• 间层中的传热部分转化热辐射传热。

    Most of the heat transfer in the air Spaces are converted into the heat transfer of heat radiation.


  • 工具可能应用程序代码部分转化自动化,将节省大量时间

    Tools may be able to automate the conversion of some part of your application code, which could translate into significant time savings.


  • 如果现有应用程序一些部分转化Web服务那么需要做的就是点击下。

    If you want to convert parts of existing applications into Web services, all it takes is a few clicks.


  • 结果表明,在通常反应条件下,胶质部分转化液体,沥青部分转化为焦炭。

    The results show that under general conditions of reaction, most of resin is converted into liquid, but most of asphaltene is converted into coke.


  • 研究结果同时表明撞击区内材料部分转化为了碎片碎片由远离正撞击区的材料产生。

    Most material in the normal impact region is converted into small fragments after the impact while the large fragments are from material far from the normal impact region.


  • 大型地下场所中储存空气就像一个压缩弹簧需要能够部分转化进来的能量输送出去。

    The air, pumped into large underground formations, is like a spring that's been squeezed and when it's needed, it can deliver a large percentage of the energy that it received.


  • 这项研究表明一旦触摸成为过程部分可以转化拥有

    The study also indicated that once touch becomes part of the process, it could translate into a sense of possession.


  • 研究人员仔细观察染色体中的DNA 时,他们惊讶地发现,其中只有一小部分大约是20%到30%,转化有意义遗传信息

    When researchers look really carefully at the DNA in Chromosomes though, they were amazed to find that only a fraction of it, maybe 20-30%, converts into meaningful genetic information.


  • 本文第2部分展示如何这种分析转化实际xslt样式表,用以准备SOAP请求

    In Part 2 of this article, I'll show you how to turn this analysis into an actual XSLT stylesheet for preparing SOAP requests.


  • 咖啡即使过,剩余咖啡残渣重量大约15%部分仍然这些棕榈油黄豆油一样,可以转化生物柴油

    Even after being subjected to the rigors of brewing, roughly 15 percent of the weight of dried coffee grounds is oil, which, much like palm and soybean oil, can be converted into biodiesel.


  • 穷人挨饿部分是因为美国公司农民手中收购粮食,然后农作物转化燃料

    Poor people go hungry, in part, because Americans pay their farmers to divert crops from food to fuel.


  • 1998年,一个年轻电影演员之所以闻名是因为汤姆·克鲁斯妻子一点帮助她迈出了在百老汇舞台上一步,并且立刻转化为她眼花缭乱的生活的一部分

    In 1998 a movie actress who was most famous for being the wife of Tom Cruise took her first step onto a Broadway stage and was instantly transformed into her own dazzling woman.


  • 生成执行系统可以转化产品化阶段子集(部分部署)。

    The generated executables can be passed through a subset of the Transition phase (a partial deployment).


  • 六个元素通常转化最大影响应该首要测试部分

    The first six elements are the ones which generally have the most impact on conversion rates, and the ones you should test first.


  • 作为交易部分BackType停止BackT we ets(帮助内容发布商了解推讯如何转化网站流量销售额)的用户注册。

    As part of the deal, BackType has already stopped taking on new users for its BackTweets product, which helps publishers track how their Tweets covert to web traffic and sales.


  • 迎合全球绿色环保趋势日本希望观众产生能量加以利用;观众们的欢呼跺脚鼓掌转化电能,为通讯系统提供部分能量支持。

    In accordance with the global green trend, Japan also hopes to make use of the energy made by spectators; cheering, stamping and clapping will all be used to partly power the communications system


  • 过去20年中,世界三分之一的红绿林湿地因为人类的开发消失,其中相当大的一部分转化为了盈利非常好的虾场

    Over the past two decades around a third of the world’s mangrove swamps have been converted for human use, with many turned into valuable shrimp farms.


  • 例如OrderProcessSystem调用DataFormatConversion活动进行数据格式转化(有关OrderProcessSystem中的活动详细信息,参阅系列第4部分)。

    For example, OrderProcessSystem invokes the data format conversion activity for data format conversion (for details about the activities in OrderProcessSystem, please refer to Part 4 of this series).


  • 然后可以时间变得更好部分上,忘记其他公司转化多少了。

    Then you can spend your time on the "getting better" part and forget about what other companies' conversion rates are.


  • 国际原子能机构要求伊朗库存部分送往俄罗斯法国,以便这些铀的纯度提升至20%,并转化燃料

    The IAEA wants Iran to send most of its uranium stockpile to Russia and France to boost it to 20 percent and turn it into fuel rods.


  • 部分服务存在是为了提供消费信息同时他们我们复杂结构转化接近我们业务抽象表达。

    Most services exist to produce and consume information, and they provide us with the ability to leverage complex structures within abstractions that are more relevant to our business.


  • 部分高端用户跟踪记录关键词的平均转化流行网页,反向链接(流)数量等等

    More advanced users will want to track things like conversion rate per keyword, most popular pages, backlink volume and quantity, etc.


  • 残余部分放入坟之中大约年内转化覆盖物

    The residue can be put into a shallow grave and turns to mulch in about a year.


  • 我们部分想到太阳能的时候,我们就会想象点缀邻居家更环保屋顶上,它们正在把阳光直接转化

    When most of us think about solar power, we picture the silicon panels that dot our greener neighbors' roofs, converting the sun's rays directly into electricity.


  • 它们旋转机械能转化磁能不是801的部分1所以不会怎么

    So they convert mechanical energy of rotation to magnetic energy, 1 which is not part of 801 so I will not go into how they do that.


  • 人造叶子主要层很半导体,能够将太阳光转化为硅板内的无线电流,硅也是部分太阳能电池的主要材料

    The artificial leaf is a thin sheet of semiconducting silicon - the material most solar cells are made of - which turns the energy of sunlight into a flow of wireless electricity within the sheet.


  • 为了这些文档转化更加易于重用面向主题的体系结构IBM很多小组必须部分信息迁移DITA

    To move this documentation to a more reusable, topic-oriented architecture, many groups within IBM had to migrate much of the information to DITA.


  • 这个包含两部分系列将提供一些指导,将凌乱页面转化结构良好的、有条理的、可维护代码

    This two-part series provides a road map for turning messy and unruly pages into well-structured, organized, maintainable code.


  • 这个包含两部分系列将提供一些指导,将凌乱页面转化结构良好的、有条理的、可维护代码

    This two-part series provides a road map for turning messy and unruly pages into well-structured, organized, maintainable code.


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