• 区域合作配合良好成为中泰合作重要内容。

    He said that regional cooperation between the two countries coordinates well, which becomes an important element of China-Thailand cooperation.


  • 产品所有螺钉装配孔孔位均要求后盖反光配合良好

    All the thread holes' and assembly holes' site of this product should be in well fit with rear cover's reflecting shade.


  • 配合良好术后功能锻炼治疗长管状骨折应用前景好。

    Cooperation. With the function exercise, it is good to use in treating the bone long fracture.


  • 配合良好健身习惯还要有合理的饮食习惯防止现代人疾病

    In concert with a good workout routine, you should eat right to avoid the diseases that modern flesh is heir to.


  • 结果43例患者中、术后配合良好并发症发生率手术效果满意

    Results: the technique coordinates of 43 patients before and after surgery were good, the complication formation rate was low, the surgery effect was satisfactory.


  • 曲线1至5周边相关配合良好过渡平顺,对整车造型起到关键作用

    The curves (1-5) match well with the surrounding corresponding components and the transition is smooth which do great good for the sculpt of the whole vehicle.


  • 结果:经过规范化护理,15.6患者均配合良好顺利完成治疗,并发症发生

    Results:The operation was completed successfully in 156 cases who took concerded action under proper nursing and there was no complications.


  • 结果经过正确操作和恰当的护理,385例患者配合良好顺利完成乳导管内窥镜检查,任何并发症发生

    Results:The examination was completed successfully in 385 cases who took concerted action under properly nursing care and there were no any complications occurred.


  • 根据本文介绍得到最终模式 ——链接一个isPermaLink为 falseguid文中提到的所有提要阅读器配合良好

    The scheme we ended up with, described above, of a link and a guid with isPermaLink false, works fine with all our feed readers.


  • 双方各个领域合作卓有成效,在地区和国际事务中保持了良好协调配合

    The two sides have effective cooperation in various fields and good coordination and cooperation in regional and international affairs.


  • 加强中国与东盟关系促进地区合作等方面保持良好协调配合

    Both countries have also maintained sound coordination and cooperation in strengthening China-ASEAN relations and promoting regional cooperation.


  • 人文交流丰富多彩、富有特色。双方国际地区事务中保持良好沟通配合

    Both sides have also conducted colorful and unique humanities exchanges and kept sound communication and cooperation in international and regional affairs.


  • 双方国际地区事务中保持良好协调配合

    Both sides also maintain sound coordination and cooperation in international and regional affairs.


  • 双方高层交往密切,各领域务实合作成果丰硕国际事务中保持良好协调配合

    Both sides have maintained close high-level exchanges, yielded fruitful results in pragmatic cooperation in all areas and kept sound coordination and cooperation in international affairs.


  • 目前层次交往频繁领域合作势头良好国际事务中密切配合

    Currently the two countries enjoy frequent exchanges at all levels, sound cooperation in various fields and close coordination in international affairs.


  • 鸟儿的鸣叫需要复杂神经系统良好体力配合因而很好地显示出它们是多么优秀的配偶强有力的竞争对手)。

    Singing demands neurological sophistication and physical stamina and is thus a good signal of what fine mates (and bad opponents) they would make.


  • 即使是非常有效疫苗需要同时配合使用药物,开展病媒控制,进行良好监测评价以及有一个运转良好卫生系统

    Even a highly effective vaccine will need to be supported by the simultaneous use of drugs, vector control, good monitoring and evaluation, and well-performing health systems.


  • 良好光滑纸张配合这样故事我们曾经很肯定这样杂志能够我们手指之前发行量带上去(形容发行量增长很快)。

    A glossy paper with that kind of story mix, we were certain, was the stuff that would pull the circulation of our magazine upward before we could finish counting fingers on our hand.


  • 其他领域交流合作日益活跃双方国际地区事务进行了良好协调配合

    Both sides have witnessed more dynamic exchanges and cooperation in other areas and conducted sound coordination and collaboration in international and regional affairs.


  • 国际地区事务中双方保持着良好协调配合

    Both sides have also maintained sound coordination and cooperation in international and regional affairs.


  • 但是不能认为升高溶液温度都是不利的,如果其它工艺条件配合恰当,升高溶液温度也会取得良好效果

    But can't think solution temperature rise is bad, if with other process conditions, with appropriate solution temperature rise will get a good effect.


  • 良好合作精神积极性能够配合总部积极开拓市场形成良性循环。

    Good cooperation spirit and positivity, can match with the headquarters to expand the market actively to form a virtuous circles.


  • 确保机器操作现场项目经理以及安装人员的良好配合。确保客户付款及时以及全部款项最终到位。

    Ensure good co-operation between the machine operation team and the on-site project managers and installers. Ensure payment is received promptly and in full.


  • 人文关怀建立良好关系重要枢纽使各项护理活动能够患者积极参加配合顺利进行。

    The humanistic concern is an important hub to establish a good nurse-patient relationship, which allows the patient care activities can be in the active participation and cooperation.


  • 结论术中护理密切配合良好腹腔镜器械保养手术的成功起着重要的作用。

    Conclusion: the close nursing cooperation during the operation and the good care to laparoscopic instruments are the key to the operation.


  • 按摩之前营造良好氛围无疑非常重要的,而且要确保婴儿情绪平静,态度也是配合的。

    It is important that before the massage begins the right atmosphere is created and the mood or attitude of the child is assessed as calm and responsive.


  • 结论充分良好术前准备、术中配合术后监护康复指导手术治疗成功重要保障。

    Conclusions the key points for the success of the operation are good pre-operative care, cooperation during operation, post-operative monitor and rehabilitation guide.


  • 本文主要从受电接触网配合方面探讨铁路提速为了保证良好弓网关系注意的几点事项。

    This article discusses some precautions for guarantee the fine interaction between pantograph and OCS after the raise of railway speed in aspects of cooperation between the pantograph and OCS.


  • 本文主要从受电接触网配合方面探讨铁路提速为了保证良好弓网关系注意的几点事项。

    This article discusses some precautions for guarantee the fine interaction between pantograph and OCS after the raise of railway speed in aspects of cooperation between the pantograph and OCS.


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