• 更多重要有意义事情需要花费时间精力

    You have much more meaningful and important issues upon which to focus your time and energy.


  • 二十世纪看来中国陶器可能只是装饰品中国人来说,物品形状装饰意义,都很重要

    To twentieth-century eyes, Chinese pottery may appear merely decorative, yet to the Chinese the form of each object and its adornment had meaning and significance.


  • 这项工作简单重要因为使这些成本脱离了臆想范畴进入有意义讨论的范畴。

    The exercise is simple but important, since it brings these costs out of the realm of speculation into the realm of meaningful discussion.


  • 拜托特博士说:“这项研究的重要信息是,还另一个物种在进行有意义的交流,所以这并不是人类独的。”

    "The big message from this study is that there is another species out there, that is meaningful in its communication, so that's not unique to humans," said Dr. Hobaiter.


  • 对于站点而言,重要可以选择意义TOPIC名称在您将要定义的主题树上下文重要意义

    What is important for your site is that you choose topic names that are meaningful within the context of the topic trees that you will define.


  • 什么比做些意义事情重要

    How can something be far more important than doing things with meaning?


  • 生命伟大的不是维系在物质上,有意义的事金钱更为重要

    Remember, the greatest things in life are not things. Meaning is far more important than money.


  • 享受工作并且工作来说很意义,这对您的健康非常重要

    It is very important for your health that you enjoy your work and it has meaning for you.


  • 相反似乎这种说话模式指出孩子谈话中重要有意义信息的关注点。

    Instead, it seems as if the speech patterns cue kids' attention to what's important or significant in the conversation.


  • 追求个人成长意义生活的过程中,发现在这么多的重要工具中,起决定性一个创建自己人生指南

    One of the key tools I found critical in my pursuit of personal growth and living a purposeful life is creating my own life handbook.


  • 使事物有意义需要知道一些关于终极目的价值的事情,以及重要之所以别于琐事的那些方面

    To make any sense of things one needs to know something about ultimate purposes and values, and about the ways in which important matters are distinguished from trivial ones.


  • 最后链接版权隐私策略信息脚链接——这些链接有意义的,但是页面其他链接相比重要,希望以不太醒目的方式显示。

    Finally, you might have footer links to information such as copyright, privacy policy, and so forth — links that are important but can be less obvious than other links on the page.


  • 但是重要的假如破坏栖息地偷猎行为继续下去,这些老虎放归野外意义的。

    But most importantly: it is pointless to release these tigers in the wild if we keep destroying their habitat and poaching them.


  • 语义互操作性SOA中的一个重要体系结构特性因为使服务使用者提供者能够交换有意义信息然后遵照这些信息进行操作。

    Semantic interoperability is an important architectural quality in a SOA because it enables service consumers and providers to exchange information that make sense, and which then can be acted upon.


  • 我们社会对单身存在太多的误导,其中重要的条错误观念就是找到了对象,实现了二人世界,才可能过上快乐的、意义生活

    One of the biggest misconceptions in our society today is that you need to be a in a relationship in order to have a happy and meaningful life.


  • 完全事情——企业清楚他们库存水平建筑物人员一样诸如应用程序重要资产编目有意义的。

    It's just good businessin the same way that business are aware of their stock levels, buildings, and people, it makes sense for key assets such as applications to be cataloged.


  • 最终看法产品观点固然重要,但是要获得有意义反馈,更多的还是考虑我们最终的需求。

    My ultimate concern, though, is less with the idea of the product owner than it is with our desperate need to get meaningful feedback.


  • 随着语法越来越复杂重要是要为遇到错误作出清晰而且有意义诊断

    As a grammar gets more complicated, it gets more important to give clear and meaningful diagnostics of the errors encountered.


  • 确保法律所保护的文化是很重要一步——在这个文化氛围中,需要遵守司法流程、进行意义宣判经历必要的时间

    This is an important step in ensuring a culture where the law is respected, where the judicial process is observed, sentences are meaningful, and hard time is served.


  • 信息架构中,目标是以清楚有意义的方式受众组织表示数据因此了解数据和内置之间这种差别至关重要

    In information architecture, your goal is to organize and present data in a clear, meaningful manner to your audience, so it's critical that you understand this difference between data and content.


  • 简而言之重要任务就是思考对于应用程序XML什么时候才是意义的。

    Your biggest task in the short term, though, is to really think about when XML makes sense for your own applications.


  • 摒弃那些多余东西完全专注生活重要东西,专注于人与人之间的情感关系追求自己理想过上有意义的生活。

    I got rid of unnecessary things so I could focus on what's important in my life, so I could focus on relationships and pursuing my passions and living a meaningful life.


  • 数据词典一个重要构件它支持业务IT社区之间进行有意义交流

    The data dictionary is an important artifact that enables meaningful communication between business and it communities.


  • 意义工作肯定多少价值的;从事那份工作时,我们一定觉得自己在做重要事。

    That meaningful work must be somehow worthwhile; that in doing it we must feel that we are making a difference.


  • 这里注意重要概念,在发生停机之前机器1任何有意义” 的DB2工作

    The important concept to note here is that machine 1 wasn't doing any "meaningful" DB2 work before the outage occurred.


  • 意义的,因为存在很多重复或者数据分布不均匀情况下分布统计信息重要

    This makes sense because distribution statistics are important in the case of many duplicates or uneven distributed data.


  • 地震发生前是征兆的,因此,从现在开始进行准备相当重要。这样一来,知道灾难发生时该做什么,该如何应对,如何进行有意义自我保护

    Because earthquakes occur without warning, it's important to take steps now to prepare, so that you know what you can do and how to respond - constructive, protective action is possible.


  • 地震发生前是征兆的,因此,从现在开始进行准备相当重要。这样一来,知道灾难发生时该做什么,该如何应对,如何进行有意义自我保护

    Because earthquakes occur without warning, it's important to take steps now to prepare, so that you know what you can do and how to respond - constructive, protective action is possible.


- 来自原声例句

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