• 股市回报让人失望因此基金经理收费看起来那么合理

    Equity returns have been disappointing, and the fees earned by fund managers look harder to justify as a result.


  • 所以如果真心下周工作创造力满满发挥最佳水平,那么合理利用周末的时间便很有必要

    So if you want to be really productive next week, and to do the best, most creative work you can, how you spend your weekend makes a big difference.


  • 如果进行长线投资存在股权偏好合理那么长期看,股票是上涨的。

    If you're investing with a long time horizon, having an equity bias makes sense, stocks go up in the long run.


  • 如果期望合理要求得到批准,并且表现出这一态度,那么你的要求就很有可能批准。

    If you act like someone who expects a fair request to be granted, chances are it will be granted.


  • 如果这个产业总体拥有合理数量股本那么这些就是需要被注意异常群体。

    If the industry as a whole is holding a reasonable amount of equity, then these outliers are the ones to watch.


  • 但是如果前提(“所有男人很高佛瑞得是个男人”)成立那么即使论证合情合理富有逻辑结论依然是谬误

    Yet, if the premises (' all men are tall, Fred is a man ') are not true then although the argument is rational and logical, it remains false.


  • 团队带来好处如果系统设计合理那么就可以利用大量现有功能

    The advantage to your team is that if the legacy systems are reasonably well designed, then you can take advantage of significant amounts of existing functionality.


  • 如果坚持星期冰箱里防止两升瓶装可口可乐雪碧那么你将无法合理告诉孩子每周只能喝一小杯苏打汽水。

    You cannot reasonably tell a child he is allowed only one soda a week if you keep two-liter bottles of Coke and Sprite in the refrigerator.


  • 吃饭不再匆忙那么将会美丽而且合理表现因此可以调节下态度补充一下。

    "When the meals are not hurried, the presentation is beautiful and the portions are reasonable so you can regulate your attitude," Anding says.


  • 如果需要安全程序那么使用FLOSS程序就相当合理-您需要某种方式评估确定对于目的是否足够安全。

    It's perfectly reasonable to use a FLOSS program if you need a secure program — but you need to evaluate it in some way to determine if it's secure enough for your purposes.


  • 既然最后一问答案通常肯定的,那么对事物进行合理概括的问题不容忽视。

    Since the answer to the last question is usually yes, the problem of reasonable aggregation is no idle matter.


  • 如果这些责任合理并且恰当那么他们一个机会证明提升自己

    If those responsibilities are realistic and appropriate, then give them a chance to prove and improve themselves.


  • 如果确实一个专家而且你创造人们知悉真正价值那么合理费用售出这些商品就是容易的工作了,那样的话享受开心吧!

    If you're truly an expert, and you've created genuine value that people are aware of, delivering the goods for a reasonable fee will be the easiest task, so have fun!


  • 如果真的用例扩展那么过程将产生合理可靠的新最佳实践

    If the new use case truly is a superset or extension of the old use case, this process results in a sound and reliable new best practice.


  • 不要早起是否合理如果脑袋里想着不早起理由,那么你永远不会早起。

    Do not rationalize. If you allow your brain to talk you out of getting up early, you'll never do it.


  • 如果应用服务器部分功能通过ejbservlet提供并发性那么这样做是合理的。

    This is reasonable, given that part of the application server's function is to provide concurrency through pools of EJBs and servlets.


  • 意味着如果提供一个需要安装应用程序那么必须能够合理安装现有基础设施中。

    This means that if you provide an application to be installed, it must install reasonably into an existing infrastructure.


  • 如果真是饥饿的话,那么选择合理食物譬如水果不是一块巧克力,就可以奏效

    If it's actually hunger, eating something reasonable such as a piece of fruit rather than a chocolate bar might do the trick.


  • 危机降临一个大型机构时,如果危机未能处理得当那么认为是机构本身问题是完全合理

    WHEN a crisis hits a vast institution it can seem reasonable to say that the task of handling the crisis falls mainly to the institution itself.


  • 如果重用需求不是十分迫切那么这种方式编写模式完全合理的。

    If the need for reuse is not great, it's completely logical to write schemas this way.


  • 一旦确信自己已经获得功能金融上比较合理流程模型那么IT专业人员就能够计算平台上实现

    Once you are confident you have achieved a business process model that is functionally and financially sound, the it professionals can implement it on a computing platform.


  • 既然公司承担应用制作推广这些棘手工作那么公司从中抽取一些利润也是合情合理的。

    Since the company is doing all the hard work of app building and promotion, it makes sense that they plan on taking a cut.


  • 他们声称:“如果工厂看成秘密设施一部分那么大小容量就能得到合理的解释。”

    The facility’s size and capacity would make the most sense if it were part of a network of clandestine nuclear facilities,” they argue.


  • 以上的例子中如果利率可以保持合理水平那么债务可以很容易偿付

    In both cases, if interest rates could be kept at reasonable levels, the debt burden could be easily met.


  • 如果银行管理者不能预先拿出合理解决方案,那么它们必须简化自身运营有可能出售部分业务。

    If bank managers couldn't write a will that made sense, they would have to simplify their operations, and possibly sell some of them off.


  • 相关公司表示:如果油井设计合理操作正规,那么永远都用不到这套系统而且他们希望永远不要启动耗资亿美元的托架。

    The companies also say the system should never be needed if wells are properly designed and operated, and that they hope their billion-dollar backstop will never have to be used.


  • 如果持续否认,不采取合理行动例如咨询医生那么否认就是不利反应

    If denial persists and prevents you from taking appropriate action, such as consulting your doctor, it's a harmful response.


  • 假设所有团队成员合理更新工作那么随着工作的完成,图中趋势线接近(剩余工作量)。

    Assuming that all of your team members update their work items appropriately, the line trends closer to zero (work remaining) as work is completed.


  • 篇文章甚至也被认为合理了,那么美国宇航局希望外星生命这样一种误导公众新闻稿获得什么呢?

    Even if the article turned out to be sound, what did NASA expect from using the term "extraterrestrial life" in such a misleading way in a press release?


  • 篇文章甚至也被认为合理了,那么美国宇航局希望外星生命这样一种误导公众新闻稿获得什么呢?

    Even if the article turned out to be sound, what did NASA expect from using the term "extraterrestrial life" in such a misleading way in a press release?


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