• 牛虻很大苍蝇不断地唤醒那些动作迟缓的

    A gadfly is a large fly that continually bites and arouses a horse that is sluggish.


  • 那些动作一眼看上去很简单这些才是门艺术奥秘所在

    The movements may look simple at first sight but that is the real secret of the art. We learn how to swing, the proper footwork, right posture, the block, etc.


  • 为了避免切口造成任何伤害并且减轻那些动作带来痛楚

    This is to prevent any damage to the 21 incisions, and to lessen the pain of any of those activities.


  • 即使身体现在还无法做出那些动作但是脑中已经储存将来用得着的一些信息

    Even if you aren't physically capable of making the moves just yet, your brain is always storing information for future use.


  • 很明显一切规则适合琶音弹奏,但那些动作要比弹音阶的动作稍微放大了的。

    Obviously the same rules apply to arpeggio playing where the motions are slightly magnified.


  • 迟缓型:市场竞争中,那些动作迟缓,办事效率低下毫无疑问地被竞争大潮所沉没。

    Logy model: in market competition those starts are slow handle affairs the person with low efficiency will be flooded without doubt by place of competitive spring tide.


  • 加利福尼亚南部一直柔和阳光温和气候对于拍摄那些动作场面来说是一个理想地方

    The constant sunshine and mild climate of southern California made it an ideal site for shooting motion pictures.


  • 这样一来,可以避免小孩用双手玩弄试图小狗,因为那些动作狗儿来说可是不小压力

    This will help prevent a child from trying to pick up or carry the pet and is less stressful on the puppy.


  • 首歌那些动作声音想起一个著名歌手…-凯利·克拉克森? -希拉里·达夫

    That song... those moves... your voice... it all reminds me of some famous singer... -kelly Clarkson? -hilary Duff?


  • 他们发现光是EEG信号他们就可以100%的准确率推断出这位病人指示想象那些动作

    They found that, from the EEG signals alone, they could deduce which movement this patient had been instructed to imagine with 100% accuracy.


  • 先确定一些电影用到扳机”——重复的话和重复动作每次电影中说那些或者做了那些动作亲吻搭档

    Decide beforehand what "triggers" in the movie you will use - sayings that are repeated, actions that are repeated, etc. Everytime those things are said or done, you get to kiss your partner.


  • 相信只要付出足够多体力劳动,我就可以所有发行版本完成那些事情不过,我寻找的执行那些动作重要菜单(menu item)指令

    I am sure that with sufficient manual effort I could do those things in all the distributions, but I looked for a prominent menu item or instruction about performing those actions.


  • 这个动作使那些睡眠呼吸中止症患者——巨大鼾声危及健康——能够不再打鼾

    The motion should push sufferers of sleep apnoea—the loud form of snoring that can be dangerous to health—into a position where they no longer snore.


  • 动作拍摄-拍摄那些对于人眼而言移动太快难以跟随或者清楚的物体。

    Motion Shots - Shoot subjects that move to fast for the human eye to follow and see clearly.


  • 由于那些被触发动作通常一条多条insertUPDATEdelete语句,因此,数据很大的insert中,触发器开销很大。

    Since those triggered actions are typically one or more insert, UPDATE, or DELETE statements, the overhead of triggers can be substantial in a mass insert operation.


  • 不可避免地通过自己盲目机械动作逐渐地把那些理论变成一个野蛮现实

    Inevitably, through its own mindless, automatic motion, it gradually transforms those principles into a monstrous reality.


  • 即使只有5分钟段时间促使注意力集中于你的目标上,简化那些你受外部力量动作出的任何选择。

    Even if it is for 5 minutes, that time will allow you to refocus your thoughts on your goals and minimalize the outside force pushing you in whatever direction it chooses.


  • 完美摄制,完美的动作,完美的配乐:如果偷师或者想获取灵感,只有依靠那些伟大的作品。

    The cinematography, the slow motion, the composition: if you're going to steal or you're going to be inspired, it should be from something great.


  • 固化防火墙命令集合防止执行那些可能系统风险之中预定动作

    A firmware firewall, a collection of commands that prevent the execution of predefined activities that could place the system at risk.


  • 这个动作帮助了那些睡眠窒息患者——巨大鼾声不仅危及人际关系,更加危及健康——使他们能够不再打鼾

    The motion should push sufferers of sleep apnoea - the loud form of snoring that can be dangerous not only to relationships but to health - into a position where they no longer snore.


  • 年纪那些手臂腿部身体其它部分动作所需骨骼肌肉发生一系列变化

    As you age, a number of changes occur in your skeletal muscles, which are the ones that move your arms, your legs and the rest of your body. You lose muscle mass — you simply have less of the stuff.


  • 年纪那些手臂腿部身体其它部分动作所需骨骼肌肉发生一系列变化

    As you age, a number of changes occur in your skeletal muscles, which are the ones that move your arms, your legs and the rest of your body. You lose muscle mass — you simply have less of the stuff.


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