• 管理层努力一个重点探索公司的资本重组

    A substantial thrust of the effort of management is to explore a recapitalization of the company.


  • 沃诺克先生辞职了因为公司放弃了资本重组计划

    Mr. Warnock resigned as the company abandoned a plan to recapitalize.


  • 专业公司传统重组专家们投资银行中如雨后春笋般涌现帮助银行套利监管资本成本

    Specialist firms have sprung up alongside the traditional restructuring experts from investment Banks to help Banks arbitrage their regulatory capital costs.


  • 银行业热心因为重组可能要求他们平衡表上记录债务价值,而他们正在辛苦提高资本比率

    The banks are not keen either, since restructuring would require them to write down the value of the debt on their balance-sheet just as they are struggling to improve their capital ratios.


  • 银行资本重组那之后方可开始,现在只有希腊债务危机这个漏洞需要立即堵上

    Recapitalization of the banks should wait until then; only the holes created by restructuring the Greek debt would have to be filled immediately.


  • 假如希腊真的重组债务要不了多长时间,贪婪的本性就又战胜恐慌资本再次顺畅地流动起来。

    If Greece were to restructure its debt, it would not take long for greed to trump fear and for capital to start flowing again.


  • 这种方法是经得起时间检验的,之前,航空业工业方面得到了成功的运用,即使这些公司发生资本结构重组

    The concept builds on time-tested procedures that have been used to keep airlines flying and industrial firms going even as their capital structures were being reorganised.


  • 布朗关键时刻决定英国银行业进行资本重组,此举美国欧洲大陆国家纷纷效仿,这一点使获得了广泛认可

    Mr Brown is widely recognised for his decision to launch Britain's bank recapitalisation plan, one followed by the US and Europe at a critical moment.


  • 进行这种金融工程,即所谓股息资本重组的不只thl一家。

    THL was hardly alone in undertaking this sort of financial engineering, known as a dividend recapitalization.


  • 通过资本注入债务重组基础设施改造等措施特许经营公司成功地在特许经营地区加快供水速度,提高了供水质量。

    Through capital infusion, debt restructuring and infrastructure rehabilitation, both concessionaires managed to accelerate and enhance supply across their franchise areas.


  • 监管者有权在公认框架规定资本重组条件

    Regulators would be given the legal authority to dictate the terms of a recapitalisation, subject to an agreed framework.


  • 显然全球股票价格上升会扩大权益积累,而后者会减轻金融机构资本重组困难。 股票价格下降则会妨碍这一过程。

    Obviously, higher global stock prices will enlarge the pool of equity that can facilitate the recapitalisation of financial institutions.


  • 经过这次资本重组Stella酒店管理集团Stella服务集团分别接管2.05亿美元3400万美元长期债务

    Stella Hospitality Group and Stella Travel Services Group will take over US$205 million and US$34 million in long-term debts, respectively, as a result of the restructuring deal.


  • 欧洲重组进程监管会(ERM)是一家关注全球化进程的研究机构,他们对欧盟成员国二十多起offshore案例进行了分析,其中很多都涉及复杂资本流动

    The European Restructuring Monitor (ERM), an EU outfit that tracks globalisation, has analysed about two dozen cases of offshoring from new members of the EU, often involving complex moves.


  • 此同时,欧盟试图协调成员国间的银行资本重组

    The EU is meanwhile trying to coordinate a member-state-wide bank-recapitalization effort.


  • 然后他们又说银行需要进行资本重组因为从未有过主权国家违约的,现在这个说法面临严峻的现实

    Then they said that banks would not need recapitalising because sovereign nations would never default. They now seem to be facing reality on this score.


  • 的顾问还在争取附带其他条件确保投入银行纳税人资金用于放贷而不是被用于这些公司的资本机构重组

    Advisers are pushing for other conditions to ensure tax money going to the Banks would be lent out, not put into the vaults to recapitalize the firms.


  • 这种方式的一个结果德国不想法国银行资本重组买单

    There is a good reason for this: Germany does not want to pay for recapitalizing French banks.


  • 描述私募股权公司买卖差价获取利润方式(采用大量杠杆股息资本重组交易等等)。

    It's used to describe the ways PE firms turn profit outside of the differential between purchase and sale price (using lots of leverage, dividend recaps, deal fees, etc.).


  • 国际金融公司2010年资本重组产生于有选择增资2亿美元所有成员国基本投票权提高

    The IFC 2010 realignment will result from a selective capital increase of $200 million and increase in the basic votes for all members.


  • 国际金融公司2010年资本重组产生于有选择增资2亿美元所有成员国基本投票权提高

    The IFC 2010 realignment will result from a selective capital increase of $200 million and increase in the basic votes for all members.


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