• 班勒斯托水下电影,他们创新者所以层意义上来说的。

    Well, Painlevé and Cousteau did both film underwater, and they were both innovators, so you are right in that sense.


  • 组织认为许多国家缺乏基本安全规则,而这些规则减少事故的发生。

    Many countries lack basic safety rules that could, the WHO argues, reduce the number of accidents.


  • 两起病例设在塞内加尔达卡尔巴斯德研究所的世组织合作中心确认,该中心负责另类出血热进行鉴别诊断

    The cases were confirmed at the WHO Collaborating Centre for Yellow Fever, the Pasteur Institute, Dakar, Senegal where differential diagnosis for other haemorrhagic fevers was carried out.


  • 许多顶级流感学家以及公共健康专家声称周前我们已经达到标准组织无谓地延迟了一决定

    Many leading influenza scientists and public health experts say that those scientific criteria had been satisfied for several weeks and that WHO postponed its decision unnecessarily.


  • 吉萨金字塔以及狮身人面像2009年的地球一小时活动中熄灯变,其他世界性的地标建筑物雅典艾菲尔铁塔旧金山金门大桥加入了熄灯行列。

    The Great Pyramids of Giza, sphinx included, joined world landmarks such as the Athens Acropolis, the Eiffel Tower, and San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge in going dark for Earth Hour 2009.


  • 马克·波特医生接受采访时指出:对于某些疾病例如癌症来说,治疗的拖延可能会导致病人疾病达到外科手术药物无法有效治疗的程度。

    Delays in identifying conditions such as cancer may mean that a patient's illness reaches the stage where surgery or drugs cannot save them, Dr Mark Porter told the Guardian.


  • 世界生组织驻华代表贝汉说:“虽然部分医疗费用能够报销,但贫困的农民最初的治疗费出。”

    Henk Bekedam of the WHO says the poor would not even be able to find the cash to pay for treatment at first, even though some of it would be reimbursed.


  • 1998年,世组织注意到:“在开展了彻底研究所有地方显示Hib儿童期脑膜炎重要病因以及儿童细菌性肺炎主要病因。”

    In 1998, WHO noted that: "Wherever thorough studies have been performed, Hib has been shown to be an important cause of childhood meningitis and a major cause of bacterial pneumonia in children."


  • Bertin公司皮革事业部主管莱昂纳多·史威斯基(Leonardo Swirski)昨晚告诉报》:“我们同意(阻止森林破坏)可能的。”

    "We all agree [preventing deforestation] is possible," Leonardo Swirski, head of Bertin's leather division, told the Guardian last night.


  • 鲍勃终于忍无可忍了对着名四分叫喊笨得二是多少算不出来。

    2:Finally Bob made a dirty crack about the quarterback -- he called him so dumb he couldn't add up two and two.


  • Bussey博士记者:“这个试验阶段老鼠对方块位置二次记忆十分相似。”

    "At this stage of the experiment, the two memories the mice are forming of the squares are very similar," Dr Bussey told the Guardian.


  • 虽然组织的各国代表敦促Chan在升级六级时要循序渐进但是Ryan坚持没有发生旷日持久游说活动

    Although country representatives at WHA had urged Chan to move slowly before declaring phase 6, Ryan insists that no prolonged lobbying campaign occurred.


  • Officequarterback(“办公室四分”或“四分经理”)指在办公室中常常自己份内的工作一些毫无意义的工作分派下属去的经理,这样的人一般恶名远扬。

    Office quarterback refers to a manager that is infamously known for handing off their work and other useless assignments to you that they could and should be doing themselves


  • 欧罗巴(Europa),恩西拉达斯(Enceladus,土二)特里同(Triton,海一)表面看起来凄凉冰冷,但实际上它们太阳系活跃的地点。

    The seemingly bleak icy surfaces of Europa, Enceladus and Triton are in fact among the most active landscapes in the solar system.


  • 据英国《报》1月6日报道,欧帕拉诉讼中提到,现在的身体精神状况非常良好,但却在晋升审判长更高薪水职务中受到公平待遇。

    In his lawsuit Mr Opala insists he "enjoys good health and sound mental acuity" and was unfairly denied the "ceremonial duties" and higher salary that come with the top post.


  • 欧罗巴(Europa,木二),恩西拉·达斯(Enceladus,土二)特里同(Triton,海一)表面看起来凄凉冰冷,但实际上它们太阳系活跃的地点。

    The seemingly bleak icy surfaces of Europa, Enceladus and Triton are in fact among the most active landscapes in the solar system.


  • 出演《模仿游戏》中的很多来讲,像是我们希望参与其中的任务,因为感觉像是讲述一个意义重大故事,”奈特莉在接受》的采访时表示。

    "For so many of us in The Imitation Game, it felt like a project we all wanted to be involved with because it felt like an important story to tell," she told The Guardian.


  • 整个球队热情地欢迎这位四分

    The new quarterback was enthusiastically welcomed by the team.


  • 文章中称,传统始于这样故事,当时一位赛跑选手的腰布了之后,似乎其他人得快。

    According to the Guardian, the story is that the naked-sport tradition began when a runner's loincloth fell off, and he appeared to go faster than the others.


  • 孩子好石头了。有人塞给块小石子

    The children had stones already. And someone gave little Davy Hutchinson few pebbles.


  • 不少影迷冲着制片人王家名号,去电影院观看爱情喜剧电影《摆渡人》。

    Many moviegoers were drawn to the cinema to watch romantic comedy See You Tomorrow just for the name of its producer, Wong Kar-wai.


  • 国家计委统计数据显示,半数以上妇女年龄超过了40面临着更高怀孕风险

    But half of them are over 40 years old, which means they face higher pregnancy risks, according to the National Health and Family Planning Commission.


  • 办公室四分”或“四分经理在办公室中常常将自己份内的工作一些毫无意义的工作分派下属去的经理,这样一般恶名远扬。

    Office quarterback refers to a manager that is infamously known for handing off thEir work and other useless assignments to you that they could and should be doing themselves.


  • 文章中称,传统始于故事,当时一位赛跑者腰布了之后,似乎其他人得快。

    According gto the Guardian, the story is that the naked-sport tradition began when a runner's loincloth fell off, and he appeared to go faster than the others.


  • 西尼计划所有证据表明寒冷并且缺乏生命必需液态水

    All evidence from Cassini indicates Rhea is too cold and devoid of the liquid water necessary for life as we know it.


  • 如果湖人核心能够球场成功作出贡献的话,他们最大程度决定湖人赛季走向

    If the point guard core can successfully contribute on both ends of the court, they will go a long way toward determining how far the Lakers go this season.


  • 接待处非常抽象主义,所有员工穿得休闲时髦合身看着运动东西:。

    The reception is minimalist, all staff were dressed casually smart in fitted sweaters and something that looked like track pants:.


  • 接待处非常抽象主义,所有员工穿得休闲时髦合身看着运动东西:。

    The reception is minimalist, all staff were dressed casually smart in fitted sweaters and something that looked like track pants:.


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