• 抵押服务公司、放款方以及借款方重组贷款实施而收到奖励

    Mortgage servicers, lenders and borrowers will receive incentive payments for the success of restructured loans.


  • 数据有效性十分重要,可以研究在周二发放,且限定于FICO分数750CA借款人债务重组贷款

    The availability of data is so great that you can research Debt Consolidation loans for ca borrowers for 750 FICO scores for loans that were originated on a Tuesday.


  • 越来越经济学家认为目前重组相比于日后发放永远无力偿还贷款欧洲整体付出的代价要小。

    A growing number of economists think restructuring now would be cheaper for Europe as a whole than giving more loans that may never be repaid.


  • 一些过去可以贷款债券到期债务滚动起来的企业如今面对一场或许导致他们进入昂贵债务重组流动性危机

    Firms that in the past would have been able to roll over their loans, bonds and debts coming to maturity now face a liquidity crisis that may lead them into costly debt restructuring.


  • 决策者们要在布鲁塞尔峰会上讨论许多措施,包括希腊新的贷款私营部门参与希腊的债务重组

    Policymakers are discussing a range of measures at the summit in Brussels, including a new loan package to Greece and the role of private investors in any debt restructuring.


  • 迪拜错误可能在于没有在一年前作出这种安排,而当时这些银行容易接受贷款重组谈判

    Dubai's probable mistake was that it did not do this a year ago when these Banks were more receptive to restructuring talks.


  • 项目主要债权人之一中信集团正在缩减房地产方面贷款规模,考虑重组星耀五洲项目上的债务。

    One of the project's major lenders, CITIC, is also cutting back its property loans in general, and it is looking to restructure Xingyao Wuzhou's debts.


  • 如同该酋长国自己一样贷款迪拜的那些国际银行可能也不得不苦果同意整体债务进行重组

    The international Banks that lent to Dubai, like the emirate itself, may have to swallow a bitter pill and agree to a restructuring in the total debt.


  • 8月下旬甚至信贷紧缩还没有成为全面危机状态夏威夷医院在银行没有贷款延长的情况下,申请破产重组

    In late August, even before the credit squeeze reached a full state of crisis, a hospital system in Hawaii filed for bankruptcy reorganization after a lender failed to extend a loan for another month.


  • CitiFinancial美国的182个分行转换服务专心”,服务需要修改贷款债务重组客户

    CitiFinancial will also convert 182 U.S. branches into "servicing centers" catering to customers who might need loan modifications or other debt restructurings, she said.


  • 举步为艰户外产品零售商黑色休闲(Blacks Leisure)公司更新重组计划目标顾客群,苏格兰银行再借贷款

    Struggling outdoor retailer Blacks Leisure updated the market on its restructuring plan and new bank facilities with bank of Scotland.


  • 不久前的11月乌克兰铁路公司无法偿还部分辛迪加贷款能源集团乌克兰国家石油天然气公司也进行了债务重组

    Earlier in November, for example, Ukraine's state railway firm, Ukrzaliznytsya, failed to repay part of a syndicated loan, and its energy firm, Naftogaz, restructured its debt.


  • 普拉控股公司(Prada Holding)最近重组贷款延迟银行的还贷。普拉达控股由由普拉达女士丈夫共同打理,并通过公司控制一家意大利时尚品牌- - -普拉达集团

    Prada Holding, through which Miuccia Prada and her husband control Prada Group, another Italian house, recently restructured its loans in order to defer payment to Banks.


  • 很多分析师因此认为最终解决办法某些国家重组债务进行财政转移例如通过免除救援贷款

    That makes many analysts believe the ultimate resolution will involve either a restructuring of debts in some countries or a financial transfer, such as by forgiving rescue loans.


  • 欧盟官员鼓励私人资金流入爱尔兰葡萄牙希腊并称如果债务得到重组,如果没有别的贷款,临时救助基金不到还款。

    EU officials also encouraged the flow of private credit to Ireland, Portugal and Greece by saying that the fund would not be repaid before other lenders if debts were restructured.


  • 也许麦凯恩希拉里之间最大区别抵押贷款重组问题上。

    Maybe the most notable contrast between Mr. McCain and Mrs. Clinton involves the problem of restructuring mortgages.


  • 一些建议把它们重组一个单一新的房产部”,继续为住房抵押贷款提供担保

    Some people have suggested recasting them as a single new "Fan-Fred agency" that would continue to securitize and guarantee home mortgages.


  • 所以这个可能无法履行银行债务(用流行的委婉说法,进行债务“重组”),贷款得不到偿还银行可能因此拖垮。

    So the state probably would default on its bank debt (“restructure” the debt is the current euphemism), and this might bring down the banks that had made the loans that were now in default.


  • 紧随其后的是重组国家农业住房按揭抵押贷款市场的各项法案。

    Bills to reorder the nation's agriculture, housing and mortgage markets followed in short order.


  • 幸运的是,今后年时间内,希腊仍然可以获得三驾马车提供的利率贷款,之后需要进行债务重组

    Fortunately Greece can fund itself for two more years on cheap borrowing from the troika before it faces restructuring that debt.


  • 主权债务危机同样如此银行担心受债务重组冲击,担忧意大利自身信贷价值,便多出价,从批发市场获得贷款

    So does the sovereign-debt crisis: banks are paying over the odds to borrow in wholesale markets because of worries about the effect of debt restructuring and Italy’s own creditworthiness.


  • 主权债务危机同样如此银行担心受债务重组冲击,担忧意大利自身信贷价值,便多出价,从批发市场获得贷款

    So does the sovereign-debt crisis: banks are paying over the odds to borrow in wholesale markets because of worries about the effect of debt restructuring and Italy's own creditworthiness.


  • 基本上美联储通过购买抵押贷款支持债券(其他银行),资金投入银行体系从而重组银行业的资产。

    Essentially the Federal Reserve recapitalized the banking industry by buying its mortgage-backed securities (and other bank debt as well), thus pouring cash into the banking system.


  • 还有一种做法,举例来说,强行促成银行修改破产法允许法官依照其他贷款的模式重组抵押贷款

    The other is to force the banks’ hand, for instance, by changing the bankruptcy code to allow judges to restructure mortgages in the same way as other loans.


  • 还有一种做法,举例来说,强行促成银行修改破产法允许法官依照其他贷款的模式重组抵押贷款

    The other is to force the Banks' hand, for instance, by changing the bankruptcy code to allow judges to restructure mortgages in the same way as other loans.


  • 农场抵押按揭贷款得到重组农业信贷向农民提供了低息的运营资金

    Farm mortgages were refinanced and the Farm Credit Act provided operating funds at low interest rates.


  • 如果更多无偿还能力的抵押贷款进行重组不是取消赎回权,那么放款整个经济的状况好些

    Both lenders and the overall economy would be better off if more delinquent mortgages were restructured rather than foreclosed.


  • 去年一季度有73000笔贷款重组,其中43%贷款重组8个月陷入危机详见统计图)。

    Of 73, 000 loans modified in the first quarter of last year, 43% were again delinquent eight months later (see chart).


  • 去年一季度有73000笔贷款重组,其中43%贷款重组8个月陷入危机详见统计图)。

    Of 73, 000 loans modified in the first quarter of last year, 43% were again delinquent eight months later (see chart).


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