Society double A-lister, Kate Goldsmitha Rothschild by birth married to supersmart entrepreneur Ben Goldsmith—is carrying the banner in London society.


  • 随后,当地法院判决剥夺了哥俩退休权利否认他们公务资历

    Since the revelation they have been deprived the right of getting pension and even their work experience as public servants has been denied, according to a local court.


  • 人们所犯的错误认为银行看上去像是吉米·史都华(注2)能够掌控一样”,出纳大理石建筑中排队领取保证

    The mistake was to think “a bank had to look like something Jimmy Stewart could run”, with rows of tellers taking deposits in a marble-fronted building.


  • 根据一项原来计划通过替换1/2的即将退休公务节省一部分开支。 菲永还阻止一些部长既要工资养老的行为。

    Small savings will come from an old plan to replace only one in two retiring civil servants, and he says he will stop ministers claiming a salary and pension at the same time.


  • 后来美泰洗衣机烘干机,他笑着说起那个推销向他引述拉斯(Ruskin)的话,什么质量重要价格不算啥之类的。

    After he bought a Maytag washer and dryer, he was tickled that the salesman quoted Ruskin to him-something about where quality counts, price doesn't.


  • 对于那些一辈子都待教室办公室里的工作人,65岁应该他们的最低退休年龄新的公务应该转轨养老固定缴款制度。

    Sixty-five should be a minimum age for retirement for people who spend their lives in classrooms and offices; and new civil servants should be switched to defined-contribution pensions.


  • 最后一个月球留下脚印阿波罗17号指挥·塞尔南,是在1972年12月14

    The last man to leave his footprint on the moon was Apollo 17 commander Eugene Cernan, on Dec. 14, 1972.


  • 该怎么办呢?停止支付廿二万名公务退休吗?

    What am I going to do, stop paying 220, 000 public employees and pensioners?


  • 该怎么办呢?停止支付廿二万名公务退休吗?

    What am I going to do, stop paying 220, 000 public employees and pensioners?


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