• 美国部分航空公司座位坐不下乘客购买张票

    Some airlines in the United States have already begun forcing passengers who cannot fit in a single seat to buy two tickets.


  • 部分航空公司承认他们需要GDS做分销因此这场拉锯战继续

    Most airlines admit they need GDS distribution, so the push-pull will continue.


  • 美国部分航空公司已经开始强迫那些胖得座位坐不下乘客购买张票

    Some airlines in the United States have already begun forcing passengers who cannot fit in a single seat to buy two tickets.


  • 部分航空公司人们多付50美元换取那里的座位并且订票时候收费。

    Most airlines make people pay upwards of 50 extra bucks to sit in those seats and charge them when they book the ticket.


  • 一个囊括部分航空公司商业团体,老板GiovanniBisignani这个早些时候警告称,IATA成员明年可能将推迟接收多达30%的飞机

    Giovanni Bisignani, the boss of IATA, the trade body that speaks for most airlines, gave warning earlier this month that his members might defer as many as 30% of aircraft deliveries next year.


  • 截至2008年底合并德尔塔诺西南航空公司的飞机中一小部分可以追溯到上世纪60年代

    As of the end of 2008, a small percentage of the merged DeltaNorthwest's planes dated back to the late 1960s.


  • 但是现在富有乘客可以安享宁静的旅途了。马来西亚航空公司部分航班婴儿乘坐头等舱发出了禁令。

    But now wealthy passengers on some Malaysia Airlines flights will have the chance to fly in serene calm after bosses banned babies from first-class cabins.


  • 美国航空公司发言人飞机降落装置某些部分损毁右侧一个发动机撞击机翼脱落。

    A spokesman for American Airlines says part of the plane's landing gear collapsed, and one engine on the right side fell off the wing from the impact.


  • 经过1999年11月公司私有化瑞士控股瑞航集团收购了波兰航空公司部分股份

    Through the Company's privatization in November 1999, the Swiss holding SAirGroup acquired part of LOT Polish Airlines shares.


  • 唯一一家塞拉利昂飞行的航空公司而且部分业务人们送出该国。

    It was the only airline prepared to land in Sierra Leone and was doing most of its business taking people out.


  • 作为协商部分,经常航空公司乘机的乘客可以累积里程数其他两个公司中的任何一个公司订购机票

    As part of this arrangement, passengers who have accumulated miles on one airline can use them to book a flight on one of the others.


  • 碳素飞行很多航空公司意识碳素偏置法,部分开支到乘客头上。

    Carbon offset flights : Many airlines are waking up to carbon offsetting and passing some of the expense on to their passengers.


  • 然而人口稀少西部部分地区,飞往草原平原沙漠中边远小城镇长途航线,通勤航空公司取代航空公司

    In much of the underpopulated west, however, they replace the major airlines on quite long routes to the small urban outposts on prairies, plains and deserts.


  • 美国部分富裕国家网络航空公司注定会赔本买卖,甚至赔的一塌糊涂,AMR集团毫不例外。

    Network airlines are, in America and much of the rich world, licences to lose money or make miserly returns-and AMR is certainly no exception.


  • 欧洲委员会部分取消印度尼西亚航空公司进入欧盟领空限制

    The European Commission has partially lifted a ban on Indonesian airlines entering European air space.


  • 为此航空公司做了一番调查,结果显示有很多此举表示强烈反对,还有一部分对此举表示欢迎希望能够在飞机上发短信上网或者打电话

    Surveys have found that many people are vehemently against the idea, but others say they would welcome the opportunity to text, access the internet or make calls.


  • 瑞安航空就此举获得航空管制部分批准,他们说总部在上海的廉价航空公司春秋航空也有类似的想法

    Ryanair has not yet sought approval from aviation authorities. It credited Shanghai-based LCC Spring Airlines for the idea.


  • 收购BMI后,英国航空公司希斯罗起降班次位置超过50%,不过为了监管部门满意,他们或许需要这些位置中的部分廉价出售

    A merged airline would give BA more than 50% of the slots at the airport, though it would probably need to sell off a number of these to satisfy regulators.


  • 2000年,Sabre作为一家单独公司脱离出来,部分是因为管理人员认为这样有利于其它航空公司赢得技术业务

    In 2000, Sabre was spun off as an independent company, in part because executives believed it would be easier to win tech business from other airlines.


  • Kingfisher航空公司饮料公司UB财团所有,正在部分收购航空

    Kingfisher Airlines, which is owned by the UB group, a big drinks company, is buying part of Air Deccan.


  • 这个国家12000个民有飞行员他们部分受雇于国有航空公司

    There are 12, 000 civilian pilots in the country, most of them employed by state-owned airlines.


  • Vertex航空公司2003年10L - 3通信公司兼并,目前是L - 3通信公司集成系统集团部分

    L-3 Communications acquired Vertex Aerospace in December 2003. The company is now part of L-3's Integrated Systems Group.


  • 耗费航油定期进行器械检查以及电影放映许可费用属于航空公司巨额成本的一部分

    Fuel burned, regular engineering checks, and licensing fees to movie studios all add up to a considerable amount of money for airlines.


  • 迷失2004年播出首,分上下部分,剧中大洋航空公司(oceanic) 815航班悉尼飞往洛杉矶的路上坠毁

    'Lost' premiered in 2004 with a two-part pilot episode that featured the graphic wreckage of Oceanic flight 815 after it crashed en route from Sydney to Los Angeles.


  • 航空公司运输行李需要成本所以很多公司采用旅客提供更多选择同时覆盖部分成本商业模式

    Airline carries baggage to need cost, so a lot of companies were used can offer the more choice, trade pattern that also can cover this part cost at the same time to the passenger.


  • 一些连锁酒店其他大的公司部分这些公司拥有经营大型航空公司

    Some hotel chains are part of other, larger corporations that also own and operate large airlines.


  • 今年五月份,今年五月份,一个亚美尼亚航空公司A- 320客机埃里温飞往俄罗斯旅游胜地索契的途中坠毁,造成113死亡其中包括部分俄罗斯人。

    In May 113 people, including Russians, died when an Airbus A-320 belonging to Armenian airline Armavia crashed on its way from Yerevan to the Russian resort of Sochi.


  • 伊朗最近签署协议之后针对伊朗的绝大部分经济制裁已经取消,伊朗航空公司准备扩大机队

    With most economic sanctions against Iran lifted after it signed the recent nuclear deal, Iran Air is ready to expand its fleet.


  • 伊朗最近签署协议之后针对伊朗的绝大部分经济制裁已经取消,伊朗航空公司准备扩大机队

    With most economic sanctions against Iran lifted after it signed the recent nuclear deal, Iran Air is ready to expand its fleet.


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