• 不过战前边界一些地区进行了部分重建

    But there has been some reconstruction in in areas within the pre-war borders.


  • 说:“我们自豪成为纽约关键组成部分重建计划一份子。”

    "We are proud to be part of the redevelopment and renewal of this very critical part of new York," he said.


  • 给出数学形态方法获取二值图象骨架利用骨架完全部分重建图象算法实例

    This paper presents algorithms and applications of acquiring skeleton of binary image and completely or partially reconstructing binary image from its skeleton using mathematical morphology method.


  • 虽然这些建筑翻新成本仅为大教堂重建成本的一小部分但规划者有可能将其拆除进行重建

    While these buildings could be renovated at a fraction of the cost of rebuilding the Cathedral, planners are more likely to knock them down and rebuild.


  • 现在问题我们是否要整个建筑瓦解之前部分修复重建场地

    Now the question is, do we partially restore and rebuild the site before the entire thing disintegrates?


  • 重建只是计划部分,该计划包括一个大型展览具有广泛教育意义推广方案

    Reconstruction was only part of a scheme that would include a major exhibition and an extensive educational and outreach programme.


  • 部分组织正在敦促其他国家捐献用于重建木材

    Some organizations are urging other countries to donate wood for reconstruction.


  • 参议院武装部队委员会名成员星期四召开记者会表示,伊拉克应当开始支付伊拉克战争重建部分费用。

    Three members of the Senate Armed Services Committee told a news conference Thursday that Iraq should begin paying some of the costs of the war and reconstruction of the country.


  • 在将图片其他古代现代猿人的图片进行对比之后,诹访重建一个虚拟头骨利用部分脸部镜像图,绘制出遗失半边头骨的复原图(褐色部分)。

    Checking his work against other ancient and modern primates, Suwa rebuilt a virtual skull and made a mirror image of part of the face to create its missing left side (brown section).


  • 这些体育馆真的就是故事部分重建城市的一部分

    These big sports stadiums are part of that story really, they are part of rebuilding the city.


  • 这个四公里长的直线型公园沿Klipspruit而建,是2010河流重建绿化工程项目部分

    The 4-kilometer linear park along the Klipspruit river is part of a 2010 legacy project to rehabilitate and green the river.


  • 合同属于转换计划的一部分计划目的是将4个单座l- 159重建成双座训练机版本

    The contract is part of a conversion program aimed at rebuilding four single-seat L-159s into two-seat trainer versions.


  • 英国Andy Bearpark经过监督波斯尼亚努力声称重建融合的社会这一梦想只不过取得部分成功

    And the dream of remaking mixed communities was only a partial success, says Andy Bearpark, a Briton who oversaw the Bosnian effort.


  • NASA支持这项工作12之前作为重建登天文馆部分于是我们也将世界分享共同分享的成果。

    NASA supported this work 12 years ago as part of the rebuilding of the Hayden Planetarium so that we would share this with the world.


  • 工程师们原始CAD模型叠印实际建筑,以此定夺模型哪个部分需要改进或者建筑的哪个部位需要被重建

    Engineers superimpose the original CAD models over actual buildings to determine which bits of the model need to be updated, or which parts of the building need to be rebuilt.


  • 蒙罗维亚街灯几个月刚刚修复的,是国际社会帮助利比里亚重建努力部分

    Lights were restored to Monrovia's street corners just months ago as part of an international effort to help Liberia rebuild.


  • 我们今天看到部分建于明代因为古老部分实际上已经不存在了。 现在的部分是在原址上重建的,取代原来夯土材料

    The part we see these days was built during the Ming Dynasty, as the oldest parts have essentially disappeared and been rebuilt, replacing the original material of rammed earth.


  • 他们便宜运行直到他们聚集成为部分重建其他网站的内容不是生产他们自己的

    They are also cheap to run, since they are aggregators for the most part, republishing other websites’ content rather than producing their own.


  • 一位建筑工人曾经告诉房子时候检查一下房子地基非常重要的。因为你可以解决部分问题但是如果地基稳的话,最终你就只能推倒重建了。

    A builder once told me that when you buy a house, it's important to check the foundations: you can fix most problems, but if the foundation is unstable, you may end up having to start from scratch.


  • 1843年大火之后,作为重建英国国会大厦部分建筑师查理斯巴雷斯塔斯•帕金共同设计了这座96(合315英尺钟楼,而大本钟就钟楼之上

    The 96-metre (315-foot) high tower which houses the clock was built as part of the rebuilding of the Houses of Parliament by architects Charles Barry and Augustus Pugin following a major fire in 1843.


  • 指出用于资助欧洲战后重建马歇尔计划之所以成功,部分原因在于当地产业提供贷款

    They point out that the Marshall Plan, used to fund post-war reconstruction in Europe, operated in part by providing resources that were lent to local businesses.


  • 哈马斯不能取得一致外交官们都唯恐以色列允许一小部分物资进入加沙,而这将阻碍重建工作民众带来更多困难

    Without an accord with Hamas, diplomats said they feared Israel would let only a trickle of goods into Gaza, hampering reconstruction and creating more hardship for its people.


  • 这座翻修大楼,将不仅建筑意义上的重建,而且是对拉德芳斯区无精打采金融中心的一次整容,同时也是建设一个宏伟巴黎宏伟计划部分

    A reconstruction of a smaller tower, it is a renovation in more than one sense.The soulless financial centre of la defense is getting a facelift, as part of a grand plan for Greater Paris.


  • 这座翻修大楼,将不仅建筑意义上的重建,而且是对拉德芳斯区无精打采金融中心的一次整容,同时也是建设一个宏伟巴黎宏伟计划部分

    A reconstruction of a smaller tower, it is a renovation in more than one sense. The soulless financial centre of la defense is getting a facelift, as part of a grand plan for Greater Paris.


  • 作为当地人口参与重建工作部分妇女自助小组参与了以及现代水泥混凝土空心砖制作

    And as part of the effort to involve the local people in rebuilding, women's self help groups are producing bricks, roofing tiles, and cement concrete hollow blocks to modern specifications.


  • 阿斯卡波察尔科行政区石油精炼厂1991年关闭了,炼油厂曾被估测排除污染物占墨西哥空气总污染物的7%,关闭之后,的大部分场地被开垦公园

    The oil refinery in the borough of Azcapotzalco, which was said to belch out up to 7% of Mexico City’s air pollution, was shut in 1991. Some of its land was converted into a park.


  • 阿斯卡波察尔科行政区石油精炼厂1991年关闭了,炼油厂曾被估测排除污染物占墨西哥空气总污染物的7%,关闭之后,的大部分场地被开垦公园

    The oil refinery in the borough of Azcapotzalco, which was said to belch out up to 7% of Mexico City’s air pollution, was shut in 1991. Some of its land was converted into a park.


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